When will American Jews wake up?


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
The Red-Green Alliance of radical leftists and Islamic jihadists have the same goal of destroying America. As such, it has been a continuing conundrum why liberal Jews support such groups' philosophies.
The question of why Jews vote against their own self-interest was analyzed in Norman Podhoretz's 2009 book Why Are Jews Liberals? One overriding reason was that most liberal Jews claim their liberalism stems "from the commandments of Judaism or more broadly the 'spirit' of the Jewish 'religious tradition.'" They often mention the term tzedakah.
But tzedakah, which means righteousness, is not social justice. Liberal Jews have taken the left-wing notion of social justice and have distorted the idea of tzedakah to align with radical left-wing ideology. Social justice involves but is not limited to "restrictions on free speech; restrictions on due process protections; support for the Black Lives Matter movement; mass release of criminals from prison; open borders; [and] race and sex preferences in education and employment." This is not Jewish teaching at all.
Also, "support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction [BDS] movement is part of the social justice creed, along with mob violence.

You could make a similar argument for American minorities and women too. I know Trump was a total dick and so many people couldn't stomach him for 4 more years, I get that. BUT - the guy's policies helped those same minorities and women more than Obama did or Biden will do. And when you look at how the democrat mayors and governors stood by and did nothing while their cities burned and livelihoods were destroyed and people were killed, and you wonder: why the hell is anybody voting for a democrat? Have you not looked at the Green New Deal and all that other crap the democrats want to do? Do you really want open borders? Do you really want to send US tax-dollars overseas to fight climate change without making any difference at all? How do you feel about ending the filibuster and forever changing the way our gov't works, or adding more justices to the SCOTUS so the democrats have a majority in every branch of gov't? They haven't done that yet, but that is their agenda; how the hell can anyone support that?
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The Red-Green Alliance of radical leftists and Islamic jihadists have the same goal of destroying America. As such, it has been a continuing conundrum why liberal Jews support such groups' philosophies.
The question of why Jews vote against their own self-interest was analyzed in Norman Podhoretz's 2009 book Why Are Jews Liberals? One overriding reason was that most liberal Jews claim their liberalism stems "from the commandments of Judaism or more broadly the 'spirit' of the Jewish 'religious tradition.'" They often mention the term tzedakah.
But tzedakah, which means righteousness, is not social justice. Liberal Jews have taken the left-wing notion of social justice and have distorted the idea of tzedakah to align with radical left-wing ideology. Social justice involves but is not limited to "restrictions on free speech; restrictions on due process protections; support for the Black Lives Matter movement; mass release of criminals from prison; open borders; [and] race and sex preferences in education and employment." This is not Jewish teaching at all.
Also, "support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction [BDS] movement is part of the social justice creed, along with mob violence.

Radical Leftism is a suicide cult for those most likely to be absorbed and brainwashed by it. It's a thing.
The Red-Green Alliance of radical leftists and Islamic jihadists have the same goal of destroying America. As such, it has been a continuing conundrum why liberal Jews support such groups' philosophies.
The question of why Jews vote against their own self-interest was analyzed in Norman Podhoretz's 2009 book Why Are Jews Liberals? One overriding reason was that most liberal Jews claim their liberalism stems "from the commandments of Judaism or more broadly the 'spirit' of the Jewish 'religious tradition.'" They often mention the term tzedakah.
But tzedakah, which means righteousness, is not social justice. Liberal Jews have taken the left-wing notion of social justice and have distorted the idea of tzedakah to align with radical left-wing ideology. Social justice involves but is not limited to "restrictions on free speech; restrictions on due process protections; support for the Black Lives Matter movement; mass release of criminals from prison; open borders; [and] race and sex preferences in education and employment." This is not Jewish teaching at all.
Also, "support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction [BDS] movement is part of the social justice creed, along with mob violence.

American Thinker NEVER thinks.
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The Red-Green Alliance of radical leftists and Islamic jihadists have the same goal of destroying America. As such, it has been a continuing conundrum why liberal Jews support such groups' philosophies.
The question of why Jews vote against their own self-interest was analyzed in Norman Podhoretz's 2009 book Why Are Jews Liberals? One overriding reason was that most liberal Jews claim their liberalism stems "from the commandments of Judaism or more broadly the 'spirit' of the Jewish 'religious tradition.'" They often mention the term tzedakah.
But tzedakah, which means righteousness, is not social justice. Liberal Jews have taken the left-wing notion of social justice and have distorted the idea of tzedakah to align with radical left-wing ideology. Social justice involves but is not limited to "restrictions on free speech; restrictions on due process protections; support for the Black Lives Matter movement; mass release of criminals from prison; open borders; [and] race and sex preferences in education and employment." This is not Jewish teaching at all.
Also, "support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction [BDS] movement is part of the social justice creed, along with mob violence.

American Thinker NEVER thinks.

And here again we see the fallacious response of-- attacking the messenger instead of the message. This phenomenon is seen all too often on this board.
The Red-Green Alliance of radical leftists and Islamic jihadists have the same goal of destroying America. As such, it has been a continuing conundrum why liberal Jews support such groups' philosophies.
The question of why Jews vote against their own self-interest was analyzed in Norman Podhoretz's 2009 book Why Are Jews Liberals? One overriding reason was that most liberal Jews claim their liberalism stems "from the commandments of Judaism or more broadly the 'spirit' of the Jewish 'religious tradition.'" They often mention the term tzedakah.
But tzedakah, which means righteousness, is not social justice. Liberal Jews have taken the left-wing notion of social justice and have distorted the idea of tzedakah to align with radical left-wing ideology. Social justice involves but is not limited to "restrictions on free speech; restrictions on due process protections; support for the Black Lives Matter movement; mass release of criminals from prison; open borders; [and] race and sex preferences in education and employment." This is not Jewish teaching at all.
Also, "support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction [BDS] movement is part of the social justice creed, along with mob violence.

American Thinker NEVER thinks.

And here again we see the fallacious response of-- attacking the messenger instead of the message. This phenomenon is seen all too often on this board.

It's true though. I have yet to see any linked American Stinker piece that wouldn't benefit immensely from simply thinking about what it was about to plop on the world, PRIOR to said ploppage.

But speaking of fallacious, why are you pissing your pants about what Jews are doing? Busybody much?
A Jew that would vote Democrat is a stupid idiot.

Of course that would apply to anybody that voted for Democrats but a Jew is especially lacking in the brains department.
The Red-Green Alliance of radical leftists and Islamic jihadists have the same goal of destroying America. As such, it has been a continuing conundrum why liberal Jews support such groups' philosophies.
The question of why Jews vote against their own self-interest was analyzed in Norman Podhoretz's 2009 book Why Are Jews Liberals? One overriding reason was that most liberal Jews claim their liberalism stems "from the commandments of Judaism or more broadly the 'spirit' of the Jewish 'religious tradition.'" They often mention the term tzedakah.
But tzedakah, which means righteousness, is not social justice. Liberal Jews have taken the left-wing notion of social justice and have distorted the idea of tzedakah to align with radical left-wing ideology. Social justice involves but is not limited to "restrictions on free speech; restrictions on due process protections; support for the Black Lives Matter movement; mass release of criminals from prison; open borders; [and] race and sex preferences in education and employment." This is not Jewish teaching at all.
Also, "support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction [BDS] movement is part of the social justice creed, along with mob violence.

American Thinker NEVER thinks.

And here again we see the fallacious response of-- attacking the messenger instead of the message. This phenomenon is seen all too often on this board.

American Thinker is crap. American Jews are just fine.. and on the whole they do value education so they know Trump is a moron.
The Red-Green Alliance of radical leftists and Islamic jihadists have the same goal of destroying America. As such, it has been a continuing conundrum why liberal Jews support such groups' philosophies.
The question of why Jews vote against their own self-interest was analyzed in Norman Podhoretz's 2009 book Why Are Jews Liberals? One overriding reason was that most liberal Jews claim their liberalism stems "from the commandments of Judaism or more broadly the 'spirit' of the Jewish 'religious tradition.'" They often mention the term tzedakah.
But tzedakah, which means righteousness, is not social justice. Liberal Jews have taken the left-wing notion of social justice and have distorted the idea of tzedakah to align with radical left-wing ideology. Social justice involves but is not limited to "restrictions on free speech; restrictions on due process protections; support for the Black Lives Matter movement; mass release of criminals from prison; open borders; [and] race and sex preferences in education and employment." This is not Jewish teaching at all.
Also, "support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction [BDS] movement is part of the social justice creed, along with mob violence.

You must understand???
American Jews are very gifted in careers and education but are complete morons in common sense
The Red-Green Alliance of radical leftists and Islamic jihadists have the same goal of destroying America. As such, it has been a continuing conundrum why liberal Jews support such groups' philosophies.
The question of why Jews vote against their own self-interest was analyzed in Norman Podhoretz's 2009 book Why Are Jews Liberals? One overriding reason was that most liberal Jews claim their liberalism stems "from the commandments of Judaism or more broadly the 'spirit' of the Jewish 'religious tradition.'" They often mention the term tzedakah.
But tzedakah, which means righteousness, is not social justice. Liberal Jews have taken the left-wing notion of social justice and have distorted the idea of tzedakah to align with radical left-wing ideology. Social justice involves but is not limited to "restrictions on free speech; restrictions on due process protections; support for the Black Lives Matter movement; mass release of criminals from prison; open borders; [and] race and sex preferences in education and employment." This is not Jewish teaching at all.
Also, "support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction [BDS] movement is part of the social justice creed, along with mob violence.

You must understand???
American Jews are very gifted in careers and education but are complete morons in common sense

Nobody with common sense would vote for Trump.
The Red-Green Alliance of radical leftists and Islamic jihadists have the same goal of destroying America. As such, it has been a continuing conundrum why liberal Jews support such groups' philosophies.
The question of why Jews vote against their own self-interest was analyzed in Norman Podhoretz's 2009 book Why Are Jews Liberals? One overriding reason was that most liberal Jews claim their liberalism stems "from the commandments of Judaism or more broadly the 'spirit' of the Jewish 'religious tradition.'" They often mention the term tzedakah.
But tzedakah, which means righteousness, is not social justice. Liberal Jews have taken the left-wing notion of social justice and have distorted the idea of tzedakah to align with radical left-wing ideology. Social justice involves but is not limited to "restrictions on free speech; restrictions on due process protections; support for the Black Lives Matter movement; mass release of criminals from prison; open borders; [and] race and sex preferences in education and employment." This is not Jewish teaching at all.
Also, "support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction [BDS] movement is part of the social justice creed, along with mob violence.

You must understand???
American Jews are very gifted in careers and education but are complete morons in common sense

Nobody with common sense would vote for Trump.
Why not ??
Zero wars !!
Secured borders
New trade deals
The Red-Green Alliance of radical leftists and Islamic jihadists have the same goal of destroying America. As such, it has been a continuing conundrum why liberal Jews support such groups' philosophies.
The question of why Jews vote against their own self-interest was analyzed in Norman Podhoretz's 2009 book Why Are Jews Liberals? One overriding reason was that most liberal Jews claim their liberalism stems "from the commandments of Judaism or more broadly the 'spirit' of the Jewish 'religious tradition.'" They often mention the term tzedakah.
But tzedakah, which means righteousness, is not social justice. Liberal Jews have taken the left-wing notion of social justice and have distorted the idea of tzedakah to align with radical left-wing ideology. Social justice involves but is not limited to "restrictions on free speech; restrictions on due process protections; support for the Black Lives Matter movement; mass release of criminals from prison; open borders; [and] race and sex preferences in education and employment." This is not Jewish teaching at all.
Also, "support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction [BDS] movement is part of the social justice creed, along with mob violence.

American Thinker NEVER thinks.
Most American Jews are huge “ stinkers “
The Red-Green Alliance of radical leftists and Islamic jihadists have the same goal of destroying America. As such, it has been a continuing conundrum why liberal Jews support such groups' philosophies.
The question of why Jews vote against their own self-interest was analyzed in Norman Podhoretz's 2009 book Why Are Jews Liberals? One overriding reason was that most liberal Jews claim their liberalism stems "from the commandments of Judaism or more broadly the 'spirit' of the Jewish 'religious tradition.'" They often mention the term tzedakah.
But tzedakah, which means righteousness, is not social justice. Liberal Jews have taken the left-wing notion of social justice and have distorted the idea of tzedakah to align with radical left-wing ideology. Social justice involves but is not limited to "restrictions on free speech; restrictions on due process protections; support for the Black Lives Matter movement; mass release of criminals from prison; open borders; [and] race and sex preferences in education and employment." This is not Jewish teaching at all.
Also, "support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction [BDS] movement is part of the social justice creed, along with mob violence.

Liberal Jews know zero about Jewish law; they make up shit as they go along.
The Red-Green Alliance of radical leftists and Islamic jihadists have the same goal of destroying America. As such, it has been a continuing conundrum why liberal Jews support such groups' philosophies.
The question of why Jews vote against their own self-interest was analyzed in Norman Podhoretz's 2009 book Why Are Jews Liberals? One overriding reason was that most liberal Jews claim their liberalism stems "from the commandments of Judaism or more broadly the 'spirit' of the Jewish 'religious tradition.'" They often mention the term tzedakah.
But tzedakah, which means righteousness, is not social justice. Liberal Jews have taken the left-wing notion of social justice and have distorted the idea of tzedakah to align with radical left-wing ideology. Social justice involves but is not limited to "restrictions on free speech; restrictions on due process protections; support for the Black Lives Matter movement; mass release of criminals from prison; open borders; [and] race and sex preferences in education and employment." This is not Jewish teaching at all.
Also, "support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction [BDS] movement is part of the social justice creed, along with mob violence.

Liberal Jews know zero about Jewish law; they make up shit as they go along.

Liberal Jews know a liar and a conman when they see one.
The Red-Green Alliance of radical leftists and Islamic jihadists have the same goal of destroying America. As such, it has been a continuing conundrum why liberal Jews support such groups' philosophies.
The question of why Jews vote against their own self-interest was analyzed in Norman Podhoretz's 2009 book Why Are Jews Liberals? One overriding reason was that most liberal Jews claim their liberalism stems "from the commandments of Judaism or more broadly the 'spirit' of the Jewish 'religious tradition.'" They often mention the term tzedakah.
But tzedakah, which means righteousness, is not social justice. Liberal Jews have taken the left-wing notion of social justice and have distorted the idea of tzedakah to align with radical left-wing ideology. Social justice involves but is not limited to "restrictions on free speech; restrictions on due process protections; support for the Black Lives Matter movement; mass release of criminals from prison; open borders; [and] race and sex preferences in education and employment." This is not Jewish teaching at all.
Also, "support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction [BDS] movement is part of the social justice creed, along with mob violence.

Liberal Jews know zero about Jewish law; they make up shit as they go along.

Liberal Jews know a liar and a conman when they see one.

I am FASCINATED -----just who do you imagine that liberal jews see as a LIAR AND A CONMAN---in today's disaster of USA government?----for that matter---who are "liberal jews" in your pixilated mind?
The Red-Green Alliance of radical leftists and Islamic jihadists have the same goal of destroying America. As such, it has been a continuing conundrum why liberal Jews support such groups' philosophies.
The question of why Jews vote against their own self-interest was analyzed in Norman Podhoretz's 2009 book Why Are Jews Liberals? One overriding reason was that most liberal Jews claim their liberalism stems "from the commandments of Judaism or more broadly the 'spirit' of the Jewish 'religious tradition.'" They often mention the term tzedakah.
But tzedakah, which means righteousness, is not social justice. Liberal Jews have taken the left-wing notion of social justice and have distorted the idea of tzedakah to align with radical left-wing ideology. Social justice involves but is not limited to "restrictions on free speech; restrictions on due process protections; support for the Black Lives Matter movement; mass release of criminals from prison; open borders; [and] race and sex preferences in education and employment." This is not Jewish teaching at all.
Also, "support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction [BDS] movement is part of the social justice creed, along with mob violence.

Liberal Jews know zero about Jewish law; they make up shit as they go along.

Liberal Jews know a liar and a conman when they see one.
Liberal Jews are self-hating pieces of shit.
The Red-Green Alliance of radical leftists and Islamic jihadists have the same goal of destroying America. As such, it has been a continuing conundrum why liberal Jews support such groups' philosophies.
The question of why Jews vote against their own self-interest was analyzed in Norman Podhoretz's 2009 book Why Are Jews Liberals? One overriding reason was that most liberal Jews claim their liberalism stems "from the commandments of Judaism or more broadly the 'spirit' of the Jewish 'religious tradition.'" They often mention the term tzedakah.
But tzedakah, which means righteousness, is not social justice. Liberal Jews have taken the left-wing notion of social justice and have distorted the idea of tzedakah to align with radical left-wing ideology. Social justice involves but is not limited to "restrictions on free speech; restrictions on due process protections; support for the Black Lives Matter movement; mass release of criminals from prison; open borders; [and] race and sex preferences in education and employment." This is not Jewish teaching at all.
Also, "support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction [BDS] movement is part of the social justice creed, along with mob violence.

Liberal Jews know zero about Jewish law; they make up shit as they go along.

Liberal Jews know a liar and a conman when they see one.
Liberal Jews are self-hating pieces of shit.

PuhLEEEEEEZE------I consider myself a liberal jew------my Grandma----born in 1899-----demonstrated with
the rest of the Liberal Jews in protest against the
TRIANGLE FIRES -------she could be seen as a "suffragette" ------she even read DER TAG MORGEN JOURNAL (don't tell Mc Carthy)--------uhm......... --------well-------in the days of Biden and DiBlasio-----maybe I should keep a low profile.
The Red-Green Alliance of radical leftists and Islamic jihadists have the same goal of destroying America. As such, it has been a continuing conundrum why liberal Jews support such groups' philosophies.
The question of why Jews vote against their own self-interest was analyzed in Norman Podhoretz's 2009 book Why Are Jews Liberals? One overriding reason was that most liberal Jews claim their liberalism stems "from the commandments of Judaism or more broadly the 'spirit' of the Jewish 'religious tradition.'" They often mention the term tzedakah.
But tzedakah, which means righteousness, is not social justice. Liberal Jews have taken the left-wing notion of social justice and have distorted the idea of tzedakah to align with radical left-wing ideology. Social justice involves but is not limited to "restrictions on free speech; restrictions on due process protections; support for the Black Lives Matter movement; mass release of criminals from prison; open borders; [and] race and sex preferences in education and employment." This is not Jewish teaching at all.
Also, "support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction [BDS] movement is part of the social justice creed, along with mob violence.

I would have thought it quite obvious why American Jews tend to favour left-wing liberals.
They don't want to jump into a right-wing bed to share with Nationalists, White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis.
The Red-Green Alliance of radical leftists and Islamic jihadists have the same goal of destroying America. As such, it has been a continuing conundrum why liberal Jews support such groups' philosophies.
The question of why Jews vote against their own self-interest was analyzed in Norman Podhoretz's 2009 book Why Are Jews Liberals? One overriding reason was that most liberal Jews claim their liberalism stems "from the commandments of Judaism or more broadly the 'spirit' of the Jewish 'religious tradition.'" They often mention the term tzedakah.
But tzedakah, which means righteousness, is not social justice. Liberal Jews have taken the left-wing notion of social justice and have distorted the idea of tzedakah to align with radical left-wing ideology. Social justice involves but is not limited to "restrictions on free speech; restrictions on due process protections; support for the Black Lives Matter movement; mass release of criminals from prison; open borders; [and] race and sex preferences in education and employment." This is not Jewish teaching at all.
Also, "support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction [BDS] movement is part of the social justice creed, along with mob violence.

I would have thought it quite obvious why American Jews tend to favour left-wing liberals.
They don't want to jump into a right-wing bed to share with Nationalists, White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis.

so true----""TRADITIONALLY""-----but that tradition has turned upside down-----today the "SUPREMACIST FACISTS" are on the 'left'--------(see Pol Pot------started out as a nice kid)
The Red-Green Alliance of radical leftists and Islamic jihadists have the same goal of destroying America. As such, it has been a continuing conundrum why liberal Jews support such groups' philosophies.
The question of why Jews vote against their own self-interest was analyzed in Norman Podhoretz's 2009 book Why Are Jews Liberals? One overriding reason was that most liberal Jews claim their liberalism stems "from the commandments of Judaism or more broadly the 'spirit' of the Jewish 'religious tradition.'" They often mention the term tzedakah.
But tzedakah, which means righteousness, is not social justice. Liberal Jews have taken the left-wing notion of social justice and have distorted the idea of tzedakah to align with radical left-wing ideology. Social justice involves but is not limited to "restrictions on free speech; restrictions on due process protections; support for the Black Lives Matter movement; mass release of criminals from prison; open borders; [and] race and sex preferences in education and employment." This is not Jewish teaching at all.
Also, "support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction [BDS] movement is part of the social justice creed, along with mob violence.

As I understand it, American Jewish people have traditionally been liberal because of the horrific history of persecution & prejudice in Europe throughout history.

But I am guessing that maybe the younger generation of Jewish people may sooner rather than later "wake up" and realize that many of the "progressive" ideas mentioned in the OP are NOT in the best interests of Jewish Americans.

Here in Los Angeles, back in the 1970s, many Jewish Americans supported busing to integrate the schools. Without going into detail, let's just say that they discovered to their horror that they had made a big mistake. (Today many Jewish children here attend private Jewish schools.)

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