When Those Screaming Climate Change Is a Crisis Start Acting Like It's a Crisis, I May Listen


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Until then, talk to the hand.

GE owned MSNBC and NBC during this period. This is what their leader was doing during that period of leadership by Jeff Immelt:

John Flannery, the leader of General Electric Co. for just 2½ months, has already begun dismantling the legacy of his predecessor, including the planes.

For much of Jeff Immelt’s 16-year run atop one of the world’s largest conglomerates, an empty business jet followed his GE-owned plane on some trips to destinations around the world, according to people familiar with the matter. The two jets sometimes parked far apart so they wouldn’t attract attention, and flight crews were told to not openly discuss the empty plane, the people said.

The second plane was a spare in case Mr. Immelt’s jet had mechanical problems. A GE spokeswoman said that “two planes were used on limited occasions for business-critical or security purposes.” Mr. Immelt didn’t respond to requests for comment.

Who can forget this incredible moment in 2007?

NBC: We'll Leave The Lights Off For You

So while NBC was urging its viewers to turn off its (GE-manufactured) light bulbs, its CEO was flying around with an empty emergency backup private plane. I don’t want to hear another goddamn word about my carbon footprint ever again.
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By the time I was 3, my parents had already instilled in me the lesson that other people's behavior was never an excuse for me to behave badly.

Sadly, you don't seem to have learned that lesson.
By the time I was 3, my parents had already instilled in me the lesson that other people's behavior was never an excuse for me to behave badly.

Sadly, you don't seem to have learned that lesson.
Apples and oranges. People screaming its a crisis while acting like nothing is happening are giving testimony to their true beliefs.
Now look, silly little asshole, what your individual habits are will, in the end, make no difference. The energy you get off the grid will increasingly come from renewables. There will come a time when the only choice you have for a new vehicle will be an EV. Incandescents will go the way of whale oil lamps, and there will be regulations concerning how much energy that appliances can use. Enjoy.
Now look, silly little asshole, what your individual habits are will, in the end, make no difference. The energy you get off the grid will increasingly come from renewables. There will come a time when the only choice you have for a new vehicle will be an EV. Incandescents will go the way of whale oil lamps, and there will be regulations concerning how much energy that appliances can use. Enjoy.
Funny considering I am constantly told I must personally alter my lifestyle because of your myth.
LOL What I am telling you, is that you will alter your lifestyle, because there will not be a viable alternative. In other words, you and your nonsense are irrelevant. I imagine your ancestors railed against electricity replacing whale oil and kerosene lamps.
Until then, talk to the hand.

GE owned MSNBC and NBC during this period. This is what their leader was doing during that period of leadership by Jeff Immelt:

John Flannery, the leader of General Electric Co. for just 2½ months, has already begun dismantling the legacy of his predecessor, including the planes.

For much of Jeff Immelt’s 16-year run atop one of the world’s largest conglomerates, an empty business jet followed his GE-owned plane on some trips to destinations around the world, according to people familiar with the matter. The two jets sometimes parked far apart so they wouldn’t attract attention, and flight crews were told to not openly discuss the empty plane, the people said.

The second plane was a spare in case Mr. Immelt’s jet had mechanical problems. A GE spokeswoman said that “two planes were used on limited occasions for business-critical or security purposes.” Mr. Immelt didn’t respond to requests for comment.

Who can forget this incredible moment in 2007?

NBC: We'll Leave The Lights Off For You

So while NBC was urging its viewers to turn off its (GE-manufactured) light bulbs, its CEO was flying around with an empty emergency backup private plane. I don’t want to hear another goddamn word about my carbon footprint ever again.

No you won't. You will clutch your little Bible and claim scientists are all liars, just like you do now.
LOL What I am telling you, is that you will alter your lifestyle, because there will not be a viable alternative. In other words, you and your nonsense are irrelevant. I imagine your ancestors railed against electricity replacing whale oil and kerosene lamps.
SO your going to force everyone into submission because you say so... How fascist of you... Here is a little cream for your chapped ass...
LOL Silly Billy, you are so impervious to logic that there is no use pointing out that progression, like that from kerosene lanterns to electric lights occur no matter how much the lovers of the kerosene lanterns squawk, mewl, and puke. So, go ahead and squawk, mewl, and puke. But clean up after yourself. LOL
LOL What I am telling you, is that you will alter your lifestyle, because there will not be a viable alternative. In other words, you and your nonsense are irrelevant. I imagine your ancestors railed against electricity replacing whale oil and kerosene lamps.
Yet another lie. You are irrelevant because only a fringe group of loony moonbats believes in your myth.
Until then, talk to the hand.

GE owned MSNBC and NBC during this period. This is what their leader was doing during that period of leadership by Jeff Immelt:

John Flannery, the leader of General Electric Co. for just 2½ months, has already begun dismantling the legacy of his predecessor, including the planes.

For much of Jeff Immelt’s 16-year run atop one of the world’s largest conglomerates, an empty business jet followed his GE-owned plane on some trips to destinations around the world, according to people familiar with the matter. The two jets sometimes parked far apart so they wouldn’t attract attention, and flight crews were told to not openly discuss the empty plane, the people said.

The second plane was a spare in case Mr. Immelt’s jet had mechanical problems. A GE spokeswoman said that “two planes were used on limited occasions for business-critical or security purposes.” Mr. Immelt didn’t respond to requests for comment.

Who can forget this incredible moment in 2007?

NBC: We'll Leave The Lights Off For You

So while NBC was urging its viewers to turn off its (GE-manufactured) light bulbs, its CEO was flying around with an empty emergency backup private plane. I don’t want to hear another goddamn word about my carbon footprint ever again.

No you won't. You will clutch your little Bible and claim scientists are all liars, just like you do now.

Shitforbrains doing his best to cling to they myth.
You cultists crack me up.
I'll buy into man made global warming when the scientist that get millions from this stop renting personal jets to take, just them, to meetings on how to force the rest of us to cut back.

old rocks is openly bragging about the coming tyranny and is jacking off at the idea.

how absolutely un-American.
LOL Once again, you demonstrate what a failure at logic you are. You can still buy a kerosene lantern. No one took them away from the citizens. The citizens simply decided that electrical lights were a far better solution, and safer, for lighting their homes. And as the renewables come on line, you will not be able to differenciate between the electricity delivered by them, and that delivered by the fossil fuel plants. All you yapping amount to the same thing as the old guys that used to stand by the road, yelling at passing autos, "Get a horse". A little looney, but harmless. And that is how your grandchildren will view you.
I'll buy into man made global warming when the scientist that get millions from this stop renting personal jets to take, just them, to meetings on how to force the rest of us to cut back.
Look, dumb ass, we all realize that you will never buy into anything that does not come wrapped in "Conservative sound bites". You are too fucking dumb to do the actual research in scientific paper on your own.

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