When the Iranian Mullahs Go,So will Hezbollah & Hamas...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
It's becoming more clear by the day that when the Iranian Mullahs are finally put down,Hezbollah and Hamas will soon follow. And Syria is now in big trouble too. Those are the two key financiers for Hezbollah & Hamas. So when the Mullahs do go,we will likely see an end to the extremist terrorist groups in the region. Then i think we will finally see a real & lasting peace in the Middle East. So in the end it really does all come down to Iran. Stay tuned.
Hamas has not much affected by what is happening in the Middle East, unlike Hezbollah, I think that the transition region will not necessarily lead to peace as long as it occupies Asraúl and kill Palestinians
Hamas has not much affected by what is happening in the Middle East, unlike Hezbollah, I think that the transition region will not necessarily lead to peace as long as it occupies Asraúl and kill Palestinians

Yea it wont solve all the problems but i think real peace will be more realistic once the Mullahs are finally put down. Hamas & Hezbollah depend on that funding quite a bit. And Syria is very close to chaos as well. But i guess we'll see. Thanks.
Hamas has not much affected by what is happening in the Middle East, unlike Hezbollah, I think that the transition region will not necessarily lead to peace as long as it occupies Asraúl and kill Palestinians

Hamas is armed and funded by Iran. Now, you know.
The stars are all aligned. Almost all parties now agree it's time for the Iranian Mullahs to go. Most of the Arab Sunnis in the region are fully onboard. They may take out Syria first though. Then Iran will be fully isolated. Even their own people want the Mullahs taken out. Now i'm not advocating more War,i'm just commenting on what i see happening. It really does all come down to Iran and it looks like their time is almost up.
There is support for Hamas by Iran, that's right, and Hamas is an armed resistance to defend Palestinian rights, this is my point ideology
But the analysis of political science shows us that Hamas draws its strength from the Palestinian people and stands behind them, and they managed to survive against the blockade on the Gaza Strip Mufros (except 'Nsana) and in the war of 2009, although the difference between them and Alaslah Asraúl
And also deal Shalit is an Israeli recognition of Hamas strength
The end of the mullahs in Iran would mean the end of Hezbollah, but not Hamas
There is support for Hamas by Iran, that's right, and Hamas is an armed resistance to defend Palestinian rights, this is my point ideology
But the analysis of political science shows us that Hamas draws its strength from the Palestinian people and stands behind them, and they managed to survive against the blockade on the Gaza Strip Mufros (except 'Nsana) and in the war of 2009, although the difference between them and Alaslah Asraúl
And also deal Shalit is an Israeli recognition of Hamas strength
The end of the mullahs in Iran would mean the end of Hezbollah, but not Hamas
There is support for Hamas by Iran, that's right, and Hamas is an armed resistance to defend Palestinian rights, this is my point ideology
But the analysis of political science shows us that Hamas draws its strength from the Palestinian people and stands behind them, and they managed to survive against the blockade on the Gaza Strip Mufros (except 'Nsana) and in the war of 2009, although the difference between them and Alaslah Asraúl
And also deal Shalit is an Israeli recognition of Hamas strength
The end of the mullahs in Iran would mean the end of Hezbollah, but not Hamas

Hamas is a totalitarian regime. Palestinians have no rights under Hamas.
There is support for Hamas by Iran, that's right, and Hamas is an armed resistance to defend Palestinian rights, this is my point ideology
But the analysis of political science shows us that Hamas draws its strength from the Palestinian people and stands behind them, and they managed to survive against the blockade on the Gaza Strip Mufros (except 'Nsana) and in the war of 2009, although the difference between them and Alaslah Asraúl
And also deal Shalit is an Israeli recognition of Hamas strength
The end of the mullahs in Iran would mean the end of Hezbollah, but not Hamas

Hamas is a totalitarian regime. Palestinians have no rights under Hamas.

This is a very good point. The Iranian Mullahs going down will not be good for Totalitarian groups like Hamas & Hezbollah. I think the People are sick of that.
The most important aspect of this has to be the Sunni Arab support for an attack on Iran. Most of these nations now support it. The Mullahs are in real trouble. I see an attack coming within the next year. An attack on Syria will come sooner. They'll get rid of Assad and then the whole thing starts crumbling for Iran.
This is your opinion, I respect him, but I disagree with you, because they won the elections in all confess that it was fair
This is your opinion, I respect him, but I disagree with you, because they won the elections in all confess that it was fair

I wont argue with you on that. I'm sure what you're saying is true. However,they did vote for Totalitarian rule. That was a big mistake on their part. But then again,what were their choices? I actually feel sympathy for the Palestinian People. Not much ever seems to go right for them. But the Iranian Mullahs going down might be a new beginning for them. I hope so anyway.
Respectfully to you, but I suppose you do not know the interests of the Palestinians the best of them, and disagree with you in the definition of the rule of Hamas as a comprehensive, Israel defines itself as a Jewish state, would also say that this holistic Jewish??
Respectfully to you, but I suppose you do not know the interests of the Palestinians the best of them, and disagree with you in the definition of the rule of Hamas as a comprehensive, Israel defines itself as a Jewish state, would also say that this holistic Jewish??

You obviously know more about Hamas and the Palestinians than i do. So i'll take you at your word on that. But i do feel Hamas is a Totalitarian regime. There isn't much real freedom for the Palestinian People under their rule. But again,you probably know more so i wont belabor my point. Thanks for your replies.
I do not know of any country you are, perhaps relative to your culture and your community find comprehensive Hamas, this is understandable, but the Palestinians look to the ideas of Hamas as part of their culture and their community, and you want to edit is the N. Israel, which occupies land
You have a point, Hamas and Hezbollah get alot of their funding, training and arms from Iran so if the Mullahs go down that will drastically weaken both Hamas and Hezbollah.
You have a point, Hamas and Hezbollah get alot of their funding, training and arms from Iran so if the Mullahs go down that will drastically weaken both Hamas and Hezbollah.

If there's ever gonna be real peace over there,Hamas & Hezbollah have to go. When the Mullahs get wiped out,Hamas & Hezbollah will be weakened significantly. And their other source of funding will probably be wiped out first. And that's Syria. Regime change is inevitable there too. All the dominoes really are falling over there. There could actually be peace in the Middle East in our lifetime. Maybe i'm too optimistic though. I guess we'll see.
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You have a point, Hamas and Hezbollah get alot of their funding, training and arms from Iran so if the Mullahs go down that will drastically weaken both Hamas and Hezbollah.

If there's ever gonna be real peace over there,Hamas & Hezbollah have to go. When the Mullahs get wiped out,Hamas & Hezbollah will be weakened significantly. And there other source of funding will probably be wiped out first. And that's Syria. Regime change is inevitable there too. All the dominoes really are falling over there. There could actually be peace in the Middle East in our lifetime. Maybe i'm too optimistic though. I guess we'll see.

Right now Iran has a direct chain all the way to Lebanon through Iraq and Syria, if the Syrian regime falls Iran will lose that chain and Hamas and Hezbollah will both lose their headquarters, which are both conveniently located in Damascus. I personally am cheering for the regime in Syria to crash and burn.
Do you even know what the word "Mullah" means?

Mullah ( ملا) is generally used to refer to a Muslim man, educated in Islamic theology and sacred law. The title, given to some Islamic clergy, is derived from the Arabic word مَوْلَى mawlā , meaning "vicar", "master" and "guardian". In large parts of the Muslim world, particularly Iran, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Turkey, Central Asia, Somalia and South Asia, it is the name commonly given to local Islamic clerics or mosque leaders.[1]

The title has also been used in some Sefardic Jewish communities to refer to the community's leadership, especially religious leadership.
Mullah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Do you even know what the word "Mullah" means?

Mullah ( ملا) is generally used to refer to a Muslim man, educated in Islamic theology and sacred law. The title, given to some Islamic clergy, is derived from the Arabic word مَوْلَى mawlā , meaning "vicar", "master" and "guardian". In large parts of the Muslim world, particularly Iran, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Turkey, Central Asia, Somalia and South Asia, it is the name commonly given to local Islamic clerics or mosque leaders.[1]

The title has also been used in some Sefardic Jewish communities to refer to the community's leadership, especially religious leadership.
Mullah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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