When life gives you lemons, make lemoniade


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
Yes, things look bad for the Dems this election, but not so bad that the voters are going to give the republicans 2/3 of Senate or House. So all the rights bullshit and scare tactics won't change a thing. We already have gridlock, so expect that to continue for another 4 years of Obama.

In spite of bad news, here is why nothing is going to change.


Presidential vetoes are a rejection of legislation approved by majorities in both
houses of Congress. Vetoes and congressional efforts to override them are often the
reason for, or a reflection of, conflict between Congress and the President. The threat
of a presidential veto can prompt the modification of bills moving through the legislative

A bill or joint resolution that has been vetoed by the President can become law if two-thirds of the
Members voting in the House and the Senate each agree to pass it over the President’s objection.



A signing statement is a written pronouncement issued by the President of the United States upon the signing of a bill into law.
They are usually printed along with the bill in United States Code Congressional and Administrative News (USCCAN).


A declaration issued by the president or by a governor that has the force of law. Executive Orders are usually based on existing statutory authority and require no action by Congress or the state legislature to become effective. ...
Genome.gov | Legislation Database Glossary of Terms
Grid lock is always a good thing. It keeps things from getting worse.

As far as the veto goes.. Never underestimate the super egoes of congressmen. One of the fastest ways to get votes for a bill is to have the Pres say VETO. That's like a parent telling one spoiled child no with the other spoiled one around. They may not get along, but they will and together to make the parents life hell.

Here's hoping nothing gets done in the next 2 years!!
We already have gridlock? How? Between leftist Democrats and whack-job Democrats?

The Party of NO. Do whatever it takes. Become UnAmericans and secede from the Union.:eusa_whistle: Any of that dislodge your marble?
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Grid lock is always a good thing. It keeps things from getting worse.

Oh yeah, I forgot things could get worse. I have watched the last 18 years pass with nothing getting accomplished, so you think that stopped things from getting worse in America?

Here's hoping nothing gets done in the next 2 years!!

Try not to be on the next bridge collapse.:lol:
We already have gridlock? How? Between leftist Democrats and whack-job Democrats?

The Paty of NO. Do whatever it takes. Become UnAmericans and secede from the Union.:eusa_whistle: Any of that dislodge your marble?

Hillarious... you guys become more unhinged as each day goes by. I love it.

Face it Karl, the party's over. The American people don't want to become Venezuela or Greece... the want American exceptionalism, not nanny-statism.
We already have gridlock? How? Between leftist Democrats and whack-job Democrats?

The Paty of NO. Do whatever it takes. Become UnAmericans and secede from the Union.:eusa_whistle: Any of that dislodge your marble?

Hillarious... you guys become more unhinged as each day goes by. I love it.

Face it Karl, the party's over. The American people don't want to become Venezuela or Greece... the want American exceptionalism, not nanny-statism.

I don't think you have a fat lady behind the curtains............
Grid lock is always a good thing. It keeps things from getting worse.

Oh yeah, I forgot things could get worse. I have watched the last 18 years pass with nothing getting accomplished, so you think that stopped things from getting worse in America?

Here's hoping nothing gets done in the next 2 years!!

Try not to be on the next bridge collapse.:lol:

So much for an adult conversation.

Bridges, roads, tunnel are all built by the lowest bidder. Why? The fed mandates it. Any state that doesn't losing vast amounts of funding, so much so, it's cheaper to re-build every 3-5 years.

But hey, more government is better government right?
Grid lock is always a good thing. It keeps things from getting worse.

Oh yeah, I forgot things could get worse. I have watched the last 18 years pass with nothing getting accomplished, so you think that stopped things from getting worse in America?

Here's hoping nothing gets done in the next 2 years!!

Try not to be on the next bridge collapse.:lol:

Judging by the last 22 months. OF all sorts of things(Spending) getting done in DC. I would say they could do some real damage in 18 years.

the claim that we have had gridlock for the last 22 months is COMPLETE BS.

We got, Omnibus, Stimulus, Health care, Financial Reform and 3 or 4 other "emergency" spending bills totaling over another 1/4 Trillion. About the only thing that has failed is Cap and trade.

Prey for gridlock.
Gridlock is not a good thing. Why would you want to continue paying people for a job that they are not doing?

The Republic is not about Democrats vs. Republicans. Its not about pointing the finger and saying, "my team isn't as crappy as your team." The Republic is about the proper balance of power between the federal government and the respective states, as delineated in the supreme law of the land.
When life gives you lemons, make lemoniade

Yeah but kinda sour to swallow if life gives you no sugar.

I have 2 lemon trees. I make leomn water a lot, squeeze a 1/2 lemon in 8 oz., and throw in skin and all, eat the rind last. No sugar thanks. I also like limes the same way, or in my T-Gold, or ice tea.
Things aren't going to get better. When we need to invest in our infrastructure and education, we get dumb ass right wing teabags who believe in Noah's Ark and Samson arguing about whether to shut down the government, end unemployment benefits and privatize Social Security.

This is going to be a disastrous two years. If there is lemonade it's because it finally has the potential to wake up the American people to the lunacy of the shear scope of disaster the Confederate right has brought this country during the last 10 years.

The Republicans approval rating is like two percent or something ridiculous and yet, I wouldn't be surprised if they won both houses because the public is angry the Democrats haven't cleaned up Republicans mess fast enough. They will punish the Democrats by "cutting off nose...".
Things aren't going to get better. When we need to invest in our infrastructure and education, we get dumb ass right wing teabags who believe in Noah's Ark and Samson arguing about whether to shut down the government, end unemployment benefits and privatize Social Security.

This is going to be a disastrous two years. If there is lemonade it's because it finally has the potential to wake up the American people to the lunacy of the shear scope of disaster the Confederate right has brought this country during the last 10 years.

The Republicans approval rating is like two percent or something ridiculous and yet, I wouldn't be surprised if they won both houses because the public is angry the Democrats haven't cleaned up Republicans mess fast enough. They will punish the Democrats by "cutting off nose...".

It's kinda hard to clean up one mess when you're too damned busy making a bigger one yourself.
Yes, things look bad for the Dems this election, but not so bad that the voters are going to give the republicans 2/3 of Senate or House. So all the rights bullshit and scare tactics won't change a thing. We already have gridlock, so expect that to continue for another 4 years of Obama.

In spite of bad news, here is why nothing is going to change.


Presidential vetoes are a rejection of legislation approved by majorities in both
houses of Congress. Vetoes and congressional efforts to override them are often the
reason for, or a reflection of, conflict between Congress and the President. The threat
of a presidential veto can prompt the modification of bills moving through the legislative

A bill or joint resolution that has been vetoed by the President can become law if two-thirds of the
Members voting in the House and the Senate each agree to pass it over the President’s objection.



A signing statement is a written pronouncement issued by the President of the United States upon the signing of a bill into law.
They are usually printed along with the bill in United States Code Congressional and Administrative News (USCCAN).


A declaration issued by the president or by a governor that has the force of law. Executive Orders are usually based on existing statutory authority and require no action by Congress or the state legislature to become effective. ...
Genome.gov | Legislation Database Glossary of Terms
So, let me get this straight. You point out executive order as a way to get around this congress? Does that mean you would support the bastardization of the balance of power within the three branches of government simply because your side did not win this election?
It's kinda hard to clean up one mess when you're too damned busy making a bigger one yourself.


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