When is The Left Going To Renounce Hatred?

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
The Left is becoming increasingly more and more VIOLENT.

The Left is becoming more and more Radical.

The Left has infused itself with Hatred and Anger.

The Left has enagaged in riots, intimidation, and has burnt entire communities down, and has called for the assassination of both our police and our president.

The Left has coddled Radicals like themselves and has resisted all efforts to combat violence and lawlessness and secure our borders and our communities.

Will The Left renounce the practice of using violence and hatred as political leverage? Is it really necessary to hire paid mercenaries for political intimidation simply because you desire to win an election?

Will you let your disease metastasize and will you continue to March down the same sad path The Ugly Jihadists are marching down today?

Manchester England is where Hatred and Violence lead when you use them as political tools. Boston, San Bernadino, Orlando is where Divisineness will take you.

If The Left Cannot See through their blind hatred of anything that disagrees with them, is there any hope for them? A cure for their illness?

If open borders, riots to silence people exercising free speech, sanctuary cities and violent protests are where your heart is right now as a Leftist, I have to ask you where will it be tomorrow and the day after as you let that Hatred and divisiveness grow within you?

How far are you willing to go to impose your values on the rest of America?
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Ummm . Crazy hated filled religious nuts belong to the right . Not the left.
Where does hatred and divisiveness lead if not to that?

Maybe instead of criticizing me, you and the Left should do some soul searching and ask yourselves why you are on the same angry hateful path as those that hate America..those that hate anyone who would dare disagree with them.

Maybe you should ask yourselves why you do not respect life, and why you are so full of spite and contempt for those who would caution you against holding on to such naive and foolish ideologies that are opposed to common sense and the reality that there is Evil in the world and coddling it, and paying it homage is no way to protect our families and loved ones.

Shame on the Opening Post for using the incident in Manchester to make a hateful political remark
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Ohh if only we can be like the peace nick righties !

Lol! The GOPs platform is all hate! Hate immigrants , minorities , gays , poor , women . All their talking points are about hate n fear .
Ohh if only we can be like the peace nick righties !

Lol! The GOPs platform is all hate! Hate immigrants , minorities , gays , poor , women . All their talking points are about hate n fear .
There's a difference between speech and burning down towns and blocking traffic.
Ohh if only we can be like the peace nick righties !

Lol! The GOPs platform is all hate! Hate immigrants , minorities , gays , poor , women . All their talking points are about hate n fear .
There's a difference between speech and burning down towns and blocking traffic.

Overdramatize much ?

Name a town "burned down" and there's a long history of right wing violence leading up to it .
Ummm . Crazy hated filled religious nuts belong to the right . Not the left.

Ohh if only we can be like the peace nick righties !

Lol! The GOPs platform is all hate! Hate immigrants , minorities , gays , poor , women . All their talking points are about hate n fear .

…and there's a long history of right wing violence leading up to it .

Ye shall know them by their fruits…

It's clear enough which is the side of violence, destruction, lawlessness, and yes, hate. Those of you on the left wrong are fond of falsely accusing us on the right of that which any sane person can see is a vice embraced by your side, and not ours.
Ohh if only we can be like the peace nick righties !

Lol! The GOPs platform is all hate! Hate immigrants , minorities , gays , poor , women . All their talking points are about hate n fear .
There's a difference between speech and burning down towns and blocking traffic.

Overdramatize much ?

Name a town "burned down" and there's a long history of right wing violence leading up to it .
Ferguson...you're such a moron.
Liberals defending thugs who shoot cops.
Obama really fucked us up.
Where does hatred and divisiveness lead if not to that?

Maybe instead of criticizing me, you and the Left should do some soul searching and ask yourselves why you are on the same angry hateful path as those that hate America..those that hate anyone who would dare disagree with them.

Maybe you should ask yourselves why you do not respect life, and why you are so full of spite and contempt for those who would caution you against holding on to such naive and foolish ideologies that are opposed to common sense and the reality that there is Evil in the world and coddling it, and paying it homage is no way to protect our families and loved ones.

They'd on the same path, for the same reason. They hate America, or at least they hate the principles on which America was founded.
Ohh if only we can be like the peace nick righties !

Lol! The GOPs platform is all hate! Hate immigrants , minorities , gays , poor , women . All their talking points are about hate n fear .
There's a difference between speech and burning down towns and blocking traffic.

Overdramatize much ?

Name a town "burned down" and there's a long history of right wing violence leading up to it .
Ferguson...you're such a moron.
Liberals defending thugs who shoot cops.
Obama really fucked us up.

Yeah Ferguson is a great example . Try reading the Ferguson report and see how that towns PD and government terrorize the people .

Who's defending thugs who shoot cops ?! You righties make shit up.

Obama saved the country from GWs shot show .
How fitting is your denial?

Hatred itself is a religion. And The Left is pounding the pulpit with their message of hate and divisiveness daily.

I could care less about your deflections. I want to know when will you and the rest of your brethren reject violence and hatred and the spiteful rhetoric that promotes it as convenient political tools?

Are you with us or against us?

Are you an American or a Hate Filled Fool Hell Bent on your own destruction and those that oppose you?

Do You speak words of Life, Peace, Unity & Tolerance?

Or Hate, Death, Violence & Divisiveness?

Ummm . Crazy hated filled religious nuts belong to the right . Not the left.
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How fitting is your denial?

Hatred itself is a religion. And The Left is pounding the pulpit with their message of hate and divisiveness daily.

I could care less about your deflections. I want to know when will you and the rest of your brethren reject violence and hatred and the spiteful rhetoric that promotes it as convenient political tools?

Ummm . Crazy hated filled religious nuts belong to the right . Not the left.

Who preaches hate ? The party that wants to ban all Muslims ? Build a giant wall ? Save racist symbols like the confederate flag? Treat gays like 2nd class citizens ?

That's all right wing hate . You run on it!
Ohh if only we can be like the peace nick righties !

Lol! The GOPs platform is all hate! Hate immigrants , minorities , gays , poor , women . All their talking points are about hate n fear .
There's a difference between speech and burning down towns and blocking traffic.

Overdramatize much ?

Name a town "burned down" and there's a long history of right wing violence leading up to it .
Ferguson...you're such a moron.
Liberals defending thugs who shoot cops.
Obama really fucked us up.

Yeah Ferguson is a great example . Try reading the Ferguson report and see how that towns PD and government terrorize the people .

Who's defending thugs who shoot cops ?! You righties make shit up.

Obama saved the country from GWs shot show .

Of course the authorities terrorize the people...of course...of course...of course...of course...of course...of course!
And of course they get away with it because no one has a smart phone to video the abuse.
of course...of course...of course...of course...of course...of course!
Feel stupid yet?
Name a town "burned down" and there's a long history of right wing violence leading up to it .
Ferguson...you're such a moron.
Liberals defending thugs who shoot cops.
Obama really fucked us up.

Obama didn't build that by himself. He had help from thousands of violent, destructive, hateful pieces of subhuman filth, such as Timmy and Eloy.

Oh look! It's the peace loving non devisive righty calling others "subhuman filth".

Irony much?
Name a town "burned down" and there's a long history of right wing violence leading up to it .
Ferguson...you're such a moron.
Liberals defending thugs who shoot cops.
Obama really fucked us up.

Obama didn't build that by himself. He had help from thousands of violent, destructive, hateful pieces of subhuman filth, such as Timmy and Eloy.

Oh look! It's the peace loving non devisive righty calling others "subhuman filth".

Irony much?
GW spoiled the wealthy.
Obama spoiled the thugs.
Ohh if only we can be like the peace nick righties !

Lol! The GOPs platform is all hate! Hate immigrants , minorities , gays , poor , women . All their talking points are about hate n fear .
There's a difference between speech and burning down towns and blocking traffic.

Overdramatize much ?

Name a town "burned down" and there's a long history of right wing violence leading up to it .
Ferguson...you're such a moron.
Liberals defending thugs who shoot cops.
Obama really fucked us up.

Yeah Ferguson is a great example . Try reading the Ferguson report and see how that towns PD and government terrorize the people .

Who's defending thugs who shoot cops ?! You righties make shit up.

Obama saved the country from GWs shot show .

Of course the authorities terrorize the people...of course...of course...of course...of course...of course...of course!
And of course they get away with it because no one has a smart phone to video the abuse.
of course...of course...of course...of course...of course...of course!
Feel stupid yet?

Gee. Like we don't have a shitload of examples caught on tape where authorities did wrong and then get away with it .

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