When is Ron Paul actually going to win a state?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
This is getting embarrassing for the Ron Paul nation. In spite of all their projections, Ron Paul is running a solid forth in a four man race. It is Super Tuesday and Paul is still looking for a state......any state to say they want him to be President
This is getting embarrassing for the Ron Paul nation. In spite of all their projections, Ron Paul is running a solid forth in a four man race. It is Super Tuesday and Paul is still looking for a state......any state to say they want him to be President

The people have spoken but Paul won't listen.
He could win tonight. I dont think it's likely but hey, it's possible.
This is getting embarrassing for the Ron Paul nation. In spite of all their projections, Ron Paul is running a solid forth in a four man race. It is Super Tuesday and Paul is still looking for a state......any state to say they want him to be President

Don't his supporters say that none of this matters and he will make a back room deal to secure all delegates?
I don't care if he wins a state or not, I only care about how many delegates he gets...
Why does it matter to you RW? What is happening is great. The Republican party is dying because they shifted into an extreme Progressive party. The Democrat party is "the progressive party" and runs off of that... Both parties are shrinking but the libertarian movement is growing like a weed.

Many of you see all of this in terms of who will win in 2012, the problem is it's not about 2012, it's about where will the country shift when Progressivism causes another giant collapse and more people are jolted awake.

The Republic party will more than likely not win another GE for many elections to come, they have insulated and cut off the actual conservative part of their party. Independents flock to libertarianism as well are Democrats.

I base this off very simple logic, much like gay marriage will soon be law. All you have to do is take a step back and look at the situation with non partisan eyes and it becomes overly obvious where things are headed.

So get back to makin fun of Paul RW, your time is coming to an end, you're just to stupid to see it.
Why does it matter to you RW? What is happening is great. The Republican party is dying because they shifted into an extreme Progressive party. The Democrat party is "the progressive party" and runs off of that... Both parties are shrinking but the libertarian movement is growing like a weed.

Many of you see all of this in terms of who will win in 2012, the problem is it's not about 2012, it's about where will the country shift when Progressivism causes another giant collapse and more people are jolted awake.

The Republic party will more than likely not win another GE for many elections to come, they have insulated and cut off the actual conservative part of their party. Independents flock to libertarianism as well are Democrats.

I base this off very simple logic, much like gay marriage will soon be law. All you have to do is take a step back and look at the situation with non partisan eyes and it becomes overly obvious where things are headed.

So get back to makin fun of Paul RW, your time is coming to an end, you're just to stupid to see it.

Races are won from the middle not the right or left extremes

If Republicans are willing to cede the middle, they do so at their own peril. They will not be a major factor for a generation
Why does it matter to you RW? What is happening is great. The Republican party is dying because they shifted into an extreme Progressive party. The Democrat party is "the progressive party" and runs off of that... Both parties are shrinking but the libertarian movement is growing like a weed.

Many of you see all of this in terms of who will win in 2012, the problem is it's not about 2012, it's about where will the country shift when Progressivism causes another giant collapse and more people are jolted awake.

The Republic party will more than likely not win another GE for many elections to come, they have insulated and cut off the actual conservative part of their party. Independents flock to libertarianism as well are Democrats.

I base this off very simple logic, much like gay marriage will soon be law. All you have to do is take a step back and look at the situation with non partisan eyes and it becomes overly obvious where things are headed.

So get back to makin fun of Paul RW, your time is coming to an end, you're just to stupid to see it.

Races are won from the middle not the right or left extremes

If Republicans are willing to cede the middle, they do so at their own peril. They will not be a major factor for a generation

If Obama is not extreme then what would be a left version of extreme.... And I don’t care about your opinion about how races are won, I’m not talking about who will win an election, I’m talking about where the country will shift when the next inevitable collapse happens. Under Obama in 10 years we will have a deficit projected of around 30 Trillion. Under Newt/Santorum/Mitt it is about the same. Under Paul the deficit would have been paid down a fair amount… meaning in ten years less than 10 Trillion on the books of debt.

When shit hits the fan again, and it will… Progressives/Neocons will go the way of the dinosaur. You have become the same, war, spending, tax cuts, talk and bullshit.
This is getting embarrassing for the Ron Paul nation. In spite of all their projections, Ron Paul is running a solid forth in a four man race. It is Super Tuesday and Paul is still looking for a state......any state to say they want him to be President
Did he reference federal aid vs state aid/local aid?
Why does it matter to you RW? What is happening is great. The Republican party is dying because they shifted into an extreme Progressive party. The Democrat party is "the progressive party" and runs off of that... Both parties are shrinking but the libertarian movement is growing like a weed.

Many of you see all of this in terms of who will win in 2012, the problem is it's not about 2012, it's about where will the country shift when Progressivism causes another giant collapse and more people are jolted awake.

The Republic party will more than likely not win another GE for many elections to come, they have insulated and cut off the actual conservative part of their party. Independents flock to libertarianism as well are Democrats.

I base this off very simple logic, much like gay marriage will soon be law. All you have to do is take a step back and look at the situation with non partisan eyes and it becomes overly obvious where things are headed.

So get back to makin fun of Paul RW, your time is coming to an end, you're just to stupid to see it.

Races are won from the middle not the right or left extremes

If Republicans are willing to cede the middle, they do so at their own peril. They will not be a major factor for a generation

If Obama is not extreme then what would be a left version of extreme.... And I don’t care about your opinion about how races are won, I’m not talking about who will win an election, I’m talking about where the country will shift when the next inevitable collapse happens. Under Obama in 10 years we will have a deficit projected of around 30 Trillion. Under Newt/Santorum/Mitt it is about the same. Under Paul the deficit would have been paid down a fair amount… meaning in ten years less than 10 Trillion on the books of debt.

When shit hits the fan again, and it will… Progressives/Neocons will go the way of the dinosaur. You have become the same, war, spending, tax cuts, talk and bullshit.

Right now, Obama is appealing for the middle and painting the GOP into a corner of only being concerned with how the one percent are doing

Of current proposed budgets, only Obamas and Paul's are projected to reduce the deficit while Romneys, Paul's and Gingrich's add significantly. That is because of the insistence on further tax cuts
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaQUU2ZL6D8]Obama will cut deficit in half FEB 2009 - YouTube[/ame]

This RW is embarrassing. When it comes time to run for President Obama will turn into a conservative, talk about cutting taxes, ending wars, getting spending under control… When Obama is President he is 98% Bush with a bigger spending bill.

We will go through another collpase,and I hope Obama is in office when it happens just to watch you blame Republicans being that is what you're programed to do.
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Races are won from the middle not the right or left extremes

If Republicans are willing to cede the middle, they do so at their own peril. They will not be a major factor for a generation

If Obama is not extreme then what would be a left version of extreme.... And I don’t care about your opinion about how races are won, I’m not talking about who will win an election, I’m talking about where the country will shift when the next inevitable collapse happens. Under Obama in 10 years we will have a deficit projected of around 30 Trillion. Under Newt/Santorum/Mitt it is about the same. Under Paul the deficit would have been paid down a fair amount… meaning in ten years less than 10 Trillion on the books of debt.

When shit hits the fan again, and it will… Progressives/Neocons will go the way of the dinosaur. You have become the same, war, spending, tax cuts, talk and bullshit.

Right now, Obama is appealing for the middle and painting the GOP into a corner of only being concerned with how the one percent are doing

Of current proposed budgets, only Obamas and Paul's are projected to reduce the deficit while Romneys, Paul's and Gingrich's add significantly. That is because of the insistence on further tax cuts

I DARE YOU to show me an Obama budget that will shrink the deficit.

You just lied sir. Cuts on future spending while the defict still climbs is not cutting the deficit, that's growing it you noobie.
If Obama is not extreme then what would be a left version of extreme.... And I don’t care about your opinion about how races are won, I’m not talking about who will win an election, I’m talking about where the country will shift when the next inevitable collapse happens. Under Obama in 10 years we will have a deficit projected of around 30 Trillion. Under Newt/Santorum/Mitt it is about the same. Under Paul the deficit would have been paid down a fair amount… meaning in ten years less than 10 Trillion on the books of debt.

When shit hits the fan again, and it will… Progressives/Neocons will go the way of the dinosaur. You have become the same, war, spending, tax cuts, talk and bullshit.

Right now, Obama is appealing for the middle and painting the GOP into a corner of only being concerned with how the one percent are doing

Of current proposed budgets, only Obamas and Paul's are projected to reduce the deficit while Romneys, Paul's and Gingrich's add significantly. That is because of the insistence on further tax cuts

I DARE YOU to show me an Obama budget that will shrink the deficit.

You just lied sir. Cuts on future spending while the defict still climbs is not cutting the deficit, that's growing it you noobie.

Without the super committee, the spending cuts start automatically in January of 2013.

When the Bush tax cuts expire in December of 2012, Obama won't allow them to be renewed.

Spending cuts + a return to the old tax rates = deficit reduction.

Congress has been taken out of the equation. No treasonous Tea Party/Republicans to mess things up.

Another brilliant move by Obama.

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