When Have You Made Enough Money?

Should there be a cap on how much any person or entity should be allowed to earn?

  • Yes. There should be a limit on earnings.

    Votes: 6 9.1%
  • No. There should be no limit on earnings.

    Votes: 56 84.8%
  • It depends. I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 4 6.1%

  • Total voters
Thats strange.....you had no problem saying Obama wants to dictate how much you can make. Are you admitting you just made it all up?

Nope, he said what he said, and it was off script, so it came from the heart .........

Its been over an hour now since i challenged you to back up your ridiculous statement with a full quote proving your point.

You have obviously, Googled it many times by now trying to find anything to prove you are right and save any semblance of credibility. The fact that you came up with nothing proves that President Obama never said what you claimed.

Thanks for playing

Have you been this much of a numbnut your whole life ? The man said " at some point, you've made enough money ". I know what he meant, you know what he meant and you know he wishes he didn't say it. But please, feel free to enlighten with your spin on what he meant with that statement ........
Nope, he said what he said, and it was off script, so it came from the heart .........

Its been over an hour now since i challenged you to back up your ridiculous statement with a full quote proving your point.

You have obviously, Googled it many times by now trying to find anything to prove you are right and save any semblance of credibility. The fact that you came up with nothing proves that President Obama never said what you claimed.

Thanks for playing

Have you been this much of a numbnut your whole life ? The man said " at some point, you've made enough money ". I know what he meant, you know what he meant and you know he wishes he didn't say it. But please, feel free to enlighten with your spin on what he meant with that statement ........

FAIL again my friend

Taking half a sentence and claiming it means that Obama wants to regulate our income is deceitful. Once again, provide the full quote, in context and show where Obama ever said he wanted to regulate what you are allowed to earn.

Of course we both know you were exagerating to try to make your point.
Obama: 'At Some Point, You've Made Enough Money' - Fox: President's 'outed himself' as a socialist

The right thinks it's found a new killer soundbite to drive home how socialist Barack Obama is. Stumping for financial reform in Quincy, Illinois, Obama said, “We're not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that's fairly earned. I do think at a certain point you've made enough money, but you know, part of the American way is, you can just keep on making it if you're providing a good product.”

Fox News is already doing its victory lap. “He's outed himself,” Frank Luntz declares, claiming the statement reveals that financial services reform “is about punishing everyday workers.”
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You know when......when you have the money to leave oppression, empire, police state and other things the flounderers "supposedly" escaped ' from.
It was a scam. THEY won the real war.

The Chinese won the big war.They never fired a shot !
Now go to Walmart and buy wunna them thar new NASCAR sweat shirts.

why dont you go roll in a pile of manure....
No it isn't

But "We the people" get to make the rules.
We get to decide on what is taxed and what is exempt. We get to decide about loopholes and exemptions and taxable and non-taxable income.

For too long, those decisions have been dictated by the mega-wealthy...the result has been an ever expanding concentration of wealth in the very few

do we Rw?.....
No it isn't

But "We the people" get to make the rules.
We get to decide on what is taxed and what is exempt. We get to decide about loopholes and exemptions and taxable and non-taxable income.

For too long, those decisions have been dictated by the mega-wealthy...the result has been an ever expanding concentration of wealth in the very few

do we Rw?.....

Yes we do.

We elect those who most closely represent our point of view. If those representaties are not doing what they were elected to do, they can be replaced in the next election.

This form of democracy has worked for us for oer 225 years.
No it isn't

But "We the people" get to make the rules.
We get to decide on what is taxed and what is exempt. We get to decide about loopholes and exemptions and taxable and non-taxable income.

For too long, those decisions have been dictated by the mega-wealthy...the result has been an ever expanding concentration of wealth in the very few

do we Rw?.....

Yes we do.

We elect those who most closely represent our point of view. If those representaties are not doing what they were elected to do, they can be replaced in the next election.

This form of democracy has worked for us for oer 225 years.

oh ok.... so when those in Congress pass something that the Majority of Americans dont like or want,and PLEASE dont tell me this has never happened,its just because they are acting on our behalf?.....
do we Rw?.....

Yes we do.

We elect those who most closely represent our point of view. If those representaties are not doing what they were elected to do, they can be replaced in the next election.

This form of democracy has worked for us for oer 225 years.

oh ok.... so when those in Congress pass something that the Majority of Americans dont like or want,and PLEASE dont tell me this has never happened,its just because they are acting on our behalf?.....

Yes. Congress is meant to be a reflection of broader public will, not a temperature of it's opinions on any given issue. I find it interesting that a conservative would be arguing against this position.
do we Rw?.....

Yes we do.

We elect those who most closely represent our point of view. If those representaties are not doing what they were elected to do, they can be replaced in the next election.

This form of democracy has worked for us for oer 225 years.

oh ok.... so when those in Congress pass something that the Majority of Americans dont like or want,and PLEASE dont tell me this has never happened,its just because they are acting on our behalf?.....

Come on Harry, you know better than that.....

Congress is not expected to sway back and forth based on the daily whims of the populace.
The problem is that the wealthy are dining in a five star restaurant and want to pay the same as someone eating in McDonalds

SO WOULD YOU....Rw....but those same people will take 10 people with them and pick up the tab.....

No quite...

Those ten people are working and providing labor which contributes to the wealth of the one
Yes. Congress is meant to be a reflection of broader public will, not a temperature of it's opinions on any given issue. I find it interesting that a conservative would be arguing against this position.

who is the Conservative you are talking about?.....and is not "broader public will" the same thing as what the public wants or doesnt want?.....if these guys are there to be a "reflection" of our wants and not wants.....then how is passing something that the majority of the public does not want,become a reflection on the public will?.......
Come on Harry, you know better than that.....

Congress is not expected to sway back and forth based on the daily whims of the populace.

Rw....lets say.....90% of America is against Amnesty for Illegals.....but Congress passes it anyhow.....are they representing us or themselves?.....many things these guys fuck with ARE NOT DAILY WHIMS......
The problem is that the wealthy are dining in a five star restaurant and want to pay the same as someone eating in McDonalds

SO WOULD YOU....Rw....but those same people will take 10 people with them and pick up the tab.....

No quite...

Those ten people are working and providing labor which contributes to the wealth of the one

so if you were on the wealthy side,which you may be,and you met 10 friends or family members at some upscale place for dinner....you would just pay for yourself and tell everyone else....hey your working....instead of grabbing the check?....
Any taxation is slavery.
Yes, I prefer anarchy to tyrrany.

To be perfectly honest, I cannot stand rich people. Perhaps it is irrational, perhaps not, but rich people scare the daylights out of me. I go to great lengths to avoid rich people in my day to day life. Granted there may be some rich people who are not evil to their core, just afflicted with inhumane desires... Still, most rich people are clearly not of good moral fibre. If they were, then they probably wouldn't be rich. Of course, even the rich deserve the respect and consideration I would grant any other individual, so please take my blanket statements, phobias, and ranting with a grain of salt.

At it's core being rich means subjugating others as a means of defining self or status. In other words, the rich are only satisfied with having more than the poor they so despise. I cannot think of a better word to describe one who only derives satisfaction from exploiting their fellow man other than "evil".

It is the rich who tax people, it is these elitists who start wars, who are predators preying upon the weaknesses and desperations of their fellow man. Usurers, warmongers, truly hateful inhumane people are among the elitist rich.

Sometimes I think the rich should be exiled to a land where they cannot compare themselves to the poor people they so hate... of course without poor people to exploit, this would likely be akin to a death sentence to such parasites of humanity. The elitists need the poor to enjoy their own lives, the poor do not need the rich to enjoy life.

So if the rich must play semantic games with the labels they use while extorting from the poor I suppose a flat tax is the most fair way to go about it, though it is silly to associate the word "fair" to the practice of slavery to begin with.
do we Rw?.....

Yes we do.

We elect those who most closely represent our point of view. If those representaties are not doing what they were elected to do, they can be replaced in the next election.

This form of democracy has worked for us for oer 225 years.

oh ok.... so when those in Congress pass something that the Majority of Americans dont like or want,and PLEASE dont tell me this has never happened,its just because they are acting on our behalf?.....

That's just it. They knew going in this was going to be bad, and polls indicated that the majority of people didn't want this 'thing'...

They show thier arrogance for their own benefit...especially in light of the torpedoing of a measure that would have made the Congress subject to the same LAW.

It is tentamount to telling the people we do this for you and if you don't like it? Screw ya.

In November? The people will screw them right back.
Yes. Congress is meant to be a reflection of broader public will, not a temperature of it's opinions on any given issue. I find it interesting that a conservative would be arguing against this position.

who is the Conservative you are talking about?.....and is not "broader public will" the same thing as what the public wants or doesnt want?.....if these guys are there to be a "reflection" of our wants and not wants.....then how is passing something that the majority of the public does not want,become a reflection on the public will?.......

I'll reply in list form.
1. The conservative I'm referring to is you.
2. Broader public will meaning the public will on a wide range of issues. It doesn't mean they'll agree on every single issue.
3. I would strongly disagree with this notion that the legislature is meant to be a reflection of your preferences.
I'll reply in list form.
1. The conservative I'm referring to is you.
2. Broader public will meaning the public will on a wide range of issues. It doesn't mean they'll agree on every single issue.
3. I would strongly disagree with this notion that the legislature is meant to be a reflection of your preferences.

oh im the Conservative..:lol:...i guess you read my posts where i have said i dont know how many times i hate both parties and loath bush and cheny and co.....and how i especially hate the FAR-Right and Left.....so you are just another Rdean clone i take it?.....i disagree with you therefore i = conservative...good god you far-leftist amaze me....but i will say...Deans got yas well trained.....and we were not talking about MY PREFERENCES moron....we were talking about the COUNTRY'S preferences.....but i know....you will piss Dean off if you dont put an anti-Righty thing in there somewhere....i understand...you can go back and tell him you did it.....maybe he will give you a piece candy for your loyalty....and let you rub his feet....
I'll reply in list form.
1. The conservative I'm referring to is you.
2. Broader public will meaning the public will on a wide range of issues. It doesn't mean they'll agree on every single issue.
3. I would strongly disagree with this notion that the legislature is meant to be a reflection of your preferences.

oh im the Conservative..:lol:...i guess you read my posts where i have said i dont know how many times i hate both parties and loath bush and cheny and co.....and how i especially hate the FAR-Right and Left.....so you are just another Rdean clone i take it?.....i disagree with you therefore i = conservative...good god you far-leftist amaze me....but i will say...Deans got yas well trained.....and we were not talking about MY PREFERENCES moron....we were talking about the COUNTRY'S preferences.....but i know....you will piss Dean off if you dont put an anti-Righty thing in there somewhere....i understand...you can go back and tell him you did it.....maybe he will give you a piece candy for your loyalty....and let you rub his feet....


Polk Punk put in his place! :lol:
When you can't come up with anything truely worth while to do with it.

Buying more expensive things that you don't really need doesn't count.

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