When Did We First Start Looting Social Security?

SSI was passed in 1935 and 33 years later in 1968 President Johnson started taking the surplus from SSI to pay for the Viet Nam War, War on Poverty and NASA, because he did not want to raise taxes to pay for his expanded government.
The Dem's have never paid it back and neither has the Repubs.
Don't hold your breath for that to happen.

If SS had money believe me those clowns would find a way to steal it.
SS will run out of money before 2030...it will happen as governments own accounting office said so repeatedly.
And yet - nothing is being done to repair that. Not even by the anointed one himself. Just another example of Obama's hope but no change.
Seems like it's been going on for decades. Does anyone know when we first started raiding it?

What, are you questioning our dear leaders? Stop it please. Our central planners know far more than any of you peasants about what is best for you and how to spend your money.

All is well, all is well...
We have actually been looting it from almost day one.
Issuing junk bonds for the surplus and spending the surplus.
Seems like it's been going on for decades. Does anyone know when we first started raiding it?

At least since the late 60's...

Now there is no social security "account" - the government is paying individuals out of pocket.

The government stole all the pennies from the penny tray and put none back...
We have actually been looting it from almost day one.
Issuing junk bonds for the surplus and spending the surplus.

The federal government (and even state governments) don't focus on the long term outlook- no they focus on temporary solutions that will payoff in the present.

At least thats what democrats do...

They're always like "fuck the future we need results now" then when the future arrives they do the same shit...

This is why we're in the position we're in now and again they're saying "fuck the future lets barrow trillions more from China so we can keep the base pleased."

That's why social security is dry and that's why our national debt is astronomical...

Then they try to con people into buying junk bonds which are pretty much nothing more than IOU's.... How can one payoff an IOU when they're broke???
Seems like it's been going on for decades. Does anyone know when we first started raiding it?

We went to the unified budget in 1965. LBJ used the gimmick to hide the costs of the Vietnam war.
And Medicare....And the Great Society....

Then he dumped the bill on Nixon, Ford and Carter, giving us 12+% inflation and 20+% interest....

Then Reagan used that model of issuing debt to keep those bloated failed programs afloat, until the economy could allegedly grow its way out of that debt, giving us the massive federal debt today.

Nonetheless, all of it stems from the out-of-control spending of federal warmongers and do-gooders, who have no intention of ever admitting that their financial shell game scam, and the endless foreign wars and Utopian nanny state programs built upon it, is doomed.
When Congress decided to pass the buck to the next generation. Funny, Goldwater predicted what LBJ would do and the democrat's followed the script to a T, now the piper wants his due.
SS will run out of money before 2030...it will happen as governments own accounting office said so repeatedly.
And yet - nothing is being done to repair that. Not even by the anointed one himself. Just another example of Obama's hope but no change.

And what has every president since LBJ, whom I personally didn't like as a president, done to solve the problem of taking money from SS?
Your biased hatred oozes out of every pour in your miserable existence.
Seems like it's been going on for decades. Does anyone know when we first started raiding it?

We went to the unified budget in 1965. LBJ used the gimmick to hide the costs of the Vietnam war.
And Medicare....And the Great Society....

Then he dumped the bill on Nixon, Ford and Carter, giving us 12+% inflation and 20+% interest....

Then Reagan used that model of issuing debt to keep those bloated failed programs afloat, until the economy could allegedly grow its way out of that debt, giving us the massive federal debt today.

Nonetheless, all of it stems from the out-of-control spending of federal warmongers and do-gooders, who have no intention of ever admitting that their financial shell game scam, and the endless foreign wars and Utopian nanny state programs built upon it, is doomed.

The thread should have been closed after this.

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