Zone1 When black people's ship comes in, and the reparations check arrives

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Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
What will the money be spent on ? Bling? Big new caddies to cruise through the ghetto? New threads? Copious amounts of Hennessy and Newports? Lockers full of soups and stamps for those brothers who are on ice?

If you were advising young black kids, would you tell them its pointless to go to school or work hard. Just hang loose until the money hits your books?

What will the money be spent on ? Bling? Big new caddies to cruise through the ghetto? New threads? Copious amounts of Hennessy and Newports? Lockers full of soups and stamps for those brothers who are on ice?

If you were advising young black kids, would you tell them its pointless to go to school or work hard. Just hang loose until the money hits your books?

When the black people's ship comes in with the reparations check, it'll just be another slave ship.
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What will the money be spent on ? Bling? Big new caddies to cruise through the ghetto? New threads? Copious amounts of Hennessy and Newports? Lockers full of soups and stamps for those brothers who are on ice?

If you were advising young black kids, would you tell them its pointless to go to school or work hard. Just hang loose until the money hits your books?

In this very unlikely scenario, the only thing I am sure of, except for the drug dealers, they will be broke again in no time
They aren't going to hand out checks to anybody; the plan is to put it in a big 'fund', managed by people like Al Sharpton, who will decide how it's distributed and to who. So, it will simplely be embezzled by the usual political hacks and passed out to cronies for 'urban development' scams, education scams, 'Art Project' scams, etc. It's really laughable that they have these hood rats salivating over getting Big Giant Govt. Checks N Stuff!!! They really beleive the nonsense peddled by their commie master gangsters.
Reparations won't pass because most Americans oppose them.

Most Americans opposed the Obamacare Atrocity as well. But with parliamentary manipulations of B. Hussein O, Mitt Romney and most of all, John McCain, we got it nonetheless.
NAFTA was opposed by a huge majority of Americans. It passed with flying colors. All the commies need to do is cram the Bill with lots of tax breaks and subsidies for hedge fund managers and giant multinationals who do business with slave labor specialists like Red China and it will pass with almost no opposition from the GOP.
What will the money be spent on ? Bling? Big new caddies to cruise through the ghetto? New threads? Copious amounts of Hennessy and Newports? Lockers full of soups and stamps for those brothers who are on ice?

If you were advising young black kids, would you tell them its pointless to go to school or work hard. Just hang loose until the money hits your books?
My forecast: because we see with our own eyes the state of modern day education, and its evolution to get to today's point (e.g. low reading and math comprehension), it's probably safe to say a majority do not have a proper understanding of finances. This will translate into large financial transactions, such as buying houses, vehicles, entertainment packages and largest tv they can find. The money will be spent quickly - think Lottery Winnings v2.0
Reparations won't pass because most Americans oppose them.

Whitey is going to have to keep promising reparations forever, until the blacks wise up and stop voting for demonRat perverts.

This will make for some interesting theater.

Why do white racists try making these predictions?

Reparations will be paid. This is an issues that goes beyond the ignorant opinions of evil people. It is an issue of a law that supercedes mans constitution.

This is a matter of spiritual law.

So reparations either get paid;

Or God will deal with this sin and you will wish reparations had been paid.
Why do white racists try making these predictions?

Reparations will be paid. This is an issues that goes beyond the ignorant opinions of evil people. It is an issue of a law that supercedes mans constitution.

This is a matter of spiritual law.

So reparations either get paid;

Or God will deal with this sin and you will wish reparations had been paid.
Fuck you and your reparations. You can pay my share you dumb-ass.
Why do white racists try making these predictions?

Reparations will be paid. This is an issues that goes beyond the ignorant opinions of evil people. It is an issue of a law that supercedes mans constitution.

This is a matter of spiritual law.

So reparations either get paid;

Or God will deal with this sin and you will wish reparations had been paid.

What are you going to spend your big money on, IM2? A big caddy? jewelry?
Why do white racists try making these predictions?

Reparations will be paid. This is an issues that goes beyond the ignorant opinions of evil people. It is an issue of a law that supercedes mans constitution.

This is a matter of spiritual law.

So reparations either get paid;

Or God will deal with this sin and you will wish reparations had been paid.

Check back with us when you get yours.

The "sin" part is cute and humorous, coming from someone who is most likely "identifying".

What are you going to spend your big money on, IM2? A big caddy? jewelry?

Gold teeth and ghetto nails.

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