Wheelchair Politics: Media/EWTN [American Dream?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I know I said I was signing off for good, but I wanted to post one more patriotism-vignette about the age of media, an idea that's been 'stewing' in my mind for some time now, and it's inspired by the media-ethos film Videodrome (and since it's politics-jargon relevant to 'TrumpUSA aesthetics,' I didn't feel altogether comfy posting it in the Writing section of USMB).

Thanks for reading (and for everything else!),



"Americans loved media and would go so far as to dress up in funny costumes and masks to depict themselves as vigilantes, crusaders, and spies for Internet blogs, movies, and TV programs. Ajay Satan was an Algerian-American Internet-blogging self-proclaimed democracy-defending 'vigilante' who wrote about pornography/censorship in the modern (21st Century) age of media. Val Kilmer was a popular Hollywood (USA) movie-star making films about intrigue and adventure such as The Saint and Wonderland. Now, the two were working together (after meeting secretly on a politics chatroom on the Internet) on a New Deal media-essay about FDR being broadcasted during his iconic 'Fireside Chats' while being in a wheelchair. Ajay/Val believed the presentation of social icons/leaders (such as FDR) in modern media reflected a new age social investment in profile-based politics/fashion (e.g., GQ)."


"Of course, Americans and the media were not too forgiving about handicaps and vulnerabilities, so social icons and leaders and celebrities and even media-bloggers/Internet-bloggers who presented themselves on the Internet had to present themselves as at least confident or patriotic lest they be characterized as 'eccentrics' or even 'outsiders.' An radical Islamic terrorist (code name: Brainiac) had developed an underground 'super-computer' capable of hacking into any American computer network (e.g., NSA terminal) and inserting viruses or rewriting communiques. Brainiac wanted to prey on this new age media vulnerability regarding the demand for reliable and professional presentation. With a little hysteria, Brainiac could sabotage media-broadcasts of EWTN (Catholic-TV) while 'elevating' Al Jazeera (Muslim-TV)."


"Brainiac drew a picture of himself as a cybernetic 'mastermind' (hooked up to organic tubes which helped him breathe!). Brainiac had been an anti-capitalist terrorist from Syria ever since he was 14 years-old, recruited by a terrorist-brotherhood/sect while he was in school. No one knew Brainiac's real name, since he was an orphan (his parents were killed by U.S. forces in Syria during a terrible incident/accident). Brainac made a picture of himself using organic tubes hooked up into an oxygen-device which pumped energy throughout his body, giving him an 'extra-sensory' capacity to meditate on eternity and not be bogged down by man's preoccupations with profit (i.e., capitalism). In other words, Brainiac was a much more 'professional' rendition of the Unabomber."


"Brainiac had a girlfriend who he nicknamed Baroness. They met in Algeria (ironically at the same time Ajay was visiting there with his parents as a young boy to see his grandparents). Brainiac/Baroness worked on radical Islamic terrorist tactics to undermine American networks. Brainiac made a cartoon drawing of Baroness dressed in sexy lingerie but with a snake/cobra insignia painted on her bikini-suit and carrying a gun to signify her focus on anti-capitalism terrorism in the modern age. Brainiac/Baroness wanted such 'radical imagery' to be used to cast capitalism-idealism into doubt and bring to question the moral inspiration behind new age commercial networks/contracts (e.g., World Bank, European Union). Would terrorism ideology prevail over the forces of commerce idealism?"


"Well, Ajay/Val thought about the courage/idealism required to make modern media a vehicle for free-speech, values, and American imagination. Ajay and Val were effectively Western media 'diplomats' who used the social 'pulpit' to cast American values as representative of a modern era human civilization focus on the demand for creative-thinking (as a cure to terrorism and anarchy!). Ajay/Val wanted to create a series of political-cartoon 'fan-fics' to cast Captain America (Marvel Comics) and Wonder Woman (DC Comics) as a male-and-female duo countering the messages/ideas of anti-capitalism terrorists such as Brainiac/Baroness so that media 'audiences' would think more progressively about man's ability to use communication to elevate democracy (rather than anarchy). Were Ajay and Val like
'socialization priests' praising the modern value of values-driven media-networks such as EWTN (Catholic-TV)?"


"Ajay/Val thought about FDR delivering his iconic 'Fireside Chats' while sitting in a wheelchair and thought about how modern infrastructures and social trends catered to presentation norms and how social icons/leaders could use social pulpits (and media) to talk about the value of free-speech and democracy in a time of great mobilization intrigue, as America progressed from the Industrial Revolution (20th Century) into the Network Era (21st Century). Ajay/Val believed that news-reporters in Times Square in NYC on New Year's Eve represented Western civilization interests in 'socialization activities' conducive to democratic dialogue about pluralism. How would Brainiac/Baroness counter such 'media rhetoric' with deeds oriented towards 'traffic-terrorism'?"


TRUMP: What do you think is the American Dream, Carter?
CARTER: It's all about video-games, Mr. President!
TRUMP: Video-games? What do you mean?
CARTER: Well, Microsoft's Xbox has become a popular platform.
TRUMP: Yes, I'm familiar with Xbox games marketing...
CARTER: Best Buy consumer-electronics stores carry Xbox media.
TRUMP: Yes, Xbox video-games are quite iconic/popular. So what?
CARTER: Well, some of these video-games are patriotic and/or ideological.
TRUMP: Such as?
CARTER: Call of Duty, Alien: Isolation, The Da Vinci Code, Playboy: The Mansion.
TRUMP: Are these games 'kosher,' Carter?
CARTER: Some of them are graphic/racy, which is they there are content-warnings.
TRUMP: Censorship is an important issue in the age of media/games.
CARTER: Yes; Mortal Kombat X features a graphic combat interface.
TRUMP: I've seen some of the female warriors on that game; quite graphic!
CARTER: Yes, Kitana (for example) is a scantily-clad blade-wielding female-warrior!
TRUMP: I wonder what kids are thinking when they pit Kitana against...Leatherface.
CARTER: Yes, Leatherface vs. Kitana is a popular MKX online game scenario.
TRUMP: Media promotes democracy then with the proper dose of supervision.
CARTER: I wonder how they'll compare FDR's 'Fireside Chats' with 'Trump's tweets.'
TRUMP: I think they'll say, "FDR gave to patriotism what Trump gave to spectatorship!"




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