What's Up with Obama's Official Portrait?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

OK, Obama wanted a black homosexual to paint it. He found one. I guess he is supposed to be back in Kenya or something. Or maybe that's all the pot he smoked while in the White House. What's up with that chair? There appears to be no arm on Obama's left side, so it looks like he's precariously perched with his left cheek hanging dangerously near the edge of the chair. Did the guy just run out of brown paint? Did he simply forget to add it? Was he smoking those garish leaves in the studio while painting Obama?

But let's forget all that for now and focus on the freakishly large hands. Those paws nearly span the distance from his wrist to his elbow. Stop reading this for just a second and hold your hand up to your forearm. Is yours anywhere close to the length of your forearm? No? Mine either. And what's with the extra finger birth defect?

it's simple. It's just another baseless attack on Trump jabbing the "small hands" bullshit. Fact is Obama is a faggot and the fact that he did all he could do to hurt us is reason enough to send that bastard away forever.
I got a kick out of it when i realized our mutt ex president is sitting in the jungle surrounded by kenyan flowers.
Like how racist is that painter against black people?

and here I was wondering why he is sitting in that bed of poison ivy, and how the hell did it sprout those Chrysanthemum and lily of the Nile blossoms?

OK, Obama wanted a black homosexual to paint it. He found one. I guess he is supposed to be back in Kenya or something. Or maybe that's all the pot he smoked while in the White House. What's up with that chair? There appears to be no arm on Obama's left side, so it looks like he's precariously perched with his left cheek hanging dangerously near the edge of the chair. Did the guy just run out of brown paint? Did he simply forget to add it? Was he smoking those garish leaves in the studio while painting Obama?

But let's forget all that for now and focus on the freakishly large hands. Those paws nearly span the distance from his wrist to his elbow. Stop reading this for just a second and hold your hand up to your forearm. Is yours anywhere close to the length of your forearm? No? Mine either. And what's with the extra finger birth defect?

That is so funny! I couldn't get beyond the horrible background! You are slo right about the hands and the exra finger! Hilarious. But hey, the artist (?) was black!
it's simple. It's just another baseless attack on Trump jabbing the "small hands" bullshit. Fact is Obama is a faggot and the fact that he did all he could do to hurt us is reason enough to send that bastard away forever.
Racist, homophobic scum like you.....Oh to see your knees wither in my presence.

You are an anti-American pile of shit. Leave this country you traitor.
it's simple. It's just another baseless attack on Trump jabbing the "small hands" bullshit. Fact is Obama is a faggot and the fact that he did all he could do to hurt us is reason enough to send that bastard away forever.
Racist, homophobic scum like you.....Oh to see your knees wither in my presence.

You are an anti-American pile of shit. Leave this country you traitor.
Dude, you were just talking about wanting to fight with the british against us. :lame2:
it's simple. It's just another baseless attack on Trump jabbing the "small hands" bullshit. Fact is Obama is a faggot and the fact that he did all he could do to hurt us is reason enough to send that bastard away forever.
Racist, homophobic scum like you.....Oh to see your knees wither in my presence.

You are an anti-American pile of shit. Leave this country you traitor.
Dude, you were just talking about wanting to fight with the british against us. :lame2:
Yes, I was being ironic. SHowing how easy it is to throw terms like anti-American out there.

Its a morons game.
it's simple. It's just another baseless attack on Trump jabbing the "small hands" bullshit. Fact is Obama is a faggot and the fact that he did all he could do to hurt us is reason enough to send that bastard away forever.
Racist, homophobic scum like you.....Oh to see your knees wither in my presence.

You are an anti-American pile of shit. Leave this country you traitor.
Dude, you were just talking about wanting to fight with the british against us. :lame2:
Yes, I was being ironic. SHowing how easy it is to throw terms like anti-American out there.

Its a morons game.
Obabble is descended from Anne Boleyn! He's a WITCH! Burn him burn him burn him!

OK, Obama wanted a black homosexual to paint it. He found one. I guess he is supposed to be back in Kenya or something. Or maybe that's all the pot he smoked while in the White House. What's up with that chair? There appears to be no arm on Obama's left side, so it looks like he's precariously perched with his left cheek hanging dangerously near the edge of the chair. Did the guy just run out of brown paint? Did he simply forget to add it? Was he smoking those garish leaves in the studio while painting Obama?

But let's forget all that for now and focus on the freakishly large hands. Those paws nearly span the distance from his wrist to his elbow. Stop reading this for just a second and hold your hand up to your forearm. Is yours anywhere close to the length of your forearm? No? Mine either. And what's with the extra finger birth defect?


Oh my I am in tears here. Is this the real portrait or some internet trickery?

This guy is finished as a painter. He's going to be doing paint by numbers while he dances with a hat at his feet outside bars at 2am. Awful.

OK, Obama wanted a black homosexual to paint it. He found one. I guess he is supposed to be back in Kenya or something. Or maybe that's all the pot he smoked while in the White House. What's up with that chair? There appears to be no arm on Obama's left side, so it looks like he's precariously perched with his left cheek hanging dangerously near the edge of the chair. Did the guy just run out of brown paint? Did he simply forget to add it? Was he smoking those garish leaves in the studio while painting Obama?

But let's forget all that for now and focus on the freakishly large hands. Those paws nearly span the distance from his wrist to his elbow. Stop reading this for just a second and hold your hand up to your forearm. Is yours anywhere close to the length of your forearm? No? Mine either. And what's with the extra finger birth defect?


Oh my I am in tears here. Is this the real portrait or some internet trickery?

This guy is finished as a painter. He's going to be doing paint by numbers while he dances with a hat at his feet outside bars at 2am. Awful.

If you think that's bad, check out Mooche's!

Oh. and here I was wondering why he is sitting in that bed of poison ivy, and how the hell did it sprout those Chrysanthemum and lily of the Nile blossoms?

Indicative of the Left to portray Obama in such an unreal setting that does not really exist with a flora that is made up. Looked at another way, it almost looks like those plants are reaching out to grow over him to quickly cover him up as the jungles did to bury the defunct Mayan civilization. I'm sure the symbolism is just an imagined one. o_O

Meantime, if Trump was similarly portrayed, can you imagine the comments about his trampling over all those plants and crushing of the environment? Of course you can.

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