What's to keep us from having the problems of Greece?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
What's to keep us from having the problems of Greece? I mean we're increasing our debt at mind blowing levels and our ability to reason with the unions are quite limited. They seem not to care about the economy over their own greed. Like in Greece when the government had to cut, but they rioted as they couldn't be reasoned with as they didn't want anything to be cut, even through things had to be.

The same could be said about Briton a few years ago (conservative cuts) followed by massive protest.

How do we not run into the same problems? I understand that we make agreements with the unions, but they're mostly not willing to put the economic good of our nations above it. The effects of such have shown to lead to harming our nations. We need a good balance, I can sense, but how do you get to that.

Republicans argue that the free market and paying people at the market level is a better way forward. In a way they're right as it doesn't lead to such problems as we're having with our unions, but maybe it isn't as fair for the workers. How do we compete with China within a world economy? This is a problem.

You do have to look at both sides, but if our economic system collapses, who really wins?
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8537 is correct of course.

We can inflate our way out. Sure we pay in other ways, but as long as we have bread and circuses, whats the worry?

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