What's the next U.S. terror threat?....

What's the next U.S. terror threat? - USATODAY.com

:doubt::( I doubt if we will ever know for sure, when and what the next terror threat will be, and who will be the ones to do it.I do know that Al-Qeada has warned the US., but who else will join in with them?

If it hadn't been for the malfunction in his underware bomb that bomber would have succeded. OBL has already warned that they will try to hit us again in a big way.

Hope the Obamalama brigade gets it shit together because they ain't commin across as being to savvy.
Giving the fact I have a better chance of dying in a car accident, or getting malaria I am not to worried about it. Life is too short to live in constant fear, like many want us to.
I guess I could check out Fox news to see what color we are at today. :tongue:
Giving the fact I have a better chance of dying in a car accident, or getting malaria I am not to worried about it. Life is too short to live in constant fear, like many want us to.
I guess I could check out Fox news to see what color we are at today. :tongue:

pretty sure that type of conclusion is a fallacy. just saying.
Giving the fact I have a better chance of dying in a car accident, or getting malaria I am not to worried about it. Life is too short to live in constant fear, like many want us to.
I guess I could check out Fox news to see what color we are at today. :tongue:

pretty sure that type of conclusion is a fallacy. just saying.

I have always thought that on a day when all the elected so-called leaders were in one place would be the time some group would plan to bomb or poison them all.
An example would be when both houses, all the SC justices and the pres and vicepres are assembled for a state of the union address.
Hope security is good.
I have always thought that on a day when all the elected so-called leaders were in one place would be the time some group would plan to bomb or poison them all.
An example would be when both houses, all the SC justices and the pres and vicepres are assembled for a state of the union address.
Hope security is good.

Is it really powdered sugar on the doughnuts?
I have always thought that on a day when all the elected so-called leaders were in one place would be the time some group would plan to bomb or poison them all.
An example would be when both houses, all the SC justices and the pres and vicepres are assembled for a state of the union address.
Hope security is good.

Is it really powdered sugar on the doughnuts?

Exactly! It wouldn't even take a real attack to cause harm, just a threat.
Say someone called in to the building maintainence crew and said they dropped something nasty into the ac vents.
I really am surprised it hasn't been attempted yet.
A good terror attack has to create more fear and indecision than anger. Uniting Americans under Bush W didn't do Osama much good unless his intention was to have us spend tons of money taking over "his" country.

Always thought with some patience Osama could put folks in important jobs all across this country. Then say one day tell a fella next time he's performing bridge maintenance mess the thing up where it will fall. Or if the "operative" has a job like tug boat operator just run some barges into a bridge fast enough to drop it into the river.

In his press release then Osama would say, "maybe that was us" causing Americans to be up in arms about everything.
Oh, and drop it at like 0300 when the fewest folks are on it if possible. Then in the video say something like "we don't want to kill you, just get our own country back". Really play the PR thing.

But don't worry, this is a religious issue so the most dedicated Muslims won't be thinking, just strapping bombs to their chests and running at crowds of civilians because that's how to make the most folks angry at the cause.
:( Well!!! the way i figure it, is that we have so many countries mad at us, that it isn't even funny, and even some of our so called allies, are getting frustrated at some of our policies and ways that we deal with things and how we retaliate, with what we feel is a threat. While we have our heads in the political clouds(Government). Those who hate us are figuring out ways to catch us off guard, and do what they want to do.
What's the next U.S. terror threat? - USATODAY.com

:doubt::( I doubt if we will ever know for sure, when and what the next terror threat will be, and who will be the ones to do it.I do know that Al-Qeada has warned the US., but who else will join in with them?

If it hadn't been for the malfunction in his underware bomb that bomber would have succeded. OBL has already warned that they will try to hit us again in a big way.

Hope the Obamalama brigade gets it shit together because they ain't commin across as being to savvy.

If some lone terrorist is successful in blowing up an airplane, it won't be because of policy, but a breakdown in checklist protocol, which is what happened at Christmas. And I'm sure that won't be the last time some lunatic tries it.

In the meantime, if al-Qaeda seriously wanted to "hit us again in a big way," they could easily do it by some method of biological warfare. After all, bin Laden's #2, Ayman al-Zawahari, is a chemist. I don't think the Christmas bomber was even al-Qaeda. If so, it sure took OBL long enough to say so. I think he sent the video taking credit when he did was because suddenly the world's attention shifted from HIM and his dastardly organization to the tragedy in Haiti. Without constant publicity exuding fear, al-Qaeda would soon disappear. It's how they keep their recruiting efforts alive.
I have always thought that on a day when all the elected so-called leaders were in one place would be the time some group would plan to bomb or poison them all.
An example would be when both houses, all the SC justices and the pres and vicepres are assembled for a state of the union address.
Hope security is good.

I guess that would fulfill the wishes of those who want a complete do-over, eh? Seriously, though, that's why Hillary Clinton won't be attending, and a member from both parties of both houses of Congress won't be present in the House chamber tonight as well. We would then have five people to begin a new government from scratch. (Heaven Forbid it should ever happen.)
I have always thought that on a day when all the elected so-called leaders were in one place would be the time some group would plan to bomb or poison them all.
An example would be when both houses, all the SC justices and the pres and vicepres are assembled for a state of the union address.
Hope security is good.

I guess that would fulfill the wishes of those who want a complete do-over, eh? Seriously, though, that's why Hillary Clinton won't be attending, and a member from both parties of both houses of Congress won't be present in the House chamber tonight as well. We would then have five people to begin a new government from scratch. (Heaven Forbid it should ever happen.)

I agree, heaven forbid it should happen.
:( Well!!! the way i figure it, is that we have so many countries mad at us, that it isn't even funny, and even some of our so called allies, are getting frustrated at some of our policies and ways that we deal with things and how we retaliate, with what we feel is a threat. While we have our heads in the political clouds(Government). Those who hate us are figuring out ways to catch us off guard, and do what they want to do.

Most countries aren't mad at us anymore. Which ones are you talking about? As far as terrorist surveillance and cooperation among the myriad intelligence agencies, the alliance couldn't be better.

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