What's racist?


VIP Member
Jul 16, 2013
Things that may have been perfectly okay to say or do in the past may be considered racist today. I can't seen to keep up. So I'm hoping the USMB community will help me compile a list that I can check from time to time to help me avoid being a racist. I will start the tread with an easy one.

1. Don't call anyone a ****** (unless you are black and change the "er" to "a")
Things that may have been perfectly okay to say or do in the past may be considered racist today. I can't seen to keep up. So I'm hoping the USMB community will help me compile a list that I can check from time to time to help me avoid being a racist. I will start the tread with an easy one.

1. Don't call anyone a ****** (unless you are black and change the "er" to "a")

Thats a good rule. I am often amused when white people complain about this one.
It would seem today that being white now automatically makes one a racist. Doesn't matter what a white person says or what opinion a white person has it is turned into something racist. Hell I have a friend who was called racist because he didn't vote for Obama.

I think its more the mindset. You can be racist (actually bigoted) and not be aware of it being a white person. Some like to pretend they are not aware but are.
"Black hole." Racist...

Dallas County officials spar over ?black hole? comment | Dallas Morning News

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc1zGRUPztc]The Black Hole - Commissioner John Wiley Price - YouTube[/ame]

"Black Friday" & "White Christmas?" Racist...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYz4-HqOtac]Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price still finds the term "black hole" racist - YouTube[/ame]

When i was a kid someone had me look up the word Black. It had all the worst words like evil, vile, repulsive, etc. I then was told to look up white and it had words like pure, innocent, square dealing etc. Looks like that has been changed in most dictionaries. However, this is where the claims of racism come from. There is no question the definitions were racist aspects of the American culture. Black Friday is a weird one as it actually has a positive meaning.

When i was a kid someone had me look up the word Black. It had all the worst words like evil, vile, repulsive, etc. I then was told to look up white and it had words like pure, innocent, square dealing etc. Looks like that has been changed in most dictionaries. However, this is where the claims of racism come from. There is no question the definitions were racist aspects of the American culture. Black Friday is a weird one as it actually has a positive meaning.

In my 49 years I've not seen such definitions in a dictionary, if I had I am fairly certain I would not have ascribed them to skin color. But who knows? Different times, different mind sets...

The black hole incident sticks in my mind as perhaps the most ridiculous case of calling racism. As much as I am not a fan of racism and those who practice it, I am equally not a fan of those who look for any slight, real or perceived, and use it as an excuse to cry, or accuse others of, racism.

Much like people over using the word "awesome," to do so when something is not, diminishes those instances when something is...

When i was a kid someone had me look up the word Black. It had all the worst words like evil, vile, repulsive, etc. I then was told to look up white and it had words like pure, innocent, square dealing etc. Looks like that has been changed in most dictionaries. However, this is where the claims of racism come from. There is no question the definitions were racist aspects of the American culture. Black Friday is a weird one as it actually has a positive meaning.

In my 49 years I've not seen such definitions in a dictionary, if I had I am fairly certain I would not have ascribed them to skin color. But who knows? Different times, different mind sets...

The black hole incident sticks in my mind as perhaps the most ridiculous case of calling racism. As much as I am not a fan of racism and those who practice it, I am equally not a fan of those who look for any slight, real or perceived, and use it as an excuse to cry, or accuse others of, racism.

Much like people over using the word "awesome," to do so when something is not, diminishes those instances when something is...

You may not have assigned them consciously but all you have to do is look at all the majority of words that start with Black to see what I am saying was true and do get assigned subconsciously.

black ball
black list
black humor
black death
black mood

I always thought the below was true until I found out the ancients regarded the color black as one of divinity.

What the color black means to us psychologically:
Black means a few different things, and almost all of them have negative connotations. That’s because humankind’s instinctively fear the darkness, and anything that lurks in the night.
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It would seem today that being white now automatically makes one a racist. Doesn't matter what a white person says or what opinion a white person has it is turned into something racist. Hell I have a friend who was called racist because he didn't vote for Obama.

I think its more the mindset. You can be racist (actually bigoted) and not be aware of it being a white person. Some like to pretend they are not aware but are.

That's kinda right. I always figure that any kind of racism is failure of checking your assumptions. After all we tend to ASSUME that white guys arent NBA material and Black Winter bobsled crews are kinda rare.. So I check myself by challenging assumptions. (like any good engineer/scientist) if I catch myself drifting..

That's why I think that ASSUMING that black kids in poorly performing schools are never gonna take Advance Placement tests for instance is MASSIVE INSTITUTIONALIZED racism..

My wife always toyed with me when we lived in the San Fran area. Because my racist admission has to do with oriental people driving.. I'd see some outrageous behaviour on the freeway and make a comment that she'd neg me for --- and I'd speed up just to check MY ASSUMPTION --- 90% of the time --- I was right.. Can't help it if the facts and statistics are on my side.. ((Waiting for someone to quote me insurance claims by ethnicity :lol:))
When i was a kid someone had me look up the word Black. It had all the worst words like evil, vile, repulsive, etc. I then was told to look up white and it had words like pure, innocent, square dealing etc. Looks like that has been changed in most dictionaries. However, this is where the claims of racism come from. There is no question the definitions were racist aspects of the American culture. Black Friday is a weird one as it actually has a positive meaning.

In my 49 years I've not seen such definitions in a dictionary, if I had I am fairly certain I would not have ascribed them to skin color. But who knows? Different times, different mind sets...

The black hole incident sticks in my mind as perhaps the most ridiculous case of calling racism. As much as I am not a fan of racism and those who practice it, I am equally not a fan of those who look for any slight, real or perceived, and use it as an excuse to cry, or accuse others of, racism.

Much like people over using the word "awesome," to do so when something is not, diminishes those instances when something is...

You may not have assigned them consciously but all you have to do is look at all the majority of words that start with Black to see what I am saying was true and do get assigned subconsciously.

black ball
black list
black humor
black death
black mood

I always thought the below was true until I found out the ancients regarded the color black as one of divinity.

What the color black means to us psychologically:
Black means a few different things, and almost all of them have negative connotations. That’s because humankind’s instinctively fear the darkness, and anything that lurks in the night.

I guess even if it's WHITE and bad --- it's still excused. All "white lies" are litte ones.
I know my ancestors were not pleased with White Russians..
In my 49 years I've not seen such definitions in a dictionary, if I had I am fairly certain I would not have ascribed them to skin color. But who knows? Different times, different mind sets...

The black hole incident sticks in my mind as perhaps the most ridiculous case of calling racism. As much as I am not a fan of racism and those who practice it, I am equally not a fan of those who look for any slight, real or perceived, and use it as an excuse to cry, or accuse others of, racism.

Much like people over using the word "awesome," to do so when something is not, diminishes those instances when something is...

You may not have assigned them consciously but all you have to do is look at all the majority of words that start with Black to see what I am saying was true and do get assigned subconsciously.

black ball
black list
black humor
black death
black mood

I always thought the below was true until I found out the ancients regarded the color black as one of divinity.

What the color black means to us psychologically:
Black means a few different things, and almost all of them have negative connotations. That’s because humankind’s instinctively fear the darkness, and anything that lurks in the night.

I guess even if it's WHITE and bad --- it's still excused. All "white lies" are litte ones.
I know my ancestors were not pleased with White Russians..

I dont know how I got on this year but these are the 1913 definitions

Black - Definition of Black by Webster's Online Dictionary

1. Destitute of light, or incapable of reflecting it; of the color of soot or coal; of the darkest or a very dark color, the opposite of white; characterized by such a color; as, black cloth; black hair or eyes.
O night, with hue so black!
- Shak.
2. In a less literal sense: Enveloped or shrouded in darkness; very dark or gloomy; as, a black night; the heavens black with clouds.
I spy a black, suspicious, threatening cloud.
- Shak.
3. Fig.: Dismal, gloomy, or forbidding, like darkness; destitute of moral light or goodness; atrociously wicked; cruel; mournful; calamitous; horrible.
4. Expressing menace, or discontent; threatening; sullen; foreboding; as, to regard one with black looks.

Black act
the English statute 9 George I, which makes it a felony to appear armed in any park or warren, etc., or to hunt or steal deer, etc., with the face blackened or disguised. Subsequent acts inflicting heavy penalties for malicious injuries to cattle and machinery have been called black acts.


White - Definition of White by Webster's Online Dictionary

1. Reflecting to the eye all the rays of the spectrum combined; not tinted with any of the proper colors or their mixtures; having the color of pure snow; snowy; - the opposite of black or dark; as, white paper; a white skin.
White as the whitest lily on a stream.
- Longfellow.
2. Destitute of color, as in the cheeks, or of the tinge of blood color; pale; pallid; as, white with fear.
Or whispering with white lips, "The foe!
They come! they come!"
- Byron.
3. Having the color of purity; free from spot or blemish, or from guilt or pollution; innocent; pure.
White as thy fame, and as thy honor clear.

- Dryden.
No whiter page than Addison's remains.
- Pope.
4. Gray, as from age; having silvery hair; hoary.
Your high engendered battles 'gainst a head
So old and white as this.
- Shak.
5. Characterized by freedom from that which disturbs, and the like; fortunate; happy; favorable.
On the whole, however, the dominie reckoned this as one of the white days of his life.
- Sir W. Scott.
6. Regarded with especial favor; favorite; darling.
Come forth, my white spouse.
- Chaucer.
I am his white boy, and will not be gullet.

These are the exact same definitions I saw in the 80's
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Some people define racist and then exemplify it themselves.

March 19, 2007
RUSH: These people are racists. You know, the racists in our society are the ones that notice your skin color before anything else, and they're the ones deciding whose skin color is dark enough and therefore who's authentic enough and who's been down for the struggle. It's those people doing this. It's not me. It's not "talk radio."

January 14, 2008
RUSH: I don't know if we've had our Fort Sumter yet, but Mrs. Clinton has already declared that she is the victim of the black guy!* The black guy is attacking Mrs. Clinton!* That would be Obama

August 20, 2008
RUSH: You know, it's just that you can't hit the girl. I don't care how far feminism has taken us, you can't hit the girl, and you can't criticize the little black man child, you just can't do it because it's not right, it's unfair, he's such a victim.

January 24, 2007
RUSH: Hey, Barack Obama has picked up another endorsement: Halfrican American actress Halle Berry. "As a Halfrican American, I am honored to have Ms. Berry's support, as well as the support of other Halfrican Americans," Obama said. He didn't say it, but -- anyway

May 2, 2007
RUSH: I don't look at Barack Obama and say, "Is he black enough?"

January 16, 2007
RUSH : And for Barack Obama, a -- well, he's a half-minority --
When i was a kid someone had me look up the word Black. It had all the worst words like evil, vile, repulsive, etc. I then was told to look up white and it had words like pure, innocent, square dealing etc. Looks like that has been changed in most dictionaries. However, this is where the claims of racism come from. There is no question the definitions were racist aspects of the American culture. Black Friday is a weird one as it actually has a positive meaning.

In my 49 years I've not seen such definitions in a dictionary, if I had I am fairly certain I would not have ascribed them to skin color. But who knows? Different times, different mind sets...

The black hole incident sticks in my mind as perhaps the most ridiculous case of calling racism. As much as I am not a fan of racism and those who practice it, I am equally not a fan of those who look for any slight, real or perceived, and use it as an excuse to cry, or accuse others of, racism.

Much like people over using the word "awesome," to do so when something is not, diminishes those instances when something is...

You may not have assigned them consciously but all you have to do is look at all the majority of words that start with Black to see what I am saying was true and do get assigned subconsciously.

black ball
black list
black humor
black death
black mood

I always thought the below was true until I found out the ancients regarded the color black as one of divinity.

What the color black means to us psychologically:
Black means a few different things, and almost all of them have negative connotations. That’s because humankind’s instinctively fear the darkness, and anything that lurks in the night.

Don't get me wrong, I understand all the psychological aspects, I've just never associated "black" as an adjective as being bad or racist. Must have been my upbringing...

I look at your list and can't help but think too many misinterpret or don't know the origins of some of the phrases you note.

Black ball, for instance, comes from the use of a small black ball to indicate a negative vote...

The Plague was called "The Black Death" because of the oozing black boils that appeared on the skin in the late stages...

The word "blacklist" comes from a list King Charles II made of fifty-some judges and court officers who sentenced his father to death in 1649...

The other two, I am certain, have similar origins. The point is, none of those terms you listed are racist, in origin or anything else... Unless someone is looking for racism.
In my 49 years I've not seen such definitions in a dictionary, if I had I am fairly certain I would not have ascribed them to skin color. But who knows? Different times, different mind sets...

The black hole incident sticks in my mind as perhaps the most ridiculous case of calling racism. As much as I am not a fan of racism and those who practice it, I am equally not a fan of those who look for any slight, real or perceived, and use it as an excuse to cry, or accuse others of, racism.

Much like people over using the word "awesome," to do so when something is not, diminishes those instances when something is...

You may not have assigned them consciously but all you have to do is look at all the majority of words that start with Black to see what I am saying was true and do get assigned subconsciously.

black ball
black list
black humor
black death
black mood

I always thought the below was true until I found out the ancients regarded the color black as one of divinity.

What the color black means to us psychologically:
Black means a few different things, and almost all of them have negative connotations. That’s because humankind’s instinctively fear the darkness, and anything that lurks in the night.

Don't get me wrong, I understand all the psychological aspects, I've just never associated "black" as an adjective as being bad or racist. Must have been my upbringing...

I look at your list and can't help but think too many misinterpret or don't know the origins of some of the phrases you note.

Black ball, for instance, comes from the use of a small black ball to indicate a negative vote...

The Plague was called "The Black Death" because of the oozing black boils that appeared on the skin in the late stages...

The word "blacklist" comes from a list King Charles II made of fifty-some judges and court officers who sentenced his father to death in 1649...

The other two, I am certain, have similar origins. The point is, none of those terms you listed are racist, in origin or anything else... Unless someone is looking for racism.

The negative aspect of the word is what is racist. It enhances racist systems like slavery and Jim Crow by lending psychological credence to the conscious reflections of hate and loathing towards Black people. Close your eyes and picture a drug dealer. Studies show that whiles are actually more apt to be drug dealers than Black people
You may not have assigned them consciously but all you have to do is look at all the majority of words that start with Black to see what I am saying was true and do get assigned subconsciously.

black ball
black list
black humor
black death
black mood

I always thought the below was true until I found out the ancients regarded the color black as one of divinity.

Don't get me wrong, I understand all the psychological aspects, I've just never associated "black" as an adjective as being bad or racist. Must have been my upbringing...

I look at your list and can't help but think too many misinterpret or don't know the origins of some of the phrases you note.

Black ball, for instance, comes from the use of a small black ball to indicate a negative vote...

The Plague was called "The Black Death" because of the oozing black boils that appeared on the skin in the late stages...

The word "blacklist" comes from a list King Charles II made of fifty-some judges and court officers who sentenced his father to death in 1649...

The other two, I am certain, have similar origins. The point is, none of those terms you listed are racist, in origin or anything else... Unless someone is looking for racism.

The negative aspect of the word is what is racist. It enhances racist systems like slavery and Jim Crow by lending psychological credence to the conscious reflections of hate and loathing towards Black people. Close your eyes and picture a drug dealer. Studies show that whiles are actually more apt to be drug dealers than Black people

Did your experiment --- cross my heart --- I saw Columbians and Mexicans. Whatz that mean?
Some people define racist and then exemplify it themselves.

March 19, 2007
RUSH: These people are racists. You know, the racists in our society are the ones that notice your skin color before anything else, and they're the ones deciding whose skin color is dark enough and therefore who's authentic enough and who's been down for the struggle. It's those people doing this. It's not me. It's not "talk radio."

January 14, 2008
RUSH: I don't know if we've had our Fort Sumter yet, but Mrs. Clinton has already declared that she is the victim of the black guy!* The black guy is attacking Mrs. Clinton!* That would be Obama

August 20, 2008
RUSH: You know, it's just that you can't hit the girl. I don't care how far feminism has taken us, you can't hit the girl, and you can't criticize the little black man child, you just can't do it because it's not right, it's unfair, he's such a victim.

January 24, 2007
RUSH: Hey, Barack Obama has picked up another endorsement: Halfrican American actress Halle Berry. "As a Halfrican American, I am honored to have Ms. Berry's support, as well as the support of other Halfrican Americans," Obama said. He didn't say it, but -- anyway

May 2, 2007
RUSH: I don't look at Barack Obama and say, "Is he black enough?"

January 16, 2007
RUSH : And for Barack Obama, a -- well, he's a half-minority --

I know this is an obsession of yours.. But I looked at those dates, and I happen to know that the CONTEXT for at least 2 of those statements came from Lefties who were worried about the Boy Wonder not being "black enough".. Been there -- done this one..

Not gonna spend time defending Limbaugh.
Some people define racist and then exemplify it themselves.

March 19, 2007
RUSH: These people are racists. You know, the racists in our society are the ones that notice your skin color before anything else, and they're the ones deciding whose skin color is dark enough and therefore who's authentic enough and who's been down for the struggle. It's those people doing this. It's not me. It's not "talk radio."

January 14, 2008
RUSH: I don't know if we've had our Fort Sumter yet, but Mrs. Clinton has already declared that she is the victim of the black guy!* The black guy is attacking Mrs. Clinton!* That would be Obama

August 20, 2008
RUSH: You know, it's just that you can't hit the girl. I don't care how far feminism has taken us, you can't hit the girl, and you can't criticize the little black man child, you just can't do it because it's not right, it's unfair, he's such a victim.

January 24, 2007
RUSH: Hey, Barack Obama has picked up another endorsement: Halfrican American actress Halle Berry. "As a Halfrican American, I am honored to have Ms. Berry's support, as well as the support of other Halfrican Americans," Obama said. He didn't say it, but -- anyway

May 2, 2007
RUSH: I don't look at Barack Obama and say, "Is he black enough?"

January 16, 2007
RUSH : And for Barack Obama, a -- well, he's a half-minority --

I know this is an obsession of yours.. But I looked at those dates, and I happen to know that the CONTEXT for at least 2 of those statements came from Lefties who were worried about the Boy Wonder not being "black enough".. Been there -- done this one..

Not gonna spend time defending Limbaugh.

So you say it impossible for him to do what he accuses others of doing! :cuckoo:

See my sig!
Don't get me wrong, I understand all the psychological aspects, I've just never associated "black" as an adjective as being bad or racist. Must have been my upbringing...

I look at your list and can't help but think too many misinterpret or don't know the origins of some of the phrases you note.

Black ball, for instance, comes from the use of a small black ball to indicate a negative vote...

The Plague was called "The Black Death" because of the oozing black boils that appeared on the skin in the late stages...

The word "blacklist" comes from a list King Charles II made of fifty-some judges and court officers who sentenced his father to death in 1649...

The other two, I am certain, have similar origins. The point is, none of those terms you listed are racist, in origin or anything else... Unless someone is looking for racism.

The negative aspect of the word is what is racist. It enhances racist systems like slavery and Jim Crow by lending psychological credence to the conscious reflections of hate and loathing towards Black people. Close your eyes and picture a drug dealer. Studies show that whiles are actually more apt to be drug dealers than Black people

Did your experiment --- cross my heart --- I saw Columbians and Mexicans. Whatz that mean?

You are racist against hispanics. :lol:

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