What's more important?

Taking care of your health is a luxury, most cannot afford. Which is why we need universal care. States like Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana with severe obesity, prove this. Even if these folks wanted to eat healthy, they can't afford it, so they spend their lives with doctors and hospitals, blowing up the costs. You just made the case for universal HC.

As for education, how dumb are they, and what specifically makes educated people dumb? How do you know the one's who put the deer head in the trash are educated? LOL! I hunt deer, and have friends who hunt deer. But educated, many are not. Bad example. We have trash waste cans and recyclable cans, and that is big help from an educated community.

You are on the wrong side of the argument when it comes to educated and dumb. This is dumb, uneducated, and poor. And it all comes from Right-wing policies and propaganda; These folks need education, sanitation, HC, jobs, good wages, and they are being beat down with Right-wing lies.

These folks have been made to believe they are receiving free money, when the Oligarchs own most of the wealth. How ironic is that?

Poor health crosses all demographics, and is more a function of ignorance and apathy than lack of resources. I'm sure those in the southern states you mentioned have access to good food. I live in a "food desert" but it only takes me several minutes to drive to a major supermarket. Also the city buses stop near most major supermarkets.

How smart is it for a generation of college students to accumulate $1.5Trillion in debt with no visible path to pay it back?

Most middle-class neighborhoods are well educated, the deer head person notwithstanding. I said "dumb" in regard to the topics mentioned. Educated people simply are too 'grand' to bother with these problems, unless of course there's a payday for them.

People need knowledge of how to live successfully. Formal education doesn't provide this.
They would be slaughtered. They would be in what the military refers to as “en enfilade”… caught between two enemy forces fields of fire. It’s a position of inevitable loss.
I dunno. The independents are a growing political force. They just need to be organized.
They don’t believe in enough common causes to come together. The things they do agree on are so basic they everyone else agrees on them too.
Bingo! We need to get back to those basics. Unfortunately they will be ignored unless those in authority can get rich, powerful, or famous.
Bingo! We need to get back to those basics. Unfortunately they will be ignored unless those in authority can get rich, powerful, or famous.
Those basics aren’t the problem. Nor are they a broad enough set of values and ideals to actually be the backbone of a political movement. The sky is blue, grass is green and 2+2=4 just isn’t enough to run on.
Those basics aren’t the problem. Nor are they a broad enough set of values and ideals to actually be the backbone of a political movement. The sky is blue, grass is green and 2+2=4 just isn’t enough to run on.
The Republicans run on basics, and sometimes they even get elected. Sadly necessary basics are boring even to them.

That said it's the people that need to get back to basics.
Poor health crosses all demographics, and is more a function of ignorance and apathy than lack of resources. I'm sure those in the southern states you mentioned have access to good food. I live in a "food desert" but it only takes me several minutes to drive to a major supermarket. Also the city buses stop near most major supermarkets.

How smart is it for a generation of college students to accumulate $1.5Trillion in debt with no visible path to pay it back?

Most middle-class neighborhoods are well educated, the deer head person notwithstanding. I said "dumb" in regard to the topics mentioned. Educated people simply are too 'grand' to bother with these problems, unless of course there's a payday for them.

People need knowledge of how to live successfully. Formal education doesn't provide this.
Bullshit! Without proper resources and education, nothing happens. That's a physical fact that is inarguable. I've lived in the south, in the U.S., and I've lived in the South, in South America, and I can tell you from first hand account, the quality of the food there is a difference between night and day. Everything here is injected with chemicals and preservatives that cause health problems. Over there, much of what is consumed is not injected with anything. It's home grown vegetables, fruits, organic farming, grass fed cows, goats, yard chickens, and millions of tons of fresh pacific seafood. You have no idea the difference, unless you've spent time there. I come back here, almost sick to my stomach at the sight of the food. It takes weeks for my body to acclimate back to the processed food. It's a conspiracy for the doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies. Our ignorance about food here is a disease. And it's sad.

As far as student debt, we'll, we dug our own grave there. When the charges to go to college are so enormous, that you pay it off when you retire, speaks to the greed of a nation. But without education, we descend into real life idiocrasy. If we never teach ourselves for example, about the value of healthy foods, where do we descend into? It keeps us in that place like the video you were shown. The problem is, the Oligarchy doesn't want you to be educated, and if you are, they want to keep you down with debt. Don't you see what is going on here? The 1% or less who control us, want us to stay as we are. "CONTROLLED!" Which is why some of your so called conservative Republican policy strategies ensure the Oligarchs keep that tight grip on us all.
Bullshit! Without proper resources and education, nothing happens. That's a physical fact that is inarguable. I've lived in the south, in the U.S., and I've lived in the South, in South America, and I can tell you from first hand account, the quality of the food there is a difference between night and day. Everything here is injected with chemicals and preservatives that cause health problems. Over there, much of what is consumed is not injected with anything. It's home grown vegetables, fruits, organic farming, grass fed cows, goats, yard chickens, and millions of tons of fresh pacific seafood. You have no idea the difference, unless you've spent time there. I come back here, almost sick to my stomach at the sight of the food. It takes weeks for my body to acclimate back to the processed food. It's a conspiracy for the doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies. Our ignorance about food here is a disease. And it's sad.

As far as student debt, we'll, we dug our own grave there. When the charges to go to college are so enormous, that you pay it off when you retire, speaks to the greed of a nation. But without education, we descend into real life idiocrasy. If we never teach ourselves for example, about the value of healthy foods, where do we descend into? It keeps us in that place like the video you were shown. The problem is, the Oligarchy doesn't want you to be educated, and if you are, they want to keep you down with debt. Don't you see what is going on here? The 1% or less who control us, want us to stay as we are. "CONTROLLED!" Which is why some of your so called conservative Republican policy strategies ensure the Oligarchs keep that tight grip on us all.
I agree that there is a conspiracy to keep us unhealthy, however formal education isn't the answer. That said people simply aren't that concerned about their health anyway.
I agree that there is a conspiracy to keep us unhealthy, however formal education isn't the answer. That said people simply aren't that concerned about their health anyway.
Then they are willful idiots. Good luck with that.

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