What's Going On In Baghdad???????


"Members of al-Sadr’s Peace Brigades fighters gather during clashes with the Iraqi security forces near the Green Zone, in Baghdad, Iraq on August 30, 2022"

Is there any good reason why those civilians who lied the US into invading Iraq should not be held accountable before they all die of old age?

At least 30 killed in Iraq armed clashes, hundreds wounded

"More protesters are joining in the confrontations inside the Green Zone, with no sign of the violence abating, according to Al Jazeera’s Mahmoud Abdelwahed.

"'The armed confrontations continue between rival military factions inside the Green Zone,' Abdelwahed said, speaking from Baghdad.

"'There is no sign of de-escalation,'” he added, as gunfire could be heard behind him. 'There have been calls for calm but for the time being, it seems that those calls have not been heard by both rival factions on the ground.'"

"An armed member of the Peace Brigade, the military wing affiliated to Shia leader Muqtada al-Sadr, helps a woman fire a machine gun during clashes with Iraqi security forces in Baghdad’s Green Zone on August 30, 2022"


"Iraq has been witnessing such deadlock for the past, at least the past eight years.

"'Since 2014, in every election, there are a lot of complications related to the way the government is being formed. None of the groups, none of the parties, none of the movements is able to secure a majority,' Hashem said.

"'This reflects the fragmentation in the Iraqi political system. The system became dysfunctional. So no one is able to make a decision and this is taking the Iraqis every time to regional factions, to regional players,' he said."

Mission accomplished?
This is what happens when Iranian back Xiden and the dembot that surrender to terrrorist are in the Oval.

Warmongers are gonna warmonger while that stuttering shit clown is giving the planet that 1000-yard drooling stare. He's too busy ransacking and looting his political enemy's homes and buying votes with our tax money..... ya know, presidential shit.
How will the left blame THIS on Trump? No links yet...situation unfolding...

Fighters have overrun the presidential palace. Reports of some being evacuated by helicopter from the US embassy. Chaos/shooting in the streets...


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We all knew Iraq would never stand without a strong dictator in place. It should have been divided into three countries long ago. Kurdish state in the north, sunni state in the east and shittite state in the west.
I'm seeing reports that our embassy in Baghdad is being overrun and they're using helos to evacuate the building.

Has anyone else heard the same thing?

I first saw it in Twitter and now they're talking about it on Rumble.

The Bush Administration created our worst enemy and then built them a 2 billion dollar bunker for a nice cozy headquarters.

Good call.
no that was the obama surrender. Obama was given a free and stable Iraq…he blew it

Lol. Bush installed Maliki who was a Shia from Iran. Iraq wasn't stable at all. Bush made Iran ascendant which gave ISIS a reason to be. Where have you been the past 20 years?
Lol. Bush installed Maliki who was a Shia from Iran. Iraq wasn't stable at all. Bush made Iran ascendant which gave ISIS a reason to be. Where have you been the past 20 years?
obama was said he was leaving a free snd stable iraq.
Maliki is Iraqi amd was born. in Iraq not Iran
He did live in Iran for sometime as an exhile from Saddam’s regime
obama was said he was leaving a free snd stable iraq.
Maliki is Iraqi amd was born. in Iraq not Iran
He did live in Iran for sometime as an exhile from Saddam’s regime

Maliki was an Iranian stooge. I knew as soon as we learned his name he would be a disaster. Bush had no choices . He just wanted to put someone else in charge damn the consequences.
Maliki was an Iranian stooge. I knew as soon as we learned his name he would be a disaster. Bush had no choices . He just wanted to put someone else in charge damn the consequences.
he isnt Iranian

he was elected

the issue however was obama surrender, which i open the door to the JV team…but of course that has nothing to do with us happening now
he isnt Iranian

he was elected

the issue however was obama surrender, which i open the door to the JV team…but of course that has nothing to do with us happening now

ISIS was born in Camp Bucca prison in Iraq in 2004. By calling them junior varsity Obama was making fun of them.

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