What's Going On In Baghdad???????

Nobody is saying that Bush is not responsible for starting the stupid war in Iraq. His action is one of the reasons I don't consider myself to be a Republican anymore. I was against the war when most of my fellow Conservatives were supporting it.


That does not excuse most of the filthy Democrat leadership, including three Presidential nominees, from supporting it.

Instead of trying to deny, deflect and shift responsibility away just admit that John "Traitor" Kerry, Crooked Hillary and Joe Potatohead all supported the invasion of Iraq. You can't deny facts.

It was wrong for Bush to invade Iraq and it was wrong for the Democrat leadership to support him. Crooked Hillary and Joe Potatohead did it big time. The Traitor Kerry tried to vacillate but he voted for the the funding of the invasion.

Then you have the undeniable fact that The Worthless Negro fought the war for three years. He sent my son over to Iraq. He also bombed Libya for no fucking reason having to do with the security of the US and the sonofabitch escalated the war in Afghanistan. This was on top of that stupid debacle in Benghazi.

Do not deny that the Democrats own a big part of the Iraq shit sandwich. It just makes you look like a partisan asshole when you do.

One of the reasons you Moon Bats don't have any credibility is because you never take responsibilty for the damage you do. When confronted with the facts all you little turds do is go into a denial mode or tying to blame somebody else.
Lol, OK shortbus. Bushes circus Bush's monkey
Nobody is saying that Bush is not responsible for starting the stupid war in Iraq. His action is one of the reasons I don't consider myself to be a Republican anymore. I was against the war when most of my fellow Conservatives were supporting it.


That does not excuse most of the filthy Democrat leadership, including three Presidential nominees, from supporting it.

Instead of trying to deny, deflect and shift responsibility away just admit that John "Traitor" Kerry, Crooked Hillary and Joe Potatohead all supported the invasion of Iraq. You can't deny facts.

It was wrong for Bush to invade Iraq and it was wrong for the Democrat leadership to support him. Crooked Hillary and Joe Potatohead did it big time. The Traitor Kerry tried to vacillate but he voted for the the funding of the invasion.

Then you have the undeniable fact that The Worthless Negro fought the war for three years. He sent my son over to Iraq. He also bombed Libya for no fucking reason having to do with the security of the US and the sonofabitch escalated the war in Afghanistan. This was on top of that stupid debacle in Benghazi.

Do not deny that the Democrats own a big part of the Iraq shit sandwich. It just makes you look like a partisan asshole when you do.

One of the reasons you Moon Bats don't have any credibility is because you never take responsibilty for the damage you do. When confronted with the facts all you little turds do is go into a denial mode or tying to blame somebody else.
Well according to vote records only 32 percent of Democrats voted in favor of authorization for US military intervention in the Iraq war. Obama did not get to vote on that one he inherited that problem. As for those 32 percent of the Dems that did vote for that authorization they are partially responsible but the lions share falls on the Republican party with Bush taking responsibility for the most of that contingent. So the filthy retard repugs hold that responsibility and you also you voted them in.

Huge explosions eastern Baghdad.

smoke seen from Green Zone

the fight between Muqtada Al-Sadr's group and the security forces continue inside the Green Zone, Baghdad Iraq

Heavy fighting have been reported in Basrah, Southern Iraq.

Mortar shells are still being used on Green Zone.

Reports now coming of Clashes between Sadr & PMF group
Lol, OK shortbus. Bushes circus Bush's monkey

Well according to vote records only 32 percent of Democrats voted in favor of authorization for US military intervention in the Iraq war. Obama did not get to vote on that one he inherited that problem. As for those 32 percent of the Dems that did vote for that authorization they are partially responsible but the lions share falls on the Republican party with Bush taking responsibility for the most of that contingent. So the filthy retard repugs hold that responsibility and you also you voted them in.
Obama never voted on anything.
Lol, OK shortbus. Bushes circus Bush's monkey

Well according to vote records only 32 percent of Democrats voted in favor of authorization for US military intervention in the Iraq war. Obama did not get to vote on that one he inherited that problem. As for those 32 percent of the Dems that did vote for that authorization they are partially responsible but the lions share falls on the Republican party with Bush taking responsibility for the most of that contingent. So the filthy retard repugs hold that responsibility and you also you voted them in.

You can't even admit that the shitheads that you stupid Moon Bats voted for President supported the Iraqi War, can you? John "Traitor" Kerry, Crooked Hillary, Joe Potatohead, really?

You little turds don't give a shit about things like that, do you?. I had the moral clarity to dump the RINOs partially because they supported the war but you hypocritical Moon Bats have no moral clarity on anything.

This is why you Moon Bats have no credibility on anything. You have no idea what you beleive in. You have some vague unintelligent gut feeling that Democrats will make this country a Socialist Shithole and you greedy assholes like that idea because you think you will get more free stuff. Your convictions don't go much deeper than that.
You can't even admit that the shitheads that you stupid Moon Bats voted for President supported the Iraqi War, can you? John "Traitor" Kerry, Crooked Hillary, Joe Potatohead, really?

You little turds don't give a shit about things like that, do you?. I had the moral clarity to dump the RINOs partially because they supported the war but you hypocritical Moon Bats have no moral clarity on anything.

This is why you Moon Bats have no credibility on anything. You have no idea what you beleive in. You have some vague unintelligent gut feeling that Democrats will make this country a Socialist Shithole and you greedy assholes like that idea because you think you will get more free stuff. Your convictions don't go much deeper than that.
Once again, LibTards have the attention span of an electron.
You can't even admit that the shitheads that you stupid Moon Bats voted for President supported the Iraqi War, can you? John "Traitor" Kerry, Crooked Hillary, Joe Potatohead, really?

You little turds don't give a shit about things like that, do you?. I had the moral clarity to dump the RINOs partially because they supported the war but you hypocritical Moon Bats have no moral clarity on anything.

This is why you Moon Bats have no credibility on anything. You have no idea what you beleive in. You have some vague unintelligent gut feeling that Democrats will make this country a Socialist Shithole and you greedy assholes like that idea because you think you will get more free stuff. Your convictions don't go much deeper than that.
Bla,bla,blah. What a retard repug. If my party was the only ones voting only 32 percent voted for it so no Iraq war retard.
Bla,bla,blah. What a retard repug. If my party was the only ones voting only 32 percent voted for it so no Iraq war retard.
It's ironic that LibTards currently love Dick Cheney who made billions off the Iraq war, simply because Trump and Dick Cheney hate each other.
Lol, democrats do no Ilove Dick Cheney. Retard. We hate him less than the retard beach ball conman though.
You mentally ill retards love anyone who blasts Trump without knowing anything about the person doing it.
It's that Electron Attention Span at work.
You mentally ill retards love anyone who blasts Trump without knowing anything about the person doing it.
It's that Electron Attention Span at work.
Lol, you are a retard. Yep we want your dumb ass and Dick Cheney siting at our dinner table. That's as hilarious as anything I have ever heard! Hilarious
See the poster above me.

Does anyone else not really give a shit? Let the whole country burn, if sand can burn.
WE destabilized the country. They would like to blame Bush, but it went to hell when we elected the African Muslim. He preferred a Muzzy country over a secular nation. Like all our enemies, Iran seen weakness in President Dementia

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