What's different between wanting Obama to fail & Obama wanting US to lose in Iraq?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
When Limbaugh said " I Hope Obama Fails." in Jan 2009 the country gasped!
Almost EVERYONE pounded Limbaugh! "How could you want the President to fail"?
Was the common refrain.

But I would like to know what the difference is between Limbaugh saying he wanted Obama to fail and this statement made by Obama when he was running for President:

Senator Obama said campaigning for President after ONLY 2 years in the Senate:
about our military ordering
"troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"
Obama Gets Warning From Friendly Voter

What is the difference between Limbaugh saying he want's Obama's agenda to fail and Obama as a CHEERLEADER using these words "air-raiding villages & Killing civilians"
Words that would warm the heart of a Terrorist!
Words that would RECRUIT more terrorists!
Words that would JUSTIFY terrorists killing US troops!
Words that would ENCOURAGE thug/barbarian terrorists to kill thousands of Iraqis!

What is the difference???

Well ONE difference is NOT ONE of you conservatives included have EVER once called Obama out on this MUCH less the MSM!
NOT ONE of you conservatives seem to be outraged that such CHEERLEADING that has been proven by Harvard studies to have ENCOURAGED more violence and PROLONGED the Iraq liberation CAUSING more deaths and $600 billion more!
AND NONE of you seem to see that words like these:
Pure Partisan MUDSLINGING at it's worse!!!
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D)
"The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "
Great for our troops moral and especially the terrorists!!!)

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Kerry called our troops "TERRORISTS"...
I wouldn't be surprised if Bin Laden had said:
"brothers .. even an evil American Senator calls his OWN soldiers "terrorists"!
Allah be praised!
This evil Senator is so right!
Your killing US-baby-killing-troops is justified by Kerry!"

YET many conservatives LET those cheerleading statements go unchallenged BUT raised great umbrage over Limbaugh's statement!
Wow I am so glad I quit drinking, I used to post drunken rants like that before I sobered up too.
When Limbaugh said " I Hope Obama Fails." in Jan 2009 the country gasped!
Almost EVERYONE pounded Limbaugh! "How could you want the President to fail"?
Was the common refrain.

But I would like to know what the difference is between Limbaugh saying he wanted Obama to fail and this statement made by Obama when he was running for President:

Senator Obama said campaigning for President after ONLY 2 years in the Senate:
about our military ordering
"troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"
Obama Gets Warning From Friendly Voter

What is the difference between Limbaugh saying he want's Obama's agenda to fail and Obama as a CHEERLEADER using these words "air-raiding villages & Killing civilians"
Words that would warm the heart of a Terrorist!
Words that would RECRUIT more terrorists!
Words that would JUSTIFY terrorists killing US troops!
Words that would ENCOURAGE thug/barbarian terrorists to kill thousands of Iraqis!

What is the difference???

Well ONE difference is NOT ONE of you conservatives included have EVER once called Obama out on this MUCH less the MSM!
NOT ONE of you conservatives seem to be outraged that such CHEERLEADING that has been proven by Harvard studies to have ENCOURAGED more violence and PROLONGED the Iraq liberation CAUSING more deaths and $600 billion more!
AND NONE of you seem to see that words like these:
Pure Partisan MUDSLINGING at it's worse!!!
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D)
"The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "
Great for our troops moral and especially the terrorists!!!)

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Kerry called our troops "TERRORISTS"...
I wouldn't be surprised if Bin Laden had said:
"brothers .. even an evil American Senator calls his OWN soldiers "terrorists"!
Allah be praised!
This evil Senator is so right!
Your killing US-baby-killing-troops is justified by Kerry!"

YET many conservatives LET those cheerleading statements go unchallenged BUT raised great umbrage over Limbaugh's statement!

I can not speak for anyone else, including Rush. However I have said I want the President to fail, and I know what I meant. It does not mean I want the US to fail, It means I want Obama to fail in Implementing his Agenda because I think it is bad for the Country. Just like Democrats I am sure, Hoped Bush would fail in implementing his Agenda.
Wow I am so glad I quit drinking, I used to post drunken rants like that before I sobered up too.

Well that and your IQ probably had something to do with IT!

Rather then correct the gross misperception by idiots who are pablum feed their information from the Obama/MSM propaganda machine you make a personal attack!
Just like the puerile,sophomoric juveniles that generally make up Obama supporters your response illustrates why more people are disregarding your inane, irrational comments!

Why not answer the question.. why are you so upset that more of us want Obama's agenda to fail BUT you aren't upset Obama's cheerleading killed US troops?
Wow I am so glad I quit drinking, I used to post drunken rants like that before I sobered up too.

Well that and your IQ probably had something to do with IT!

Rather then correct the gross misperception by idiots who are pablum feed their information from the Obama/MSM propaganda machine you make a personal attack!
Just like the puerile,sophomoric juveniles that generally make up Obama supporters your response illustrates why more people are disregarding your inane, irrational comments!

Why not answer the question.. why are you so upset that more of us want Obama's agenda to fail BUT you aren't upset Obama's cheerleading killed US troops?

Upset? I am not upset about anything at the moment, I am too busy being amused at the guiness record holder for the world's biggest strawman. Phrase it in a less pointlessly angry way and maybe I will take you seriously.
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I believe I've pointed out at least three times now that your quotes are truncated and don't mean what you claim they do. I'd expand on that, but since I don't believe you ever replied to my earlier remarks on the subject I don't see much point.

I also noted that the Harvard study (singular) you appear to be referencing emphatically did *not* indicate that any statements increased the overall number of insurgent attacks. At best they found a correlation between the timing of certain media reports and certain attacks.

It's also absurd to suggest that conservatives haven't criticized Obama for these remarks. See, eg, Hannity's extended criticism (Barack Obama Caught on Tape Accusing U.S. Troops of 'Killing Civilians' | Fox News). There are plenty more such criticisms easily available.

Your facts are wrong, and you don't seem to care.
The first is fact and the second is non sequitur Pubcrappe?

non sequitur "It does not follow" in formal logic you say...

Points of comparison:
Rush wanted Obama Agenda to fail. Right?
Obama wanted US to lose in Iraq. Right?

So the logical point is WHAT is the difference between Rush wanting Obama failure
and Obama wanting US to lose in Iraq?

So where does "it not follow".. I asked WHAT is the difference between and I postulated the MSM and obama obsequious sycophants like you all bent out of shape about a failure of a socialist agenda BUT you have NO problem with Obama the Cheerleader who encouraged the terrorists by calling our soldiers civilian KILLERS!

And you think evidently Rush was wrong and Obama the blessed one.. was right!
Because Republicans really want Obama to fail because they hate having a black president.

Iraq was merely a lesson in "futility and bankruptcy" brought on by an ignorant right wing party led by greedy people who used them to make billions of dollars. Iraq was going to be a colossal failure no matter who finally pulled US troops out. If right wingers actually read some "real" history they would know. They don't even read their Bible. Only pretend to.
A straw man is a component of an argument and is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.


Correct the logic of your question if you want a serious answer from anyone, this crap just makes the rest of the conservatives look bad, and baby Jesus cry.
A straw man is a component of an argument and is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.


Correct the logic of your question if you want a serious answer from anyone, this crap just makes the rest of the conservatives look bad, and baby Jesus cry.

Which is why it's important to list the facts. Which I do.

Obama is black.

The Republican Party is 90% white and deeply Confederate.

Iraq was a colossal blunder.

Many Republicans made fortunes from Iraq.

See? Facts!
I believe I've pointed out at least three times now that your quotes are truncated and don't mean what you claim they do. I'd expand on that, but since I don't believe you ever replied to my earlier remarks on the subject I don't see much point.

I also noted that the Harvard study (singular) you appear to be referencing emphatically did *not* indicate that any statements increased the overall number of insurgent attacks. At best they found a correlation between the timing of certain media reports and certain attacks.

It's also absurd to suggest that conservatives haven't criticized Obama for these remarks. See, eg, Hannity's extended criticism (Barack Obama Caught on Tape Accusing U.S. Troops of 'Killing Civilians' | Fox News). There are plenty more such criticisms easily available.

Your facts are wrong, and you don't seem to care.

What FACTS are wrong? Obama didn't CHEERLEAD the Terrorists?
Are you that totally naive to think Terrorists DIDN"T use Obama's quote "Children Killers" or Kerry calling US troops Terrorists?
Man.. you are so naive!
PROOF.. YOU watch/read TV/paper advertising ALL the time!
Why do you think businesses spend almost $412 billion in 2008?
sell Inc. recently published a report putting out some numbers. Estimated budget for advertising and marketing in the USA 2008: $412,400,000,000 (yep, about 412 billion dollar).To put things in perspective: The Iraq war so far costs the USA: $558 billion according to zfacts.com.
How Much Money Is Spent On Advertising Per Year? : Intense Influence
NOW I purposely including the "fact" about Iraq war costs"!
Why did that link add that little tidbit?

So Here's Obama/Kerry/ and other CHEERLEADERS (INCLUDING YOU!) cheering on the Terrorists to KILL more US Troops for what REASON?
Why were you so against the IRAQ war that YOU were happy to read/hear statements that DID NOTHING EXCEPT advertise to other Americans and to the benefit of the Terrorists that US TROOPS were the bad guys?

Why would anyone make harmful, influencing remarks that would give the people that want to see Americans DEAD more advertising material to recruit more terrorists to PROVE ALL AMericans want is to kill Muslims!
Did ANYONE of you CHEERLEADERS explain to Bin Laden et.al. the role the USA had against the Serbs that were killing "MUSLIMS"??
NO and that's because people like Obama/Kerry/ AND YOU hated Bush/GOP more then you loved the US and our troops!
Honestly YOU were VERY VERY happy when the MSM loudly and frequently advertise how bad Abu Ghraib was.

I'm shouting now: 9 NINE! 9 US soldiers of 185,000!
0.00486% ......... 4/1000ths of 1%
Nine Army reservists have been convicted of abusing detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and you and the WORLD convinced by the MSM THAT all 185,000 troops were like those in Abu Ghraib!

Do you know that according to returning troops Abu Ghraib event was most frequent illustration of captured Terrorists justification for their actions??

9 bad apples of 185,000 BUT YOU and other assholes made it an every day newspaper/TV ADVERTISING EVENT!!!
WHY?? Again you hated Bush more then you cared for US TROOPS!

4,690,000 Google results for "Abu Ghraib"!

All due to 9 bad apples out of 185,000!
The other was the anti-Americanism they could inflame and the additional danger this would pose to US troops
Leading article: Obama is right on Abu Ghraib pictures - Leading Articles - Opinion - The Independent

Oh and that other terrible indictment of the USA/BUSH/Troops.. "water boarding"?
There were ONLY – Exclusive: Only Three Have Been Waterboarded by CIA
You +1'd this publicly. Undo
Nov 2, 2007 – E

By the way.. YOU KNOW that
All special operations units in all branches of the U.S. military and the CIA's Special Activities Division employ the use of a form of waterboarding as part of survival school (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) training, to psychologically prepare soldiers for the possibility of being captured by enemy forces.
A straw man is a component of an argument and is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.


Correct the logic of your question if you want a serious answer from anyone, this crap just makes the rest of the conservatives look bad, and baby Jesus cry.

Which is why it's important to list the facts. Which I do.

A) Who made any mention of being "BLACK" as a FACT?
You said:"Obama is black."

Half black ..remember his mom was WHITE!

"The Republican Party is 90% white and deeply Confederate."

What a racist!

Iraq was a colossal blunder.

PURE PERSONAL OPINION and ONE NOT shared by 28 million Iraqis!

Many Republicans made fortunes from Iraq.

See? Facts!

PURE HYPERBOLE and another reason most intelligent people shake their heads at your "kind"'s ignorance and don't want to be associated with it!

How about a REAL FACT:
Americans' political ideology at the midyear point of 2011 looks similar to 2009 and 2010, with
41% self-identifying as conservative,
36% as moderate, and
21% as liberal.
U.S. Political Ideology Stable With Conservatives Leading

THINK about that FACT that only 1/5th or
for you 1 of every 5 people consider themselves stupid like you i.e. "Llberal"

THAT's a FACT for you !
The first is fact and the second is non sequitur Pubcrappe?

non sequitur "It does not follow" in formal logic you say...

Points of comparison:
Rush wanted Obama Agenda to fail. Right?
Obama wanted US to lose in Iraq. Right?

So the logical point is WHAT is the difference between Rush wanting Obama failure
and Obama wanting US to lose in Iraq?

So where does "it not follow".. I asked WHAT is the difference between and I postulated the MSM and obama obsequious sycophants like you all bent out of shape about a failure of a socialist agenda BUT you have NO problem with Obama the Cheerleader who encouraged the terrorists by calling our soldiers civilian KILLERS!

And you think evidently Rush was wrong and Obama the blessed one.. was right!

YES, because he never called soldiers "civilian killers". That's just a wingnut fantasy. :cuckoo:
Wow I am so glad I quit drinking, I used to post drunken rants like that before I sobered up too.

Well that and your IQ probably had something to do with IT!

Rather then correct the gross misperception by idiots who are pablum feed their information from the Obama/MSM propaganda machine you make a personal attack!
Just like the puerile,sophomoric juveniles that generally make up Obama supporters your response illustrates why more people are disregarding your inane, irrational comments!

Why not answer the question.. why are you so upset that more of us want Obama's agenda to fail BUT you aren't upset Obama's cheerleading killed US troops?

Are you willfully ignorant or is your problem congenital? Seriously, most of us watched the invasion of Iraq, saw with our own eyes Iraqi children horribly wounded by a war of choice. We noted that Bush ordered Saddam's palaces, set in residential neighborhoods bombed, killing civilians in an assassination attempt on Saddam's son's. We (the sane and empathetic) were appalled by "collateral damage".

We saw our soldiers charged under the UCMJ for rape and murder, civilians imprisoned and mistreated by military police and the CIA - as well as private security forces employed by the DOD.

Clearly you've never served. The military (at least when I served, 1967 to 1969) was a microcosm of our society. Most good, some bad and others really ugly. I suspect even under the all volunteer force that is true today.
Myths ignores the fact that we went into Iraq on the basis of lies. That our primary achievement there has been the nearly complete removal of what once was a thriving Christian community in Iraq.

Iraq was and is a very feudal society. Killing each other over minor points of a religion, as they did in Europe a few centuries ago. Only the iron hand of a dicatator can prevent them from doing that. As bad as Hussein was, he did not do the damage to that sad nation that our invasion and occupation has. We should never have been there, and the President really should have gotten us out when he took office.

As for your other crap, you are a real shithead.

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