What you can expect to hear from the media after Obama speaks at DNC tonight.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
Chris Matthews - Uhhhh...uhhhh...uhhh....Obama's speech was the greatest ever by a president. Who needs Viagra or Cialis when all you have to do is see and hear Barack Obama. I'm gonna have to see a doctor cuz this is gonna last longer than 4 hours.

Rachael Maddow - "Oh, greatest speech ever. I might consider having a sex change to being a woman so I can go to bed with Obama."

Martin Bashir - The greatest speech ever delivered by a human being. America should be completely unified, and anyone who doesn't vote for Barack Obama should be charged with a hate crime

The rest of the Democrat SuperPacs, known as ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC:

"We didn't think it would be possible to top Bill Clinton's speech, but Obama did just that, proving he is the greatest speaker ever, greatest president ever, and greatest man to ever walk the planet."

Now some of this was meant in fun, but don't be surprised at how close I am when his speech is all said and done. Let's conclude it with this, Obama could show up more drunk than John Boehner did and state that Jerusalem is the capital of Texas and be full of all kinds of idiotic gaffes, and full of the usual uhhhhs...ahhhhhsss, and further butchering of the English language, and the media will still be saying it was the greatest speech they ever heard. But this is the media's job, they are SuperPacs for the Democrat party.
I wonder what accent/voice inflection Obama will use tonight.

Will he use his "Presidential" accent?

Will he use his "shuck and jive" accent?

Will he use his southern fried accent?

Will he use his Jesse Jackson evangelical accent?

Have any of you noticed how MSNBC has been running Democratic National Convention coverage ALL NIGHT LONG? What the hell are they covering at 2:00am? Are Matthews and Madcow having multiple orgasmic episodes during convention recaps?

They will be renewed with hope and ready for the change that he is promising to bring this time...golly gee, everyone deserves a second chance. If you don't agree, then you're a racist.:D
Chris Matthews - Uhhhh...uhhhh...uhhh....Obama's speech was the greatest ever by a president. Who needs Viagra or Cialis when all you have to do is see and hear Barack Obama. I'm gonna have to see a doctor cuz this is gonna last longer than 4 hours.

Rachael Maddow - "Oh, greatest speech ever. I might consider having a sex change to being a woman so I can go to bed with Obama."

Martin Bashir - The greatest speech ever delivered by a human being. America should be completely unified, and anyone who doesn't vote for Barack Obama should be charged with a hate crime

The rest of the Democrat SuperPacs, known as ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC:

"We didn't think it would be possible to top Bill Clinton's speech, but Obama did just that, proving he is the greatest speaker ever, greatest president ever, and greatest man to ever walk the planet."

Now some of this was meant in fun, but don't be surprised at how close I am when his speech is all said and done. Let's conclude it with this, Obama could show up more drunk than John Boehner did and state that Jerusalem is the capital of Texas and be full of all kinds of idiotic gaffes, and full of the usual uhhhhs...ahhhhhsss, and further butchering of the English language, and the media will still be saying it was the greatest speech they ever heard. But this is the media's job, they are SuperPacs for the Democrat party.

Enjoyed the xommentary. There is some truth to it. Chris Matthews seems to have jumped the political shark. And Racheal Maddow is certainly not each on the eyes.

What we will hear:

MSNBC will say is a the greatest thing since sliced bread

FOX news will tell us how it fell short

It is strange to switch channels between FOX and MSNBC after a speech and see opions 180 degrees apart. Both seem more like propoganda than news. I recommend CNN.

The truth is Obama will probably due a good job since he is a good speaker.
I figure there will be a lot of moans of pure Ecstasy and a few spots of juzz on the camera lenses.

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