What would you do if you ever became homeless?


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Go to family? Live under an overpass? Find a campground with other homeless people?

It can happen. To anyone. At any given time. Lose the job or get really sick and can no longer work, can't make the house payments, etc.

Do you have a plan? Or a plan A vs plan B if plan A doesn't work out?

I have a plan A, B and C.

REMINDER...this is the lounge. No trolling.
Go to family? Live under an overpass? Find a campground with other homeless people?

It can happen. To anyone. At any given time. Lose the job or get really sick and can no longer work, can't make the house payments, etc.

Do you have a plan? Or a plan A vs plan B if plan A doesn't work out?

I have a plan A, B and C.

REMINDER...this is the lounge. No trolling.

I guess number three first, number one second, just because no family lives nearby. But I've always been there for them so they'd be there for me. But first, network with others in similar circumstances and pool resources.

When I went to vagabond in Europe I was sort of intentionally homeless and that approach brought a lot of results, pretty quickly and very effectively.

Not the overpass. Too noisy. I'd be all like "hey you cars -- get offa my lawn!"
My brother has a big-assed house so I could go live with him and his wife.

On second thought, the overpass sounds quieter.
The first plan should be not to become homeless.

Seriously, I just can't fathom it...I can see the young being homeless, as they're just starting to move out of their parents' homes, a lot of times you have young single kids that sort of don't support themselves yet but still like to think they're independent...so they bounce from house to house until they finally settle down. I guess technically they're homeless.

But I just can't see being out on the street with no options homeless. I can't see that as a possibility for me. I'd go live with my mom, or even one of my kids, if I had to.

Pray God I never have to do that.

But I would and it would be fine.

On the other hand, I seriously wish I could just be a shepherd when my kids graduate...live in a sheep camp trailer out in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but sheep and dogs and probably a horse for company. I'd love that. And it's almost like being homeless.
I went camping with two dogs, three kids under 9, my grown son and his wife..10 days of rain every day. We had the best time you can imagine.
It's all about location when it comes to rain....and a fire. I'm good at both.
I busted my ass and payed off my mortgage so becoming homeless would only be temporary if, say, a meteor hit it. Then insurance would take care of it. I'd just set up a tent on the property until I was ready to move in.

Lots of work out there, I have no sympathy for anyone too lazy to work and looking for a handout. They live off of liberals and know full well it gives them orgasms to give a few bucks.
And I would never be homeless in or near a city.

I would walk, crawl, ride, fly out of town in any manner I could.
I busted my ass and payed off my mortgage so becoming homeless would only be temporary if, say, a meteor hit it. Then insurance would take care of it. I'd just set up a tent on the property until I was ready to move in.

Lots of work out there, I have no sympathy for anyone too lazy to work and looking for a handout. They live off of liberals and know full well it gives them orgasms to give a few bucks.
Yeah..you can become homeless if a meteor or tornado hit, and that would be horrible...

But still, I have family, or my church.

Christians and family take care of each other.
I'd move to Florida. Key West specifically. Lot's of restaurant dumpsters to eat out of and grass lawns to sleep on.l
Go to family? Live under an overpass? Find a campground with other homeless people?

It can happen. To anyone. At any given time. Lose the job or get really sick and can no longer work, can't make the house payments, etc.

Do you have a plan? Or a plan A vs plan B if plan A doesn't work out?

I have a plan A, B and C.

REMINDER...this is the lounge. No trolling.

This is something I think about a lot I am always nervous about this. Luckily I have very rich parents to fall back on.

However, didn't have that and I failed by family, I wouldn't be able to hack it. I would probably end it!
Christians and family take care of each other.
No offense but you couldn't pay me to live with either.
I don't believe my church would force me to live inside the church, lol. They do have resources, though, and have been known to help people out in cases of catastrophes and illness and such.

I could live with my family. I mean, it isn't the best situation in the world, but there are enough of us, and we're situated in such a way that there are different options. If I was TRULY flaky and didn't want to work at all and completely wasn't interested in having my own place or camping, I could do a few months here and a few months there, lolol...
seems to me that the best idea for those without family would be to find a homeless camp with services that could help you rebuild and maybe find a job . Cardboard sign saying ' homeless , no drugs alcohol , will take any job as you stand on a street corner. And of course a neat clean appearance has got to be the number one priority . That's why I mention homeless services , maybe Salvation Army or similar that might be able to help you get ANY job !! And a sizeable small town would be better than a big huge city imo . ------------ realistic or unrealistic , I don't know . Also depends on age , the older you are it would be harder to rebuild !!
seems to me that the best idea for those without family would be to find a homeless camp with services that could help you rebuild and maybe find a job . Cardboard sign saying ' homeless , no drugs alcohol , will take any job as you stand on a street corner. And of course a neat clean appearance has got to be the number one priority . That's why I mention homeless services , maybe Salvation Army or similar that might be able to help you get ANY job !! And a sizeable small town would be better than a big huge city imo . ------------ realistic or unrealistic , I don't know . Also depends on age , the older you are it would be harder to rebuild !!
I wouldn't go anywhere near a homeless camp.

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