What would trayvon had done if......


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

he had got Zimmerman’s gun? Would he have shot him? I really don’t think so. I believe Trayvon saw the gun before the confrontation and fought for his life. I would like to see were the gun was on Zimmerman and we will see that replayed in court.

Why didn’t Trayvon just go home?

Would you show someone who was following you where you lived?

None of Zimmerman’s injuries supported a life threatening situation where lethal deadly force was necessary. A broken nose from a punch and two small cuts with a tricking of blood. Why didn’t the LPAB fight back with the same force he was met with? He let a little punk kid kick is butt so he could use deadly force as a excuse.

Zimmerman, the LPAB, could not cut it in law enforcement so he chose the next best thing and appointed himself Neighborhood Watch Captain with a gun to make up for his inadequacies. Nothing big about him but his head and ego. Zimmerman is no different from the LPAB that shot up the Colorado theater killing 12 people. They are both losers and could not deal with it as a normal person would.

he had got Zimmerman’s gun? Would he have shot him? I really don’t think so. I believe Trayvon saw the gun before the confrontation and fought for his life. I would like to see were the gun was on Zimmerman and we will see that replayed in court.

Why didn’t Trayvon just go home?

Would you show someone who was following you where you lived?

None of Zimmerman’s injuries supported a life threatening situation where lethal deadly force was necessary. A broken nose from a punch and two small cuts with a tricking of blood. Why didn’t the LPAB fight back with the same force he was met with? He let a little punk kid kick is butt so he could use deadly force as a excuse.

Zimmerman, the LPAB, could not cut it in law enforcement so he chose the next best thing and appointed himself Neighborhood Watch Captain with a gun to make up for his inadequacies. Nothing big about him but his head and ego. Zimmerman is no different from the LPAB that shot up the Colorado theater killing 12 people. They are both losers and could not deal with it as a normal person would.

is that you OJ ?
If Trayvon had known there was a gun, Zimmerman would have been dead. Don't spread your shit so thick...Trayvon was not the alter boy you seem to think and Zimmerman is going to get off because they have no proof that he wasn't fighting for HIS life. Stop being such a RACIST hater. What would you say if it had ended up that Martin killed zimmerman...would this matter to you so much?

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