Cause of poverty and crime in afro-americans


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Created by post slavery society and U.S. government.

The very programs set in place to help poor Blacks is the reason for the present poverty and crime among Blacks.
Discrimination and segregation created jobless and low wages of Blacks.
Welfare programs created to help them hurt them the most. It pushed to father figure out of the family unit that had always been there even in poverty. Homes of Blacks were raided to keep Black fathers out of the home which took the father figure out of the family unit separating it and destroying it to this day. Nothing has changed. there were no jobs then and welfare was the only solution and it still is today. Illegal Aliens are hire before Blacks and are fired and replaced by Illegal Aliens and we are surprised when we hear the crime and poverty in the inner cities across this nation among Blacks.
Society of racism, discrimination and a ineffective Government created the problems Afro-Americans are having in cities like Chicago, Detroit, East Los Angeles, Oakland, etc today. Our government built slums in Chicago, etc that housed as many as 75,000 Blacks and a cesspool of crime and poverty. Many are being replaced with Latino slums. Illegal Aliens are moving in and Blacks are moving out. Same problem as Blacks. Poverty, welfare and gangs and the crime that come with it.
Our Government also created tmany of the problems in Native Americans. Instead of offering them equality they offered them meager hand outs which in not an incentive.
Men are created equal but are not always treated equal.
Blacks are not the only people who have been dealt a shitty hand. People have choices on which road to take and better themselves. I live in a diverse neighborhood where many of the blacks drive BMWs and Lexuses. On the other hand, a white man neighbor has tattoos running up his neck and wears a do-rag all the time. Would you hire him? He is a career criminal and must be in jail now as I have not seen him lately. My next door neighbor is a young black woman with four kids, all with a different father. Instead of sticking with one man and building a stable family and raising her kids to be producing members of society, she goes with the government program and keeps popping out kids for the extra money. She calls the money her benefits. She must be working on a pay raise as she has a new man in the house. Life is about choices.
Created by post slavery society and U.S. government.

The very programs set in place to help poor Blacks is the reason for the present poverty and crime among Blacks.
Discrimination and segregation created jobless and low wages of Blacks.
Welfare programs created to help them hurt them the most. It pushed to father figure out of the family unit that had always been there even in poverty. Homes of Blacks were raided to keep Black fathers out of the home which took the father figure out of the family unit separating it and destroying it to this day. Nothing has changed. there were no jobs then and welfare was the only solution and it still is today. Illegal Aliens are hire before Blacks and are fired and replaced by Illegal Aliens and we are surprised when we hear the crime and poverty in the inner cities across this nation among Blacks.
Society of racism, discrimination and a ineffective Government created the problems Afro-Americans are having in cities like Chicago, Detroit, East Los Angeles, Oakland, etc today. Our government built slums in Chicago, etc that housed as many as 75,000 Blacks and a cesspool of crime and poverty. Many are being replaced with Latino slums. Illegal Aliens are moving in and Blacks are moving out. Same problem as Blacks. Poverty, welfare and gangs and the crime that come with it.
Our Government also created tmany of the problems in Native Americans. Instead of offering them equality they offered them meager hand outs which in not an incentive.
Men are created equal but are not always treated equal.

Black poverty is a universal problem. Most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa don't have a highway system or cities with running water and public drainage. If you want to read a book at night in Haiti you better have candles and matches. Blacks in Brazil live in slums that make American ghettos looks like Beverly hills. Any theory purporting to explain black poverty in America needs to account for lower black achievement across the globe and throughout history. And explain why, if America is such a racist county, blacks are so much better off here than anywhere else in the world.
I've got another story about choices. My son graduated high school with a kid who had more running back talent than a player four years previous from our school who went to play D-I and was drafted by the SF 49er's. Instead of working on his game and SAT, he chose to work at the video store and pursue a career as a rap artist. He supplimented his income by selling drugs which he thought went along with the lifestyle. His chances of at least getting a college education through football were much greater than becoming the next JZ. He is now in and out of jail and none of you have ever heard of him because he did not make it as a rapper and he is not playing football on Sundays. Life is about choices.
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It's the fault of the evil rich people who wouldn't give him a successful career as a rap artist.
It's the fault of the evil rich people who wouldn't give him a successful career as a rap artist.

Well it's probably Bush's fault...
That's the way the Libs deal with things.
They blame other people then throw lots of
money at the problem....
It's the fault of the evil rich people who wouldn't give him a successful career as a rap artist.

If he had stuck with football, he would have had rich people watching him play on Saturdays and maybe Sundays.
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The OP's argument is practically: They're too stupid to take care of themselves.

The OP's argument is practically: They're too stupid to take care of themselves.
awww you are just stupid and jealous,maybe some Black person got that job you wanted cause his credentials were far better then yours.You are nothing but a crybaby.
Oh yes...the welfare system has enslaved another generation of Negroes, and it's Whitey's fault.

When are Negroes going to say "My life is up to ME; I am responsible for my lot in life!"?
Afros should stop complaining and go back to Africa, where they can be free to swing from tree limbs without the white man oppressing them.
Oh yes...the welfare system has enslaved another generation of Negroes, and it's Whitey's fault.

When are Negroes going to say "My life is up to ME; I am responsible for my lot in life!"?
Hey whitey you keep taking our jobs away from us,you gonna keep on paying your money to us.Pay,pay,and pay.I'm laughing all the way to the bank.:lol::lol:
Afros should stop complaining and go back to Africa, where they can be free to swing from tree limbs without the white man oppressing them.
Fugg you whitey go back to europe to the cabes where you came from.:lol:
Oh yes...the welfare system has enslaved another generation of Negroes, and it's Whitey's fault.

When are Negroes going to say "My life is up to ME; I am responsible for my lot in life!"?
Hey whitey you keep taking our jobs away from us,you gonna keep on paying your money to us.Pay,pay,and pay.I'm laughing all the way to the bank.:lol::lol:

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