What Would Happen If Christs Appears in a Large American City Today?

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
This is probably an overused thought exercise, but I heard it last night as I was listening to a podcast featuring one of Art Bell’s Coast to Coast AM broadcasts. The context is a discussion of the film, “The Passion of the Christ”. A question was thrown out there, to wit: If Christ appeared on Earth today (other than for the Apocalypse), would His ending be any different than His ending in the movie? The host thought not.

So, as I was lying there in bed listening to this nonsense I started to ponder. What would happen if Christ set foot on Earth today? Let’s consider some possibilities, upon the assumption that Christ comes back, and appears in today’s America.

Let’s say that He appears in a major US city. We know these cities are run by Dems and are extremely violent and extremely broke, both financially and morally. First off, we have to worry about Him being mugged or worse by violent criminals (who are likely black, possibly brown, and most likely not white).

Further, Jesus being Jesus, He will most likely evangelize. How do you think this will go over in, say, the streets of NYC, Chicago, or L.A.? Not good. A large percentage, though not nearly a majority (though they include much of our leadership and virtually all media), associate Christianity with fascism and white supremacy. Both claims are, of course, absurd on their face. But these people seem not to want to learn, discuss, or debate. Instead, they hold absolutely to their positions. This goes for both left and right, though it is most dangerous from the left because they stand contra our constitutional republic.

I believe that Christ would immediately be ostracized by lefties as a fringe, radicalized white supremacist lunatic who is displaying fascist tendencies that are a threat to our “democracy”. Obviously, nothing could be farther from reality that such an asinine assertion. But that is most likely what would happen, in my opinion.

Keep in mind something with this thought exercise: the idiots on the street that experience the Second Coming do not actually know that He is Jesus Christ. If they knew it was Him, then obviously He would be honored. Above everything else, people are not going to knowingly get themselves in trouble eternally. Thus, for this thought experiment to work, they must not know who He really is. While this really should go without saying, there are some Dems/leftists who need it pointed out to them.

Christ would be subject to threats of violence for his ideological beliefs and proclamations. Some will say He is a madman who ought to be institutionalized. If Christ decides that, while in Rome … , he will do the social media thing, and attempt to evangelize online, he will also be subjected to such bigotry. When He testifies about dying for your sins, many snarky keyboard warriors will post “Pics or it did not happen”, and mean it. When He speaks about the Apostles, he will get requests for source links. When He reveals that He is the son of God, the snowflake children will cry “There’s no evidence of that! Where’s the evidence?!?!?! I don’t see any evidence!!”

Personally, I lack the constitution for such. Christ is a much, much better man than I will ever be capable of being. For even though I am not, myself, a Christian, I greatly admire Christ and hold all of Christianity in high esteem. Confronted with such narcissistic, incurious drivel from pissant shitheads on the internet, I would be like, “Motherfucker!! I will impale each of you sorry fuckers on a 100 billion volt lightning bolt!!” But He would never think such a thing. For He loves you. On the other hand, I don’t.

After thought and consideration, I agree with Art Bell on Christ’s fate if he returned to Earth today, with the proviso that He returns to a large American city. But, if He came back and stayed in, say, a small southern town, he may be ok. He certainly has much less of a chance there of being victimized by violent criminals (who are most likely black, possibly brown, and most likely not white), being subject to violence as a result of his religion, and being subjected to general hateful behavior. That last bit is a legitimate problem with Dems today. They are hateful. They dehumanize someone, thereby making it ok for even non-sociopaths to hate them, and to take hateful actions against them. I can easily imagine young leftists secularizing Christ and running Him down to his face. Why not? They are doing it now, just not to His face.
This is probably an overused thought exercise, but I heard it last night as I was listening to a podcast featuring one of Art Bell’s Coast to Coast AM broadcasts. The context is a discussion of the film, “The Passion of the Christ”. A question was thrown out there, to wit: If Christ appeared on Earth today (other than for the Apocalypse), would His ending be any different than His ending in the movie? The host thought not.

So, as I was lying there in bed listening to this nonsense I started to ponder. What would happen if Christ set foot on Earth today? Let’s consider some possibilities, upon the assumption that Christ comes back, and appears in today’s America.

Let’s say that He appears in a major US city. We know these cities are run by Dems and are extremely violent and extremely broke, both financially and morally. First off, we have to worry about Him being mugged or worse by violent criminals (who are likely black, possibly brown, and most likely not white).

Further, Jesus being Jesus, He will most likely evangelize. How do you think this will go over in, say, the streets of NYC, Chicago, or L.A.? Not good. A large percentage, though not nearly a majority (though they include much of our leadership and virtually all media), associate Christianity with fascism and white supremacy. Both claims are, of course, absurd on their face. But these people seem not to want to learn, discuss, or debate. Instead, they hold absolutely to their positions. This goes for both left and right, though it is most dangerous from the left because they stand contra our constitutional republic.

I believe that Christ would immediately be ostracized by lefties as a fringe, radicalized white supremacist lunatic who is displaying fascist tendencies that are a threat to our “democracy”. Obviously, nothing could be farther from reality that such an asinine assertion. But that is most likely what would happen, in my opinion.

Keep in mind something with this thought exercise: the idiots on the street that experience the Second Coming do not actually know that He is Jesus Christ. If they knew it was Him, then obviously He would be honored. Above everything else, people are not going to knowingly get themselves in trouble eternally. Thus, for this thought experiment to work, they must not know who He really is. While this really should go without saying, there are some Dems/leftists who need it pointed out to them.

Christ would be subject to threats of violence for his ideological beliefs and proclamations. Some will say He is a madman who ought to be institutionalized. If Christ decides that, while in Rome … , he will do the social media thing, and attempt to evangelize online, he will also be subjected to such bigotry. When He testifies about dying for your sins, many snarky keyboard warriors will post “Pics or it did not happen”, and mean it. When He speaks about the Apostles, he will get requests for source links. When He reveals that He is the son of God, the snowflake children will cry “There’s no evidence of that! Where’s the evidence?!?!?! I don’t see any evidence!!”

Personally, I lack the constitution for such. Christ is a much, much better man than I will ever be capable of being. For even though I am not, myself, a Christian, I greatly admire Christ and hold all of Christianity in high esteem. Confronted with such narcissistic, incurious drivel from pissant shitheads on the internet, I would be like, “Motherfucker!! I will impale each of you sorry fuckers on a 100 billion volt lightning bolt!!” But He would never think such a thing. For He loves you. On the other hand, I don’t.

After thought and consideration, I agree with Art Bell on Christ’s fate if he returned to Earth today, with the proviso that He returns to a large American city. But, if He came back and stayed in, say, a small southern town, he may be ok. He certainly has much less of a chance there of being victimized by violent criminals (who are most likely black, possibly brown, and most likely not white), being subject to violence as a result of his religion, and being subjected to general hateful behavior. That last bit is a legitimate problem with Dems today. They are hateful. They dehumanize someone, thereby making it ok for even non-sociopaths to hate them, and to take hateful actions against them. I can easily imagine young leftists secularizing Christ and running Him down to his face. Why not? They are doing it now, just not to His face.
Will he be performing miracles?
This is probably an overused thought exercise, but I heard it last night as I was listening to a podcast featuring one of Art Bell’s Coast to Coast AM broadcasts. The context is a discussion of the film, “The Passion of the Christ”. A question was thrown out there, to wit: If Christ appeared on Earth today (other than for the Apocalypse), would His ending be any different than His ending in the movie? The host thought not.

So, as I was lying there in bed listening to this nonsense I started to ponder. What would happen if Christ set foot on Earth today? Let’s consider some possibilities, upon the assumption that Christ comes back, and appears in today’s America.

Let’s say that He appears in a major US city. We know these cities are run by Dems and are extremely violent and extremely broke, both financially and morally. First off, we have to worry about Him being mugged or worse by violent criminals (who are likely black, possibly brown, and most likely not white).

Further, Jesus being Jesus, He will most likely evangelize. How do you think this will go over in, say, the streets of NYC, Chicago, or L.A.? Not good. A large percentage, though not nearly a majority (though they include much of our leadership and virtually all media), associate Christianity with fascism and white supremacy. Both claims are, of course, absurd on their face. But these people seem not to want to learn, discuss, or debate. Instead, they hold absolutely to their positions. This goes for both left and right, though it is most dangerous from the left because they stand contra our constitutional republic.

I believe that Christ would immediately be ostracized by lefties as a fringe, radicalized white supremacist lunatic who is displaying fascist tendencies that are a threat to our “democracy”. Obviously, nothing could be farther from reality that such an asinine assertion. But that is most likely what would happen, in my opinion.

Keep in mind something with this thought exercise: the idiots on the street that experience the Second Coming do not actually know that He is Jesus Christ. If they knew it was Him, then obviously He would be honored. Above everything else, people are not going to knowingly get themselves in trouble eternally. Thus, for this thought experiment to work, they must not know who He really is. While this really should go without saying, there are some Dems/leftists who need it pointed out to them.

Christ would be subject to threats of violence for his ideological beliefs and proclamations. Some will say He is a madman who ought to be institutionalized. If Christ decides that, while in Rome … , he will do the social media thing, and attempt to evangelize online, he will also be subjected to such bigotry. When He testifies about dying for your sins, many snarky keyboard warriors will post “Pics or it did not happen”, and mean it. When He speaks about the Apostles, he will get requests for source links. When He reveals that He is the son of God, the snowflake children will cry “There’s no evidence of that! Where’s the evidence?!?!?! I don’t see any evidence!!”

Personally, I lack the constitution for such. Christ is a much, much better man than I will ever be capable of being. For even though I am not, myself, a Christian, I greatly admire Christ and hold all of Christianity in high esteem. Confronted with such narcissistic, incurious drivel from pissant shitheads on the internet, I would be like, “Motherfucker!! I will impale each of yofromu sorry fuckers on a 100 billion volt lightning bolt!!” But He would never think such a thing. For He loves you. On the other hand, I don’t.

After thought and consideration, I agree with Art Bell on Christ’s fate if he returned to Earth today, with the proviso that He returns to a large American city. But, if He came back and stayed in, say, a small southern town, he may be ok. He certainly has much less of a chance there of being victimized by violent criminals (who are most likely black, possibly brown, and most likely not white), being subject to violence as a result of his religion, and being subjected to general hateful behavior. That last bit is a legitimate problem with Dems today. They are hateful. They dehumanize someone, thereby making it ok for even non-sociopaths to hate them, and to take hateful actions against them. I can easily imagine young leftists secularizing Christ and running Him down to his face. Why not? They are doing it now, just not to His face.
If Jesus came back today he sure as hell wouldn't be white, probably be an anchor baby from Nigeria.
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He'd be arrested by the DOJ as an illegal alien hippy MAGA Trump Supporter and charged by the J6 Committee then sued by the IRS for back taxes.

Then given his own TV spot on MSNBC.
Good answer
Will he be performing miracles?
His miracles would most like be ignored and/or lied about. I can imagine the MSM covering up any miracle He performs by reporting instead on anonymous sources alleging sexual assault.
What if he appears in a church that worships Donald Trump?
His miracles would most like be ignored and/or lied about. I can imagine the MSM covering up any miracle He performs by reporting instead on anonymous sources alleging sexual assault.
Untrue, his miracle videos would go viral and his fame would spread. Everyone wants a messiah.
This is probably an overused thought exercise, but I heard it last night as I was listening to a podcast featuring one of Art Bell’s Coast to Coast AM broadcasts. The context is a discussion of the film, “The Passion of the Christ”. A question was thrown out there, to wit: If Christ appeared on Earth today (other than for the Apocalypse), would His ending be any different than His ending in the movie? The host thought not.

So, as I was lying there in bed listening to this nonsense I started to ponder. What would happen if Christ set foot on Earth today? Let’s consider some possibilities, upon the assumption that Christ comes back, and appears in today’s America.

Let’s say that He appears in a major US city. We know these cities are run by Dems and are extremely violent and extremely broke, both financially and morally. First off, we have to worry about Him being mugged or worse by violent criminals (who are likely black, possibly brown, and most likely not white).

Further, Jesus being Jesus, He will most likely evangelize. How do you think this will go over in, say, the streets of NYC, Chicago, or L.A.? Not good. A large percentage, though not nearly a majority (though they include much of our leadership and virtually all media), associate Christianity with fascism and white supremacy. Both claims are, of course, absurd on their face. But these people seem not to want to learn, discuss, or debate. Instead, they hold absolutely to their positions. This goes for both left and right, though it is most dangerous from the left because they stand contra our constitutional republic.

I believe that Christ would immediately be ostracized by lefties as a fringe, radicalized white supremacist lunatic who is displaying fascist tendencies that are a threat to our “democracy”. Obviously, nothing could be farther from reality that such an asinine assertion. But that is most likely what would happen, in my opinion.

Keep in mind something with this thought exercise: the idiots on the street that experience the Second Coming do not actually know that He is Jesus Christ. If they knew it was Him, then obviously He would be honored. Above everything else, people are not going to knowingly get themselves in trouble eternally. Thus, for this thought experiment to work, they must not know who He really is. While this really should go without saying, there are some Dems/leftists who need it pointed out to them.

Christ would be subject to threats of violence for his ideological beliefs and proclamations. Some will say He is a madman who ought to be institutionalized. If Christ decides that, while in Rome … , he will do the social media thing, and attempt to evangelize online, he will also be subjected to such bigotry. When He testifies about dying for your sins, many snarky keyboard warriors will post “Pics or it did not happen”, and mean it. When He speaks about the Apostles, he will get requests for source links. When He reveals that He is the son of God, the snowflake children will cry “There’s no evidence of that! Where’s the evidence?!?!?! I don’t see any evidence!!”

Personally, I lack the constitution for such. Christ is a much, much better man than I will ever be capable of being. For even though I am not, myself, a Christian, I greatly admire Christ and hold all of Christianity in high esteem. Confronted with such narcissistic, incurious drivel from pissant shitheads on the internet, I would be like, “Motherfucker!! I will impale each of you sorry fuckers on a 100 billion volt lightning bolt!!” But He would never think such a thing. For He loves you. On the other hand, I don’t.

After thought and consideration, I agree with Art Bell on Christ’s fate if he returned to Earth today, with the proviso that He returns to a large American city. But, if He came back and stayed in, say, a small southern town, he may be ok. He certainly has much less of a chance there of being victimized by violent criminals (who are most likely black, possibly brown, and most likely not white), being subject to violence as a result of his religion, and being subjected to general hateful behavior. That last bit is a legitimate problem with Dems today. They are hateful. They dehumanize someone, thereby making it ok for even non-sociopaths to hate them, and to take hateful actions against them. I can easily imagine young leftists secularizing Christ and running Him down to his face. Why not? They are doing it now, just not to His face.
You sound like a raving lunatic. That's probably because you are one

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