What will the Russians and POT (Party of Trump) do if Biden gets the nomination?

There will be a renewed smear campaign full of the same baseless innuendo and unsubstantiated charges made against Old Joe to date. Slimy Rudy will keep busy trying to dig up dirt if he doesn't end up defending himself from charges related to his shady, potentially illegal, dealings. SDNY Mulls New Charges Against Parnas That Could Pull Giuliani Deeper Into Scheme

Then again, Billy the Bagman will have his back just as he has Crooked Donald's now that the DoJ has been corrupted.

The Russians, who knows what they'll do? After the "sweeping and systematic" efforts on Don's behalf in 2016 described by Mueller they need a new schtick. Whatever they do we can be assured Don will welcome the efforts with open arms like a true patriot (wink).
Move to Conspiracy Theories.
Because you are still referencing the debunked 'Russian Collusion Delusion'
That makes for a cute alliterative phrase but nonetheless is in denial of reality.

Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”

Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”

"Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report focuses only on whether crimes were committed. It addresses two Russian conspiracies to interfere in the 2016 election—one involving a social media influence campaign and the other involving the hacking and dissemination of stolen emails. The Report then addresses whether Trump Campaign associates knowingly entered an agreement with the Russian government to assist those conspiracies.

As many experts have noted, what’s missing from the Mueller Report is the Special Counsel’s counterintelligence findings. We don’t know what the Special Counsel’s Office or the FBI have assessed, for example, with respect to whether Trump associates engaged in reciprocal efforts with Russian agents without entering a criminal agreement to do so, whether Americans have been witting or unwitting Russian assets, and what leverage or influence Moscow may have over particular individuals.

As a shorthand, we may use the term “collusion” to refer to these kinds of activities, which would be implicated in a counterintelligence analysis—though, as Asha Rangappa and I have written, the more analytically precise issues to consider are whether Trump Campaign associates “coordinated with, cooperated with, encouraged, or gave support” to the Russia/WikiLeaks election interference activities. Those are important questions regardless of whether such activities amounted to crimes, regardless of whether individuals’ actions and intentions can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, regardless of whether Americans acted as unwitting Kremlin assets in support of Russian operations, and regardless of whether individuals and organizations can be prosecuted without endangering First Amendment interests.

Although the Mueller Report does not squarely address these questions of “collusion” that fall outside the scope of potential criminal liability, it can be mined for substantive information that provides some meaningful answers.

What follows is a detailed guide to the Mueller Report’s evidence on collusion. The analysis discusses affirmative evidence and countervailing evidence in the Report, references the Special Counsel’s court filings and reliable news reports that help shed additional light on information in the Report, and identifies significant loose ends that the investigation was unable to answer."

Trump Should Be Removed from Office
Trump Should Be Removed from Office
I don't think there is any question the Adulterer-in-Chief would have preferred to run against Sanders. That possibility still exists. If Sanders wins the mantra is easy to predict.....socialist. With Biden it will be more nuanced. They'll bring up the sweetheart deal his kid got, suggest he has lost a step, paint him as part of the establishment.
Biden is everything Trump is not. A decent, moral, restrained politician with policy knowledge who will put the best interests of the country, not himself, first.
There will be a renewed smear campaign full of the same baseless innuendo and unsubstantiated charges made against Old Joe to date. Slimy Rudy will keep busy trying to dig up dirt if he doesn't end up defending himself from charges related to his shady, potentially illegal, dealings. SDNY Mulls New Charges Against Parnas That Could Pull Giuliani Deeper Into Scheme

Then again, Billy the Bagman will have his back just as he has Crooked Donald's now that the DoJ has been corrupted.

The Russians, who knows what they'll do? After the "sweeping and systematic" efforts on Don's behalf in 2016 described by Mueller they need a new schtick. Whatever they do we can be assured Don will welcome the efforts with open arms like a true patriot (wink).

If Biden gets the nomination, Trump will just beat him. The Russians on the other hand, would just slip him a cup of Polonium tea.

Either way, Biden's "presidency" is dead meat.

No doubt.
But remember, Dimms are losers who lie to themselves.
Poor Dimms.
All that Trump hate and anger and no where to turn to but Quid Pro Joe.
Too bad for them that ain't enough to beat Trump.
There will be a renewed smear campaign full of the same baseless innuendo and unsubstantiated charges made against Old Joe to date. Slimy Rudy will keep busy trying to dig up dirt if he doesn't end up defending himself from charges related to his shady, potentially illegal, dealings. SDNY Mulls New Charges Against Parnas That Could Pull Giuliani Deeper Into Scheme

Then again, Billy the Bagman will have his back just as he has Crooked Donald's now that the DoJ has been corrupted.

The Russians, who knows what they'll do? After the "sweeping and systematic" efforts on Don's behalf in 2016 described by Mueller they need a new schtick. Whatever they do we can be assured Don will welcome the efforts with open arms like a true patriot (wink).
Actually Republicans will continue their smear campaign full of the same baseless innuendo and unsubstantiated charges.
Trump is still favored by the Vegas odds setters at 2:1 against Joe Biden. Looking forward to November.
I think you will find the odds are moving toward Biden's favor now that the field has been winnowed down.
The Russians, who knows what they'll do?
Biden has three months to live, throws live puppies into rush hour traffic, impregnated a two year old, and aborted the second coming of Jesus.

Biden has committed adultery, ran a fake university which ripped off the elderly, lies constantly, and dodged the draft in Vietnam by claiming to have bone spurs.

Biden will also run trillion dollar deficits, alienate our allies, and have one of the most corrupt administrations in history.
The Russians, who knows what they'll do?
Biden has three months to live, throws live puppies into rush hour traffic, impregnated a two year old, and aborted the second coming of Jesus.

Biden has committed adultery, ran a fake university which ripped off the elderly, lies constantly, and dodged the draft in Vietnam by claiming to have bone spurs.

Biden will also run trillion dollar deficits, alienate our allies, and have one of the most corrupt administrations in history.

It could be worse.

they could tell the truth
I don't think there is any question the Adulterer-in-Chief would have preferred to run against Sanders. That possibility still exists. If Sanders wins the mantra is easy to predict.....socialist. With Biden it will be more nuanced. They'll bring up the sweetheart deal his kid got, suggest he has lost a step, paint him as part of the establishment.
Biden is everything Trump is not. A decent, moral, restrained politician with policy knowledge who will put the best interests of the country, not himself, first.
Not even posting Joe's extortion of Ukraine on video. There is this China thing, its golden....

Trump's Claims About Hunter Biden in China
In an op-ed for the New York Times published on Oct. 9, Schweizer said Hunter Biden didn’t do anything illegal in the China deal. While the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act prohibits a U.S.-owned company from hiring the children of foreign government officials “in the hopes of currying favor with their powerful parents,” Schweizer wrote, it is not a violation if a foreign company hires or does business with the family members of American politicians. Schweizer argues, however, that such “cronyism” should be illegal.

“It gives the politically connected class enormously tempting opportunities for self-dealing, the sort of thing that is blatantly illegal in almost any other context,” Schweizer wrote, adding that Biden landed a deal in China that “he was apparently unqualified to score save for one thing: his father.”
There will be a renewed smear campaign full of the same baseless innuendo and unsubstantiated charges made against Old Joe to date. Slimy Rudy will keep busy trying to dig up dirt if he doesn't end up defending himself from charges related to his shady, potentially illegal, dealings. SDNY Mulls New Charges Against Parnas That Could Pull Giuliani Deeper Into Scheme

Then again, Billy the Bagman will have his back just as he has Crooked Donald's now that the DoJ has been corrupted.

The Russians, who knows what they'll do? After the "sweeping and systematic" efforts on Don's behalf in 2016 described by Mueller they need a new schtick. Whatever they do we can be assured Don will welcome the efforts with open arms like a true patriot (wink).

change my last name to Biden and get in on oil and gas deals and just like Hunter I have no background in energy production.
I don't think there is any question the Adulterer-in-Chief would have preferred to run against Sanders. That possibility still exists. If Sanders wins the mantra is easy to predict.....socialist. With Biden it will be more nuanced. They'll bring up the sweetheart deal his kid got, suggest he has lost a step, paint him as part of the establishment.
Biden is everything Trump is not. A decent, moral, restrained politician with policy knowledge who will put the best interests of the country, not himself, first.
You are insane lol.

Now you'll see what happens when there's a warranted investigation, where people actually did something wrong:


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