What will Liberal Media do without "RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!"

So far it is just spinning its obsession with Mueller. I can see a steady dose of Racist, Misogyny, Hitler in the future. Commie, commie, commie Chameleon.
How about:




I think Trump has every base covered.

If it's illegal, Trump is somehow involved.
I see genuinely worried looks all over CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the Democrat Spews Outlets. What are they going to talk about now that the Mueller Circus is folding up it's tent? OMG they might actually start having to cover REAL news stories!
Chickenhawks' Gnawing on a Wishbone

Too many Republicans are nostalgic about the Cold War. Look at Gingrich, who said that Trump's meeting with Putin at Helsinki was the worst moment of his Presidency.
I see genuinely worried looks all over CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the Democrat Spews Outlets. What are they going to talk about now that the Mueller Circus is folding up it's tent? OMG they might actually start having to cover REAL news stories!

They'll talk enough about the successes of the Mueller investigation. No pride in the Don staying out of jail while his henchmen ended up in jail
Whatever gets you through the day. The FBI acting like the Gestapo is nothing that I'd be proud of.

If it was the FBI going after Hillary this way the other 1/2 of folks would be thrilled.

Is that cheerleader skirt a little tight?

We know that would never happen. If it did, I would pass out in shock.

Why? Is Donald's FBI "in on it"? Or unable to find evidence?

FWIW, I figure if we if we investigate her enough we'll convict some of her henchmen but not her. I'm pretty party neutral here.

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