What will be the best post Impeachment Strategy for Trump?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
If you are stupid enough to believe Ds have a snowball's chance in hell of getting a conviction get into a 12 step program you need it.
If you are stupid enough to believe Ds have a snowball's chance in hell of getting a conviction get into a 12 step program you need it.
He should lay low and hope to avoid the lynch-mobs.

Maybe you haven't seen Trump's rallies? The lynch mobs will be after the creeps who impeached Trump, especially the Never-Trumpers...... in the primaries.
If you are stupid enough to believe Ds have a snowball's chance in hell of getting a conviction get into a 12 step program you need it.
He should lay low and hope to avoid the lynch-mobs.

Maybe you haven't seen Trump's rallies? The lynch mobs will be after the creeps who impeached Trump, especially the Never-Trumpers...... in the primaries.
tRumpkins are.outnumbered, plus they will abandon him as soon as he's convicted.
If you are stupid enough to believe Ds have a snowball's chance in hell of getting a conviction get into a 12 step program you need it.
He should lay low and hope to avoid the lynch-mobs.

Maybe you haven't seen Trump's rallies? The lynch mobs will be after the creeps who impeached Trump, especially the Never-Trumpers...... in the primaries.
tRumpkins are.outnumbered, plus they will abandon him as soon as he's convicted.

ROFLMAO! You think the Senate is going to convict him? :auiqs.jpg:

I want some of whatever drugs you've been doing.....
If you are stupid enough to believe Ds have a snowball's chance in hell of getting a conviction get into a 12 step program you need it.
He should lay low and hope to avoid the lynch-mobs.

Maybe you haven't seen Trump's rallies? The lynch mobs will be after the creeps who impeached Trump, especially the Never-Trumpers...... in the primaries.
tRumpkins are.outnumbered, plus they will abandon him as soon as he's convicted.

as soon as he's convicted.

The only reason Pelosi went ahead with the third reich style trial is she wanted to give Biden a clear shot at the primaries. She knows that Bernie and Warren will both be locked out because of the impeachment.
The problem is like most of the left with the IQ of a squirrel is she gave away the house and senate.
Bernies fans will be extremely upset once they realize that the Dems have again screwed Bernie they may vote Trump just to keep the Dems from wining. Some may even change parties permanently.

Trumps best bet is to pound the Dems with the fact that they did not have a case, it was only political theater. Once the house is back in Republican hands have them exhonerarte him.
If you are stupid enough to believe Ds have a snowball's chance in hell of getting a conviction get into a 12 step program you need it.
He should lay low and hope to avoid the lynch-mobs.

As if wussies like you would have the balls to do anything. Even the "bravest" of prog SJW twats only have false balls when in large groups, masked, and going against people who aren't there for a fight.
The only reason Pelosi went ahead with the third reich style trial is she wanted to give Biden a clear shot at the primaries. She knows that Bernie and Warren will both be locked out because of the impeachment.
The problem is like most of the left with the IQ of a squirrel is she gave away the house and senate.
Bernies fans will be extremely upset once they realize that the Dems have again screwed Bernie they may vote Trump just to keep the Dems from wining. Some may even change parties permanently.

Trumps best bet is to pound the Dems with the fact that they did not have a case, it was only political theater. Once the house is back in Republican hands have them exhonerarte him.

If the Senators so affected had any spine, they would recuse themselves from the impeachment trial (which will go nowhere), give Pelosi the finger and continue their campaigns.
The only reason Pelosi went ahead with the third reich style trial is she wanted to give Biden a clear shot at the primaries. She knows that Bernie and Warren will both be locked out because of the impeachment.
The problem is like most of the left with the IQ of a squirrel is she gave away the house and senate.
Bernies fans will be extremely upset once they realize that the Dems have again screwed Bernie they may vote Trump just to keep the Dems from wining. Some may even change parties permanently.

Trumps best bet is to pound the Dems with the fact that they did not have a case, it was only political theater. Once the house is back in Republican hands have them exhonerarte him.

If the Senators so affected had any spine, they would recuse themselves from the impeachment trial (which will go nowhere), give Pelosi the finger and continue their campaigns.
The whole thing is "if they had any spine".
If you are stupid enough to believe Ds have a snowball's chance in hell of getting a conviction get into a 12 step program you need it.

Republicans look bad defending his criminal behavior. This trial in the Senate will expose them.

Look at what's coming out today. Rudy's russian buddies are saying Trump was in the loop, so was Barr, and they were threatening Ukraine if they didn't go along they would cut off support/money.

Remember Pence cancelled his trip to the Ukraine? The leaders in Ukraine shit their pants. That was not a good sign. They knew they had to go along with wrongfully spearing Biden or they'd get cut off. No quid pro quo???? Really?
What will be the best post Impeachment Strategy for Trump?

Win the election, obliterate the democrats in the House, and take enough seats in the senate for a 60 seat majority....Then he can truly MAGA!
Lev Parnas Says Trump Knew Everything In Ukraine Scandal
The former Giuliani associate suggested Vice President Mike Pence, Attorney General William Barr and former national security adviser John Bolton were all in the know.

Lev Parnas Says Trump Knew Everything In Ukraine Scandal | HuffPost

And before you go attacking HuffPo, first you have to find a flew in the story. You don't just get to write off any/all bad news as coming from a liberal bias source. That seems to be the rights tactic. If they don't like the evidence, attack the source.

And don't attack Lev Parnas. Remember Trump said he didn't know the guy? There are many pictures of them together. They know each other.

Republicans may want to consider that it isn't all the other people lying. Perhaps it's Trump who's lying. And Barr is a disgrace. He's Trump's lapdog. No independence whatsoever.
If you are stupid enough to believe Ds have a snowball's chance in hell of getting a conviction get into a 12 step program you need it.

Republicans look bad defending his criminal behavior. This trial in the Senate will expose them.

Look at what's coming out today. Rudy's russian buddies are saying Trump was in the loop, so was Barr, and they were threatening Ukraine if they didn't go along they would cut off support/money.

Remember Pence cancelled his trip to the Ukraine? The leaders in Ukraine shit their pants. That was not a good sign. They knew they had to go along with wrongfully spearing Biden or they'd get cut off. No quid pro quo???? Really?

The Trial will expose nothing except the desperation of Democrats.
What will be the best post Impeachment Strategy for Trump?

Win the election, obliterate the democrats in the House, and take enough seats in the senate for a 60 seat majority....Then he can truly MAGA!

What would that be like. Imagine

Cut 25% of your social security
Break unions and weaken workers power in the workforce
Appoint another Supreme and ban abortion
He will waste billions breaking vacation records
He will completely ruin our relationships around the world
Global warming will kill us
Polluted water

The middle class will take a huge step back if this guy gets a second term.

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