What We need now ...


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
is not another version of a good nickle cigar.That was back when.
We need us another Clark Gable.Like quick.
The man who personified down-to earth bravado all while
easily smiling that Gable smile with the carefree attitude.
Giving him the rightful title of - The King of Hollywood -.
yeah,he liked booze and cigarettes.Like to kid around and
tease the opposite sex." I'll know you when you come back with a
bottle " as he said to Spencer Tracy in - Test Pilot -.
Our Country Severely needs another Man like Clark Gable.
Which of course is not poss-ee-bow.Only one such character per
planet.But we do seem to have us a whole lot of weaklings,flunkies
and persistent dolts running around more than half-cocked.
Not at all a good sign.In fact,a definite omen.like the " auguries
look favorable and sells on bad omens."
The United States is now in a state of Augury.
For one because there are no men { not even close } like a Clark
Gable around.Arthur Miller { The Crucible } fictionalized the era
comparing the Salem Witch Trials to McCarthyism as an allegory.
Miller once wrote of Clark Gable " The man who did not know
how to

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