What Was Learned From the Democrat Debate

who is responsible for creating the jobs you say have been created on obama's watch??

are they all government jobs obama created? or are they private sector jobs/

are you saying (admitting) the "job creators" really havent created jobs and obama is lying about the state of the economy leftard??

which is it????
I didn't watch all of it. I turned it off when Hillary said the email thing was a RNC thing. Pretty sure the FBI doesn't answer to the republicans, dumb bitch.
All I learned was the left doesn't like Jim Webb. I am guessing because he isn't a hack, rhetorical and he might actually FIX something.
I think I understand the Dem platform based on the debate. And let's be real...what a freaking snooze-fest. They are all basically the same person except Hillary has a vagina and she's more of a compulsive liar. Otherwise.....meh.

What we learned. :)

1. Successful people are bad. Fuck 'em and take all of their money. :D

2. Promise a lot of free shit (18 trillion dollars in Sanders' case) with zero specifics on how to pay for any of it.

3. Being a woman makes you "an outsider." :lol:

4. No lives matter. None.....unless you're pandering for votes.

5. Global Warming is the worst...most terrible....scariest thing....like EVER!!!!!

5. The Democrat Party based on their nominees is old, white, and very out of touch.

6. Anderson Cooper is still really gay.
None of them have any concept of money and where it actually comes from.

$18 Trillion is debt is just a good start

They actually think they can tax the rich and it won't get passed on to the rest of us

Hillary might 'do' Anderson
We learned that this particular batch of liberals/socialists must be true patriots since they all placed their hand over their heart during the PoA. I don't recall if all the Republicans did so at the CNN debate.:eusa_whistle:

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