What the VAST Majority of Americans don't understand why more people working is important!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
First take a look at this chart from ADP the payroll processing firm that ...pays 26 million (1 in 6) workers in U.S., and 13 million elsewhere
https://www.adp.com/~/media/Corporate Overview/ADP-Corporate-Overview.ashx

Job growth 'rip-roaring' in May on boom in construction, services: ADP
What most people don't realize is more people become employed three Federal tax revenue increase:
1) Personal income tax
2) Employee SS/Medicare payments...
3) And the one tax MOST Americans don't seem to know.. THE EMPLOYER matches the Employee's
SS/Medicare payments.
So at average annual salary of say $40,000
Just during Trump's Presidency 2/17 to 5/17 over 931,000 new hires per the above.
Therefore just in these 3 tax sources additional tax revenue from:
1) income tax: $10,000 2) Employee SS/Medicare: $2,480 3) Employer: SS/Medicare $2,480
Total tax revenue almost $15,000
With 931,000 hires at $15,000 in tax revenue: nearly $14 Billion more in revenue just from 4 months in new hires!
This was why Trump keeps pounding for MORE JOBS!
First take a look at this chart from ADP the payroll processing firm that ...pays 26 million (1 in 6) workers in U.S., and 13 million elsewhere
https://www.adp.com/~/media/Corporate Overview/ADP-Corporate-Overview.ashx
View attachment 130104
Job growth 'rip-roaring' in May on boom in construction, services: ADP
What most people don't realize is more people become employed three Federal tax revenue increase:
1) Personal income tax
2) Employee SS/Medicare payments...
3) And the one tax MOST Americans don't seem to know.. THE EMPLOYER matches the Employee's
SS/Medicare payments.
So at average annual salary of say $40,000
Just during Trump's Presidency 2/17 to 5/17 over 931,000 new hires per the above.
Therefore just in these 3 tax sources additional tax revenue from:
1) income tax: $10,000 2) Employee SS/Medicare: $2,480 3) Employer: SS/Medicare $2,480
Total tax revenue almost $15,000
With 931,000 hires at $15,000 in tax revenue: nearly $14 Billion more in revenue just from 4 months in new hires!
This was why Trump keeps pounding for MORE JOBS!
Because 47% of the population who wouldn't vote for Mitt Romney are on EBT cards. When more people are working and realizing that the liberals do nothing but tax hard workers, then those citizens end up voting for Republicans. That simple...

First take a look at this chart from ADP the payroll processing firm that ...pays 26 million (1 in 6) workers in U.S., and 13 million elsewhere
https://www.adp.com/~/media/Corporate Overview/ADP-Corporate-Overview.ashx
View attachment 130104
Job growth 'rip-roaring' in May on boom in construction, services: ADP
What most people don't realize is more people become employed three Federal tax revenue increase:
1) Personal income tax
2) Employee SS/Medicare payments...
3) And the one tax MOST Americans don't seem to know.. THE EMPLOYER matches the Employee's
SS/Medicare payments.
So at average annual salary of say $40,000
Just during Trump's Presidency 2/17 to 5/17 over 931,000 new hires per the above.
Therefore just in these 3 tax sources additional tax revenue from:
1) income tax: $10,000 2) Employee SS/Medicare: $2,480 3) Employer: SS/Medicare $2,480
Total tax revenue almost $15,000
With 931,000 hires at $15,000 in tax revenue: nearly $14 Billion more in revenue just from 4 months in new hires!
This was why Trump keeps pounding for MORE JOBS!
Because 47% of the population who wouldn't vote for Mitt Romney are on EBT cards. When more people are working and realizing that the liberals do nothing but tax hard workers, then those citizens end up voting for Republicans. That simple...

View attachment 130114
On the 47% comment I made on the previous post, this article seems to be another indicator how fucked up liberalism and their free stuff hurt people. Tax the shit out of working citizens and even they end up destitute. When the bloated government is downsized and more people can KEEP their own money, then those people don't need a government to take care of them. This is another thing, liberals don't want people to know.

Almost half of Americans die nearly broke
Almost half of Americans die nearly broke
I think it's great what the guy I voted for is doing in relation to the illegals, gives US workers the jobs they were doing. I have bitched about illegals since Reagan. But on the other side of the coin. In the early 1980's getting other folks to work in manual labor jobs was unattractive to many. They wanted either the cushy jobs or wanted to start out on top...So I did have to train Mexicans to do jobs just so I could get a promotion.
First take a look at this chart from ADP the payroll processing firm that ...pays 26 million (1 in 6) workers in U.S., and 13 million elsewhere
https://www.adp.com/~/media/Corporate Overview/ADP-Corporate-Overview.ashx
View attachment 130104
Job growth 'rip-roaring' in May on boom in construction, services: ADP
What most people don't realize is more people become employed three Federal tax revenue increase:
1) Personal income tax
2) Employee SS/Medicare payments...
3) And the one tax MOST Americans don't seem to know.. THE EMPLOYER matches the Employee's
SS/Medicare payments.
So at average annual salary of say $40,000
Just during Trump's Presidency 2/17 to 5/17 over 931,000 new hires per the above.
Therefore just in these 3 tax sources additional tax revenue from:
1) income tax: $10,000 2) Employee SS/Medicare: $2,480 3) Employer: SS/Medicare $2,480
Total tax revenue almost $15,000
With 931,000 hires at $15,000 in tax revenue: nearly $14 Billion more in revenue just from 4 months in new hires!
This was why Trump keeps pounding for MORE JOBS!

The other side of the coin is reduced government expenditures from lower unemployment. This should be viewed as a win-win proposition except by Democrats, who base their political appeal on dependence and resentment.
This chart might also help people UNDERSTAND why Trump keeps harping on JOBS,JOBS,JOBS!
What are the sources of revenue for the federal government?

With nearly 80% of all Federal revenue directly related to "JOBS"... i.e. income taxes, and payroll taxes it just seems stupid then for any president to
have said these statements:
- Obama wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and let 450,000 people go that work for these companies! (Obama told us he favored a "single payer health system"... so what happens to the above?)
- " if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.”
(Pretty easy way of increasing unemployment.)
- "I prefer higher gas prices". (And Obama signed 40% fewer Federal oil lease exploration then Bush).
- Trump will never tell a foreign country such as "Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer"!
- "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." (That certainly puts a dent in the pocketbook..._


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