What the TEA Parties Want...

[................... Huge savings, .................

Like what, eh? Lets be specific- proram/service branch/ $ you expect to save. The wasteage you imagine just ain't there. Ya wanna cut military costs its going to be pretty much proportional to headcount reductions and war count reductions.

Look, little man.... I am not here to go through the defense budge item by item with you to decide where we should cut. Suffice to say, if you clamp down on the spiraling costs that the private sector incur in development, cut fraud and waste.... you'll find more than 5%. Treat it like any business would treat its budget. If we ran government like a business - with accountability for expenditure, we would soon get control over it. The major problem with government and public sector is that they view taxpayers as a bottomless pit of cash. Because they don't need to 'make a profit' they don't care what they spend or whether the money actually achieves anything.... They spend it because they can.

Well, the TEA Parties say 'enough is enough'. I agree. Enough is enough. Obama has taken the mess that Bush left and made it 100% worse. I don't blame Obama, I don't blame Bush. I blame us - 'we, the People' sat back and let them pillage our nation. Shame on us.

You say this now, but here is what makes you a hack, YOU DIDNT SAY A WORD DURING BUSH'S HELL ON EARTH FOR 8 YEARS. Not a fucking word.

All of a sudden, you guys have "had enough". ALL OF A SUDDEN.
Like what, eh? Lets be specific- proram/service branch/ $ you expect to save. The wasteage you imagine just ain't there. Ya wanna cut military costs its going to be pretty much proportional to headcount reductions and war count reductions.

Look, little man.... I am not here to go through the defense budge item by item with you to decide where we should cut. Suffice to say, if you clamp down on the spiraling costs that the private sector incur in development, cut fraud and waste.... you'll find more than 5%. Treat it like any business would treat its budget. If we ran government like a business - with accountability for expenditure, we would soon get control over it. The major problem with government and public sector is that they view taxpayers as a bottomless pit of cash. Because they don't need to 'make a profit' they don't care what they spend or whether the money actually achieves anything.... They spend it because they can.

Well, the TEA Parties say 'enough is enough'. I agree. Enough is enough. Obama has taken the mess that Bush left and made it 100% worse. I don't blame Obama, I don't blame Bush. I blame us - 'we, the People' sat back and let them pillage our nation. Shame on us.

You say this now, but here is what makes you a hack, YOU DIDNT SAY A WORD DURING BUSH'S HELL ON EARTH FOR 8 YEARS. Not a fucking word.

All of a sudden, you guys have "had enough". ALL OF A SUDDEN.

All of the sudden, the Fed's are giving away $Trillion$ and implementing huge new social programs.

I agree that it would have been just as appropriate BEFORE November 2008, but there's been major government involvement in the economy since then.
Look, little man.... I am not here to go through the defense budge item by item with you to decide where we should cut. Suffice to say, if you clamp down on the spiraling costs that the private sector incur in development, cut fraud and waste.... you'll find more than 5%. Treat it like any business would treat its budget. If we ran government like a business - with accountability for expenditure, we would soon get control over it. The major problem with government and public sector is that they view taxpayers as a bottomless pit of cash. Because they don't need to 'make a profit' they don't care what they spend or whether the money actually achieves anything.... They spend it because they can.

Well, the TEA Parties say 'enough is enough'. I agree. Enough is enough. Obama has taken the mess that Bush left and made it 100% worse. I don't blame Obama, I don't blame Bush. I blame us - 'we, the People' sat back and let them pillage our nation. Shame on us.

You say this now, but here is what makes you a hack, YOU DIDNT SAY A WORD DURING BUSH'S HELL ON EARTH FOR 8 YEARS. Not a fucking word.

All of a sudden, you guys have "had enough". ALL OF A SUDDEN.

All of the sudden, the Fed's are giving away $Trillion$ and implementing huge new social programs.

I agree that it would have been just as appropriate BEFORE November 2008, but there's been major government involvement in the economy since then.

And Bush's two invasions which will end up costing us TRILLIONS doesn't qualify for a SINGLE Tea Party?:eusa_eh:
...most of the stooooooopid fuck tea-baggers i know supported 'both' (actually there were more than two) stinking bush wars..the stoooooopid fucks can't make a connection between world-wide interventionism and 'big government/high taxes/etc..'
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You say this now, but here is what makes you a hack, YOU DIDNT SAY A WORD DURING BUSH'S HELL ON EARTH FOR 8 YEARS. Not a fucking word.

All of a sudden, you guys have "had enough". ALL OF A SUDDEN.

All of the sudden, the Fed's are giving away $Trillion$ and implementing huge new social programs.

I agree that it would have been just as appropriate BEFORE November 2008, but there's been major government involvement in the economy since then.

And Bush's two invasions which will end up costing us TRILLIONS doesn't qualify for a SINGLE Tea Party?:eusa_eh:

I hate to tell you this, Yank. Bush isn't president. :eusa_shhh:
While all those Points seem reasonable to me..

I still don't think Electing Palin or any of those Tea Party folks are actually going to help, first of all, many of them are playing the Role of a True Conservative.. But really, they're just another Neo-Con looking for votes..

That's the way I see it..

If we can actually find a True Conservative who can actually follow through with Conservative Principles, we'll be in good hands..
While all those Points seem reasonable to me..

I still don't think Electing Palin or any of those Tea Party folks are actually going to help, first of all, many of them are playing the Role of a True Conservative.. But really, they're just another Neo-Con looking for votes..

That's the way I see it..

If we can actually find a True Conservative who can actually follow through with Conservative Principles, we'll be in good hands..
Electing Palin????? No, please.
While all those Points seem reasonable to me..

I still don't think Electing Palin or any of those Tea Party folks are actually going to help, first of all, many of them are playing the Role of a True Conservative.. But really, they're just another Neo-Con looking for votes..

That's the way I see it..

If we can actually find a True Conservative who can actually follow through with Conservative Principles, we'll be in good hands..
Electing Palin????? No, please.

That's exactly my point.

Electing Palin = Obama 2 term President.
While all those Points seem reasonable to me..

I still don't think Electing Palin or any of those Tea Party folks are actually going to help, first of all, many of them are playing the Role of a True Conservative.. But really, they're just another Neo-Con looking for votes..

That's the way I see it..

If we can actually find a True Conservative who can actually follow through with Conservative Principles, we'll be in good hands..
Electing Palin????? No, please.

That's exactly my point.

Electing Palin = Obama 2 term President.

She won't run. Level heads will not have that.
I honestly am hoping there is a fresh voice out there that doesn't drag a lot of unnecessary baggage into the mix.

And here is one I' haven't made up my mind about, but I'm starting to pay attention: He admits he is praying about it and wants all of us who pray to also pray with him.

HERMAN CAIN (from Wiki)

Cain was born and raised in Georgia. He earned a bachelor's degree in Mathematics at Morehouse College in 1967, and a master's degree in computer science from Purdue University.

Cain worked as a mathematician for the Department of the Navy, a business analyst for the Coca-Cola Company, and for the Pillsbury Company, where he became Vice-President of Corporate Systems and Services within three years. Cain hoped to reach a corporate presidency, and to pursue this goal he decided to resign his senior position and move into the restaurant industry. Cain entered Pillsbury's Burger King division, where he worked his way up from making hamburgers to managing 400 restaurants in the Philadelphia region. Under Cain's leadership, the region went from being the chain's worst-performing in the country to its best.[citation needed] In 1986, Cain was appointed head of Pillsbury's struggling Godfather's Pizza chain, which he restored to profitability in 14 months, and organized a buyout of the company from Pillsbury in 1988. Cain went on to serve on the board of the National Restaurant Association, chairing the board from 1994 to 1995 and becoming President and CEO in 1996. In 1999 Cain became President of RetailDNA.[

Here's a couple of clips giving a flavor of what he is about. The second is very short and bears hearing:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hya-UpeZANc]YouTube - Herman Cain at the Atlanta FairTax Rally[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxXg1gbxJYs]YouTube - Herman Cain at SRLC hints at dark horse[/ame]
All seem perfectly reasonable to me.

Contract FROM America

1 Protect the Constitution

2 Reject Cap & Trade

3 Demand a Balanced Budget

4 Enact Fundamental Tax Reform

5 Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government in Washington

6 End Runaway Government Spending

7 Defund, Repeal & Replace Government-run Health Care

8 Pass an 'All of the Above' Energy Policy

9 Stop the Pork

10 Stop the Tax Hikes

There is always a well-known solution to every human problem--neat, plausible, and wrong. -HLM
................Suffice to say, if you clamp down on the spiraling costs that the private sector incur in development, cut fraud and waste.... you'll find more than 5%. ............

In other words YOU have not a clue beyond your meaningless vomited talking point. Combined I have worked 30 years in the Armed Services and in providing those Services the Tools of their Trade. What basis do you have for YOUR opinion other than the pure joy of hearing yourself babble, eh?

I will tell you the Reality one more time. There are TWO and ONLY two ways to make significant reductions in Military spending:

1) End the Wars in the M.E. Actually USING a military is incredibly expensive. 5X or more the cost of the same size force in being in garrison.

2) Disband divisions, mothball ships, ground planes- a smaller military
The Tea Party Patriots are nothing new. Check out this article from the Boston Herald:

Barack Obama navigated his way into the White House on a mantra of “Change You Can Believe In.” Today on the Common, Sarah Palin will preach the gospel of Change We Don’t Want. The Tea Party patriots will cheer for a return to that monochromatic world, where Ricky, Wally and The Beav had supper served up to them every night by a mother who stayed home to cook and clean in pearls and high heels.

The patriots are throwbacks to the bad old days - BostonHerald.com
The tea partiers don't know what they want. What they believe they want, they do not understand. Effectively they're just rah-rah-USA governmental malcontents; They have no real platform.

They will march off into the dustbin of history and in a year or so the whole "Movement" will look silly. Really silly, like a rainbow afro-wig. "Remember when all those idiots used to gather and have "Tea Parties?""
Let's start here.

What the hell does this mean?



Here's a few for starters:

- Not mangling the Commerce Clause to force individuals to purchase something against their wills.

- Not destroying the 2nd Amendment with inane gun control laws based upon cosmetics.

- Not allowing the Feds to put unfunded mandates upon the States.

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