What the President should have done....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"Blasphemy, we have come to learn, is taken quite seriously by Muslims. Free speech, however, is taken quite seriously by Americans. It would have been bracing for the president to go on Pakistani television, and to sit for interviews with Egyptian and Tunisian journalists, and stand up for a core American principle. Imagine a speech in which Obama described the mechanics of free speech and the undergirding philosophy that protects it. He could have spoken about the great gifts free speech bestows on a society. He could have spoken about how he himself is attacked mercilessly by a free press, yet he still values the principles that allow him to be attacked. He could have described how Christianity is often the target of attack, yet survives and thrives in the U.S."

‘Muslim Rage’ Has Little To Do With Dumb Video - Bloomberg
Can you imagine Reagan apologizing for freedom of speech to Middle East extremists?
You know, if you're too stupid to understand, there's really no point in explaining it.

I suggest you read the article I linked.
You mean you are illiterate?

Ok. From the link. For people who can and do read:

"But a bold, uncompromising and guilt-free defense of free speech might have given comfort to the many Muslims, religious and secular alike, who want to lead their lives free of the fear of fundamentalist tyranny, and who would prefer the U.S. not attempt to reason with the mob. "

‘Muslim Rage’ Has Little To Do With Dumb Video - Bloomberg
You mean you are illiterate?

Ok. From the link. For people who can and do read:

"But a bold, uncompromising and guilt-free defense of free speech might have given comfort to the many Muslims, religious and secular alike, who want to lead their lives free of the fear of fundamentalist tyranny, and who would prefer the U.S. not attempt to reason with the mob. "

‘Muslim Rage’ Has Little To Do With Dumb Video - Bloomberg

democrat defense, act stupid and dumb things down so ur opponent cant use facts or point out evidence because u just say " i dont understand" making the other person frustracted and the dems can claim victory.
Instead Obama apologizes for free speech a core of our constitution and he went on the view, and he is eye candy, and he blames a video that wasn't even really to blame, while bragging about killing the islam idol bin laden, who
Is the real reason for the killing of our ambassador.
Obamination should have said a random person in our country doesn't speak for everyone, but we don't make his words illegal because of our protective laws.

Also, he should have told the muslim world the US has sacrificed blood and treasure protecting muslims in the middle east, Europe, Africa and Asia going back to World War II and that we aren't the problem of the muslim world.
You mean you are illiterate?

Ok. From the link. For people who can and do read:

"But a bold, uncompromising and guilt-free defense of free speech might have given comfort to the many Muslims, religious and secular alike, who want to lead their lives free of the fear of fundamentalist tyranny, and who would prefer the U.S. not attempt to reason with the mob. "

‘Muslim Rage’ Has Little To Do With Dumb Video - Bloomberg

Again, what good would that do?

This seems like another idea of how to sell our brand of living to people that don't seem to want it for whatever reason.
Yeah, cuz it's wrong to give hope to people.

It could have "given comfort to the many Muslims, religious and secular alike, who want to lead their lives free of the fear of fundamentalist tyranny".

Like most leftist extremists, you are of the opinion that it's best to wallow in depravity, and liberty should never be aspired to or promoted.
Yeah, cuz it's wrong to give hope to people.

It could have "given comfort to the many Muslims, religious and secular alike, who want to lead their lives free of the fear of fundamentalist tyranny".

Like most leftist extremists, you are of the opinion that it's best to wallow in depravity, and liberty should never be aspired to or promoted.

Like most extremist idiots, KG thinks people need to be told they want to be free, even if it's at the end of a barrel.
Nah....He should have stood up and said...This shits gonna stop or we'll turn Mecca into a fucken skate park.
And this is your finale warning.
So go ahead and try me assholes.

But we know Obama is to big of a pussy to protect American interest abroad.
Hell he cant protect Americas interest at home.

And of course the thing he has for muslims might make him think twice about taking military action against his buddies.
Nah....He should have stood up and said...This shits gonna stop or we'll turn Mecca into a fucken skate park.
And this is your finale warning.
So go ahead and try me assholes.

But we know Obama is to big of a pussy to protect American interest abroad.
Hell he cant protect Americas interest at home.

And of course the thing he has for muslims might make him think twice about taking military action against his buddies.

These are your people KG.

There's a fatal flaw in all of this. Obama never apologized for free speech.

Sure he did, and continues to...every single time he says the film is an "abuse" of freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech is freedom of speech.
Sure he did, and continues to.

No he didn't, and saying doesn't make it true. You're a liar, and you know it. When Obama wins, I will blame you and idiots like you. This is the kind of shit that only makes his campaign stronger. You're playing right into his hands, you idiot.
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Nah....He should have stood up and said...This shits gonna stop or we'll turn Mecca into a fucken skate park.
And this is your finale warning.
So go ahead and try me assholes.

But we know Obama is to big of a pussy to protect American interest abroad.
Hell he cant protect Americas interest at home.

And of course the thing he has for muslims might make him think twice about taking military action against his buddies.

These are your people KG.


Because being a pussy is working so well......
The only thing these asshole understand is force.
Try and be the nice guy and you're weak. Shortly after they will be taking advantage.
You obviously dont understand how these people think.

Dumb fuck.............

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