What the pathetic left think of you.

I have to agree.

If you don't want members of the death cult in America you are a bigot and a racist.

If you don't want illegal aliens in America you are a bigot and a racist.

If you say anything against and African American you are also a bigot and a racist.

In fact you are a bigot and a racist if you didn't vote for Hitlery.

There sure are a lot of bigots and racists on the right. LOL
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They are absolutely nothing without their race cards people.

It is all they have.

The raw irony is that the majority of mixed race communities co-exist just fine. Skin color is not issue an for most Americans, and many of us are married to skin colors different than our own or friends with someone who is. Funny story. Got talking to some old timers in a Burger King just after I moved to town here a few years back. We talked MOSs and units and family military histories. Eventually they invited me to check out their Legion post on crab cake night. So my fiancé who is half-Indian and I head over there and I let myself in with a keycard from my home post. Should have seen the looks we got. I thought they were going start shooting. Anyway, I think that kind in the moment racial . . . shock is rare.

If racial hatred and political correctness and calls for mass harassment are all the Left has left in the gas tank then one of two things is going to happen. America is either going to erupt in their faces, or the right is going to dominate across the political spectrum for some years to come. So far the big SJW retaliation amounts to a primary win for one democratic socialist which is a hallmark event but hardly a revolution.

They are absolutely nothing without their race cards people.

It is all they have.

The raw irony is that the majority of mixed race communities co-exist just fine. Skin color is not issue an for most Americans, and many of us are married to skin colors different than our own or friends with someone who is. Funny story. Got talking to some old timers in a Burger King just after I moved to town here a few years back. We talked MOSs and units and family military histories. Eventually they invited me to check out their Legion post on crab cake night. So my fiancé who is half-Indian and I head over there and I let myself in with a keycard from my home post. Should have seen the looks we got. I thought they were going start shooting. Anyway, I think that kind in the moment racial . . . shock is rare.

If racial hatred and political correctness and calls for mass harassment are all the Left has left in the gas tank then one of two things is going to happen. America is either going to erupt in their faces, or the right is going to dominate across the political spectrum for some years to come. So far the big SJW retaliation amounts to a primary win for one democratic socialist which is a hallmark event but hardly a revolution.

Normally, I would say this is helpful BECAUSE IT IS TRUE. However, look at where we actually are. Does it really matter who wins the presidency or whatever?

The left own the culture war. There are many examples, and the victimology strategy they have used for over 50 years (divide and conquer strategy) has been very effective.

ALL of their issues from class warfare, to war against women, and race is ALL connected to this strategy. Also, do not think for one second that these pigs will all of sudden see the "error in their ways." Their arrogance and pride will not allow that to happen.

Meaning, they will not just double down on their pathetic display, they will not triple and quadruple their efforts. They KNOW NO OTHER WAY and they REFUSE TO SEE TRUTH. They always and will always HATE TRUTH in all of its forms.

They are absolutely nothing without their race cards people.

It is all they have.

The raw irony is that the majority of mixed race communities co-exist just fine. Skin color is not issue an for most Americans, and many of us are married to skin colors different than our own or friends with someone who is. Funny story. Got talking to some old timers in a Burger King just after I moved to town here a few years back. We talked MOSs and units and family military histories. Eventually they invited me to check out their Legion post on crab cake night. So my fiancé who is half-Indian and I head over there and I let myself in with a keycard from my home post. Should have seen the looks we got. I thought they were going start shooting. Anyway, I think that kind in the moment racial . . . shock is rare.

If racial hatred and political correctness and calls for mass harassment are all the Left has left in the gas tank then one of two things is going to happen. America is either going to erupt in their faces, or the right is going to dominate across the political spectrum for some years to come. So far the big SJW retaliation amounts to a primary win for one democratic socialist which is a hallmark event but hardly a revolution.

Normally, I would say this is helpful BECAUSE IT IS TRUE. However, look at where we actually are. Does it really matter who wins the presidency or whatever?

The left own the culture war. There are many examples, and the victimology strategy they have used for over 50 years (divide and conquer strategy) has been very effective.

ALL of their issues from class warfare, to war against women, and race is ALL connected to this strategy. Also, do not think for one second that these pigs will all of sudden see the "error in their ways." Their arrogance and pride will not allow that to happen.

Meaning, they will not just double down on their pathetic display, they will not triple and quadruple their efforts. They KNOW NO OTHER WAY and they REFUSE TO SEE TRUTH. They always and will always HATE TRUTH in all of its forms.

That's because the Left is trapped between a rock and hard place. At their backs a giant wave of cultural degeneration they call equality of outcome for any social sub-group imaginable has been pushing them for sixty years toward a future of embracing Islam and forcing the trans movement down the world's throat. It's too late for them now not to reap the whirlwind of their cultural revolution and inevitable world conservative backlash against them to stop it finally in its tracks. They can't jump ship because its been at the bottom of the sea for six decades. Finally people the nation and world over can see that in the way the Left is lashing out at anything sane and decent. Good days ahead
36188691_2260607927289906_3307115734064168960_n (1).png

and yet yall continue to try to claim the high road in this.....??

They are absolutely nothing without their race cards people.

It is all they have.

The raw irony is that the majority of mixed race communities co-exist just fine. Skin color is not issue an for most Americans, and many of us are married to skin colors different than our own or friends with someone who is. Funny story. Got talking to some old timers in a Burger King just after I moved to town here a few years back. We talked MOSs and units and family military histories. Eventually they invited me to check out their Legion post on crab cake night. So my fiancé who is half-Indian and I head over there and I let myself in with a keycard from my home post. Should have seen the looks we got. I thought they were going start shooting. Anyway, I think that kind in the moment racial . . . shock is rare.

If racial hatred and political correctness and calls for mass harassment are all the Left has left in the gas tank then one of two things is going to happen. America is either going to erupt in their faces, or the right is going to dominate across the political spectrum for some years to come. So far the big SJW retaliation amounts to a primary win for one democratic socialist which is a hallmark event but hardly a revolution.

There are racists out there and there always will be. We all know it.

Me personally?? When I see people all I see is People.

I never see color or race although many do.
I feel so deplorable.
Well, I will be the first to admit I am pretty deplorable. I mean every time I pick up the bible and read it, I am reminded how true that is.

Anyway, yes. The day we fully understand what the left have been up to and how long they have been up to it, will be the day we will understand why they engage in divide and conquer.

To put it another way, Joseph McCarthy was right to engage in his hearings, and he was in fact vindicated for the most part by EX KGB agents as documented by the Venona Papers.

The left have been dedicated to marxism since the 1930s, and perhaps before that. They have been socialists for at least that long, and they slowly but surely took over our culture since then.

There are so many examples it is sick, and at the end of the day communism is essentially about eradicating THE CHURCH, which is why it appeals to the never believers.
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and yet yall continue to try to claim the high road in this.....??

That depends. If you are coming from the radical Left then, yes--"we" claim the highest moral ground available in regards to fundamental right and wrong, not people. People obviously are fallible and can never fully embody the abstract but completely translatable to the incarnate ideals subscribed to by various ideologies. Summarily our President may offend you with his absolutely awesome and completely anti-politically correct John Wayne routine, but your side champions the murder of our unborn. If you cannot delineate morally between the two, something somewhere is in not functioning properly.
I have to agree.

If you don't want members of the death cult in America you are a bigot and a racist.

If you don't want illegal aliens in America you are a bigot and a racist.

If you say anything against and African American you are also a bigot and a racist.

In fact you are a bigot and a racist if you didn't vote for Hitlery.

There sure are a lot of bigots and racists on the right. LOL
So, I assume you are a bigot and a racist then?

They are absolutely nothing without their race cards people.

It is all they have.

They are absolutely nothing without their race cards people.

It is all they have.

As usually the Democrats have got it backwards.
They are the people who make politics about race, because they are the racist.
White Liberals are racist demagogues who exploit minority voters.
Voting Democrat is an endorsement of the Democrat Party's hate groups and race based political organizations.

La Raza
Nation of Islam
Brown Berets
Black Panthers
Muslim Brotherhood
Aztlán Nationalist

Republicans are just average mainstream people who the Dirty Demagogue Democrats call racist and nazis
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