What the Left Means By 'Tolerance'

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Surrender to us.

SA@Takimag - Social Issues Symbolism | National Policy Institute

In light of the Rick Warren controversy, such “coming together” rhetoric, so often mouthed by champions of “diversity” has one again proven to be a farce. For a true “coming together” of any sort on social issues, one might expect political opponents to either agree-to-disagree, yet still join and work together where they can, or for both sides to at least concede some principles as a compromise. In this case, as in most cases, the champions of diversity simply do not want an evangelical of Warren’s stripe to even be allowed a seat at the table. And while Warren hasn’t budged from his stance on gay marriage, neither will the Left anytime soon. It seems that the oft-desired “coming together” means not any new, warm embrace, but unconditional surrender, where only conservatives are always expected to wave the white flag.
Surrender to us.

SA@Takimag - Social Issues Symbolism | National Policy Institute

In light of the Rick Warren controversy, such “coming together” rhetoric, so often mouthed by champions of “diversity” has one again proven to be a farce. For a true “coming together” of any sort on social issues, one might expect political opponents to either agree-to-disagree, yet still join and work together where they can, or for both sides to at least concede some principles as a compromise. In this case, as in most cases, the champions of diversity simply do not want an evangelical of Warren’s stripe to even be allowed a seat at the table. And while Warren hasn’t budged from his stance on gay marriage, neither will the Left anytime soon. It seems that the oft-desired “coming together” means not any new, warm embrace, but unconditional surrender, where only conservatives are always expected to wave the white flag.

The leftists don't want an Evangelical like Rick Warren at the inauguration,
Obama has invited Rick Warren to the inauguration,
Therefore (c'mon, you can finish that syllogism, can't you?)
No one is the same race, nationality, or even has the same view points. Diversity will always win over sameness, anyway, and all people of all races should be proud of their own race, and should not be ashamed to embrace their own beliefs. If Rick Warren isn't for homosexual marriages, that is his right, and the majority of Americans are against it too. If homosexuals want to be for homosexual marriages, that is their right. However, middle ground will win the day, and that will most likely take place at the voting booth.
No one is the same race, nationality, or even has the same view points. Diversity will always win over sameness, anyway, and all people of all races should be proud of their own race, and should not be ashamed to embrace their own beliefs. If Rick Warren isn't for homosexual marriages, that is his right, and the majority of Americans are against it too. If homosexuals want to be for homosexual marriages, that is their right. However, middle ground will win the day, and that will most likely take place at the voting booth.

nope. history tells us the courts will rule and the people will get over their idiotic prejudices even if their ignorance lingers.

the genie is out of the bottle.

In Massachusetts the warnings of what would happen if gays married have not come through.

oh the horror! the horror! gays are normal. :lol:

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