What the left believes in within a song


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HSNPD0grw4&feature=related]Imagine -John Lennon Tribute - YouTube[/ame]

This is what the left believes in a song. World government with NO countries, borders, one race, NO god, no greed or hunger or anything...This is what they really believe. They believe in something that is impossible and against human nature.
If they didn't believe it they wouldn't be posting on this board.

Their idea's are dangerous and impossible. A world government would be uncontrolable and without our economic system there is no way people will work to make, invent and feed the population. Their idea's have failed dozens of times throughout the 20th century and killed hundreds of millions of people.

John lennon was a hard core leftist...Likely left of Rdean or nearly anyone here, but there are such leftist.
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Well what you think is irrelevant because you state the ideas are dangerest(another pathetic attempt at spelling,you dumb ass)Your prose is dangerous and uneducated,the left or what in your pea brain assume the left to be,none of this song is or your interpretation has nothing to do with the LEFT,it is a plea against mans inhumanity to man,and how in a perfect world this type of mentality could be changed....to imagine if things were different.

But as you have NO IMAGINATION,you dickhead,... you are the very person this song was mean't to help, to IMAGINE.


I'm theliq........Doing my Best to Kick Ass, IMAGINATIVELY KICKING MATTHEWS ASS......as I have said to you before Matthew..."PUT YOUR BRAIN INTO GEAR,BEFORE OPENING YOUR MOUTH(or is it your ASS)

Imagine -John Lennon Tribute - YouTube

This is what the left believes in a song. World government with NO countries, borders, one race, NO god, no greed or hunger or anything...This is what they really believe. They believe in something that is impossible and against human nature.
If they didn't believe it they wouldn't be posting on this board.

Their idea's are dangerest and impossible. A world government would be uncontrolable and without our economic system there is no way people will work to make, invent and feed the population. Their idea's have failed dozens of times throughout the 20th century and killed hundreds of millions of people.

John lennon was a hard core leftist...Likely left of Rdean or nearly anyone here, but there are such leftist.
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FELLOW BOARDERS.....I received a pm from Matthew after he read my post above(noting he corrected his spelling,but regrettably missed the others!!!)which said "WHINGE BABY WHINGE" he really is on the planet. I'm theliq goodnight Matt:clap2:
Spelling corrected.

Well, struck a nerve with you. Must be pretty close to the truth.
Imagine -John Lennon Tribute - YouTube

This is what the left believes in a song. World government with NO countries, borders, one race, NO god, no greed or hunger or anything...This is what they really believe. They believe in something that is impossible and against human nature.
If they didn't believe it they wouldn't be posting on this board.

Their idea's are dangerous and impossible. A world government would be uncontrolable and without our economic system there is no way people will work to make, invent and feed the population. Their idea's have failed dozens of times throughout the 20th century and killed hundreds of millions of people.

John lennon was a hard core leftist...Likely left of Rdean or nearly anyone here, but there are such leftist.

Mathew, very few on the left believe in any of those things. Most whom you would consider to be on the left are moderate to left of center, not cuckoo left wing. What those of us who are what you call leftists believe in is fair wages for working people, safe working conditions, a reasonable opportunity to make it into the middle class and stay there, the ability to be able to afford reasonable healthcare without worrying that we could be bankrupted if we get sick, reasonably priced education for ourselves and our kids, and a safety net for the few who need it when things go bad. What we don't believe is that we should get a free ride, that healthcare is free, or that government is the answer to everything. While we do believe the more you make, the more you should be taxed, we do not believe that means being raped.
Imagine -John Lennon Tribute - YouTube

This is what the left believes in a song. World government with NO countries, borders, one race, NO god, no greed or hunger or anything...This is what they really believe. They believe in something that is impossible and against human nature.
If they didn't believe it they wouldn't be posting on this board.

Their idea's are dangerous and impossible. A world government would be uncontrolable and without our economic system there is no way people will work to make, invent and feed the population. Their idea's have failed dozens of times throughout the 20th century and killed hundreds of millions of people.

John lennon was a hard core leftist...Likely left of Rdean or nearly anyone here, but there are such leftist.
NO countries, borders, one race, NO god, no greed or hunger or anythin - impossible and against human nature!

With all due respect, humanity managed to survive and prosper long before the existance of governments, countries, borders, capitalism, etc. - these are all relatively recent inventions in our history.
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This is what the left believes in a song. World government with NO countries, borders, one race, NO god, no greed or hunger or anything...This is what they really believe. They believe in something that is impossible and against human nature.
If they didn't believe it they wouldn't be posting on this board.

Their idea's are dangerous and impossible. A world government would be uncontrolable and without our economic system there is no way people will work to make, invent and feed the population. Their idea's have failed dozens of times throughout the 20th century and killed hundreds of millions of people.

John lennon was a hard core leftist...Likely left of Rdean or nearly anyone here, but there are such leftist.
Keep in mind folks. There is an assload of these murkins that will be at the voting booth in 2012.
Get out, if you can.
Imagine -John Lennon Tribute - YouTube

This is what the left believes in a song. World government with NO countries, borders, one race, NO god, no greed or hunger or anything...This is what they really believe. They believe in something that is impossible and against human nature.
If they didn't believe it they wouldn't be posting on this board.

Their idea's are dangerous and impossible. A world government would be uncontrolable and without our economic system there is no way people will work to make, invent and feed the population. Their idea's have failed dozens of times throughout the 20th century and killed hundreds of millions of people.

John lennon was a hard core leftist...Likely left of Rdean or nearly anyone here, but there are such leftist.
NO countries, borders, one race, NO god, no greed or hunger or anythin - impossible and against human nature!

With all due respect, humanity managed to survive and prosper long before the existance of governments, countries, borders, capitalism, etc. - these are all relatively recent inventions in our history.

Well then tear down that white picket fence and allow foreigners to walk across your grass and into your yard or maybe into your house..see how silly your response was...
How about if i invited couple of frat's to your house for a party to take place...you game for that and all yo. You may be subjected to laws regarding minors
Excellent Post but really why bother...Matthew is a recidivist who detests anyone who has a more open mind,as opposed to his myopic right wing view........you know a lemming.

But Great Post all the same,Auditor you realise you are wasting you intellect on the likes of him.

Imagine -John Lennon Tribute - YouTube

This is what the left believes in a song. World government with NO countries, borders, one race, NO god, no greed or hunger or anything...This is what they really believe. They believe in something that is impossible and against human nature.
If they didn't believe it they wouldn't be posting on this board.

Their idea's are dangerous and impossible. A world government would be uncontrolable and without our economic system there is no way people will work to make, invent and feed the population. Their idea's have failed dozens of times throughout the 20th century and killed hundreds of millions of people.

John lennon was a hard core leftist...Likely left of Rdean or nearly anyone here, but there are such leftist.

Mathew, very few on the left believe in any of those things. Most whom you would consider to be on the left are moderate to left of center, not cuckoo left wing. What those of us who are what you call leftists believe in is fair wages for working people, safe working conditions, a reasonable opportunity to make it into the middle class and stay there, the ability to be able to afford reasonable healthcare without worrying that we could be bankrupted if we get sick, reasonably priced education for ourselves and our kids, and a safety net for the few who need it when things go bad. What we don't believe is that we should get a free ride, that healthcare is free, or that government is the answer to everything. While we do believe the more you make, the more you should be taxed, we do not believe that means being raped.
:cool:Well what you are saying is that your forebears(frats) were not welcome...YOU ARE A FOOL:cuckoo::clap2:the
Imagine -John Lennon Tribute - YouTube

This is what the left believes in a song. World government with NO countries, borders, one race, NO god, no greed or hunger or anything...This is what they really believe. They believe in something that is impossible and against human nature.
If they didn't believe it they wouldn't be posting on this board.

Their idea's are dangerous and impossible. A world government would be uncontrolable and without our economic system there is no way people will work to make, invent and feed the population. Their idea's have failed dozens of times throughout the 20th century and killed hundreds of millions of people.

John lennon was a hard core leftist...Likely left of Rdean or nearly anyone here, but there are such leftist.
NO countries, borders, one race, NO god, no greed or hunger or anythin - impossible and against human nature!

With all due respect, humanity managed to survive and prosper long before the existance of governments, countries, borders, capitalism, etc. - these are all relatively recent inventions in our history.

Well then tear down that white picket fence and allow foreigners to walk across your grass and into your yard or maybe into your house..see how silly your response was...
How about if i invited couple of frat's to your house for a party to take place...you game for that and all yo. You may be subjected to laws regarding minors
Oh my GOD what a pathetic stretch it is to lay a claim that the LEFT (that mythical boogieman of right wing cranks) can be described by a song.

Seriously Matt, this is pretty damned weak.

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