What the GOP has become, Russia enablers and allies.


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
Not only in America,it is well known what Putin's Russia has been doing in it's silent war with the free world with it's goal to kill democracy. It's been done in America, Europe and other places across the globe.
Russia represents tyranny, limited freedoms, political opponents are either jailed of killed and limited human rights. Russia is not considered a friend by military generals, foreign affairs experts and the intelligence communities world wide.
Yet the GOP, under Trump has become a tool for Russia and wildly admired.
Over a million Americans died to protect our democratic way of life and to protect the Constitution. Now the GOP discards all the sacrifice of these fallen heroes .
gop russia loving.jpg
Not only in America,it is well known what Putin's Russia has been doing in it's silent war with the free world with it's goal to kill democracy. It's been done in America, Europe and other places across the globe.
Russia represents tyranny, limited freedoms, political opponents are either jailed of killed and limited human rights. Russia is not considered a friend by military generals, foreign affairs experts and the intelligence communities world wide.
Yet the GOP, under Trump has become a tool for Russia and wildly admired.
Over a million Americans died to protect our democratic way of life and to protect the Constitution. Now the GOP discards all the sacrifice of these fallen heroes .
View attachment 209027

This ^ sh*t exists only in your brainwashed head. Good job, Mr. Soros putting a lot of Americans into a parallel world, into a Wonderland, next door to Alice.

Not only in America,it is well known what Putin's Russia has been doing in it's silent war with the free world with it's goal to kill democracy. It's been done in America, Europe and other places across the globe.
Russia represents tyranny, limited freedoms, political opponents are either jailed of killed and limited human rights. Russia is not considered a friend by military generals, foreign affairs experts and the intelligence communities world wide.
Yet the GOP, under Trump has become a tool for Russia and wildly admired.
Over a million Americans died to protect our democratic way of life and to protect the Constitution. Now the GOP discards all the sacrifice of these fallen heroes .
View attachment 209027

This ^ sh*t exists only in your brainwashed head. Good job, Mr. Soros putting a lot of Americans into a parallel world, into a Wonderland, next door to Alice.

See Norman.
Not only in America,it is well known what Putin's Russia has been doing in it's silent war with the free world with it's goal to kill democracy. It's been done in America, Europe and other places across the globe.
Russia represents tyranny, limited freedoms, political opponents are either jailed of killed and limited human rights. Russia is not considered a friend by military generals, foreign affairs experts and the intelligence communities world wide.
Yet the GOP, under Trump has become a tool for Russia and wildly admired.
Over a million Americans died to protect our democratic way of life and to protect the Constitution. Now the GOP discards all the sacrifice of these fallen heroes .
View attachment 209027
Horseshit...what Liberal brains are made of.
Not only in America,it is well known what Putin's Russia has been doing in it's silent war with the free world with it's goal to kill democracy. It's been done in America, Europe and other places across the globe.
Russia represents tyranny, limited freedoms, political opponents are either jailed of killed and limited human rights. Russia is not considered a friend by military generals, foreign affairs experts and the intelligence communities world wide.
Yet the GOP, under Trump has become a tool for Russia and wildly admired.
Over a million Americans died to protect our democratic way of life and to protect the Constitution. Now the GOP discards all the sacrifice of these fallen heroes .
View attachment 209027

This ^ sh*t exists only in your brainwashed head. Good job, Mr. Soros putting a lot of Americans into a parallel world, into a Wonderland, next door to Alice.

See Norman.

He was talking about the crazy Russian conspiracy theory. The truth as I outlined it, doesn't exist in a parallel world.
Not only in America,it is well known what Putin's Russia has been doing in it's silent war with the free world with it's goal to kill democracy. It's been done in America, Europe and other places across the globe.
Russia represents tyranny, limited freedoms, political opponents are either jailed of killed and limited human rights. Russia is not considered a friend by military generals, foreign affairs experts and the intelligence communities world wide.
Yet the GOP, under Trump has become a tool for Russia and wildly admired.
Over a million Americans died to protect our democratic way of life and to protect the Constitution. Now the GOP discards all the sacrifice of these fallen heroes .
View attachment 209027

You have forced yourself into doing a very painful looking ideological "split" with one intellectual foot on the bedrock of Constitutional democratic individual freedom, and the other, planted at least six feet from the first on the soft, amorphous ground of radical Leftist philosophies right now using the rights and freedoms and government structures of checks and balances implemented 242 years ago by our Founding Fathers as backdoor pathways to subvert them and achieve cultural, social and political Revolution in our America. Beware, that gap is widening as I read your post and soon the seat of your pants will split.

Pants on fire.

Here's the dichotomy and the conundrum, chum. Freedom is as American as is apple pie but freedom is not free. You simply cannot be free enough do whatever you feel like whenever you feel like however you feel like without the personal responsibility of self-edited behavior to realize that unlimited freedom comes with (sometimes, often) terrible consequences. See, them postmodernist Marxists at the core of the American Leftist intelligentsia believe in two of the most dangerous philosophical doctrines in all of Human History: that their are an infinite number of ways for interpreting everything in the world and no one is better or worse than the other--including human nature, and, that fundamental right and wrong do not exist. When combined as the radical Left as combined them, these two doctrines form a religion powerful enough in its intentional deliquescence of Western, American, Modernist, Christian, Naturalist, Moral values, philosophies, traditions and truths to damn well end our enlightened Age of individual freedoms and replace it with the neo-Dark Ages.

You think such historical good times at the beach as the Inquisition and rule by "god" appointed monarchs was scary, just you wait. If the radical Leftist intelligentsia pushing Marxism and postmodernism philosophies from American campuses into Democrat politician's policy making succeeds in dominating the American political majority, brother, burning at the stake will seem like a hot time in the Chinatown baths.

Now, back to Russia. Russia is a distant cousin enemy, historically, of the US of A only because Russia's existence has depended on successful military and economic competition with America up to this point. For Russia, competing with the USA is a survival thing. The other side of that coin is Russia, through its draconian nationalism and heavy handed suppression of the philosophical social output of the threats America faces (postmodernist Radical Leftism) I described above, has taught the rest of the "civilized" Western world an important lesson in how to prevent the Modern Age from self-destructing. Trust me. We Americans must follow suit in excising and disposing of the postmodernist/Marxist cancer eating away our Constitution from the inside.

Now things get interesting. If we allow the radical Left to continue brainwashing our youth into believing they can have ultimate individual freedom without consequence America as we and our ancestors have know her will be destroyed. So what does that mean, this "ultimate" freedom I speak to? What it means is the persecution and removal of Founding American values from our society. It means the beyond tolerance allowance of the twisting and redefinition of human nature into freak show circuses such as the LGTBQ and trans movements. It means the mainstreaming of an American brand of socialism, the mainstreaming of atheism, and the suppression of American Christianity. And it means the theft of individual freedom (freedom and rights with personal responsibility) and replacement with group identity rights.

To wrap it all up: No damn American patriot, conservative or liberal, wants an authoritarian regime to come in and smash American freedom. No American wants that. However, and here comes the paradox wrapped in a conundrum packaged in a dichotomy of desires and fears: if the radical American Left will not be backed down, will not stop their cultural war on America, cannot be stopped at the ballot box or with great American reasonable civil dialogue, then every patriotic, god fearing, nation loving American will be begging for a power strong enough to turn back the tides of the cultural revolution and stamp out the hideous amoral insanity the Left has unleashed on the People.

You can take that to the bank.
So two guys with silly t-shirts equals the GOP is pro-Russian?! If Trump is pro-Russian, why has he:

* sold weapons to Ukraine and Georgia (which Obama refused to do)?
* imposed sanctions on Russian steel imports?
* extended Obama's sanctions on Russia, and added new ones?
* expelled over 60 Russian diplomats and shut down a Russian consulate?
* nixed the Iran nuke deal, which Russia strongly backed?
* pushed NATO nations to spend *more* on defense?
* tried to nix the Russian-German pipeline deal?

Just curious.
Who was in charge when all the Russian meddling was going on in 2016? Who thinks if Hillary had won the election we would have a special prosecutor investigating Russian meddling right now? Who was it that mocked Mitt Romney in 2012 when he called Russia our greatest geo political foe? Funny how the left seemingly had no concern about Russia until November 9th 2016.

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