What the Dems should do

Hum Dinger

Gold Member
Aug 19, 2008
For the Democrats that held their seats after this Tuesday's election - they know that their seats are secure.

For those that lost - they have nothing more to lose.

While the Dems still have the majority in the house, they should ram thru a series of the most Liberal legislation that this country has ever seen. Force it down the Republicans throats - like they did with the Health Care Bill.

They'll be NOTHING that the Republicans can do about it - the Dems will still control the Presidency and Senate for the next 2 years - so the Republicans can't change a thing.

Then what they need to do, like the Republicans did for the past 2 years, is declare all out partisan warfare. Let the Republicans whine all they want - just keep them in their place - which is absolutely impotent. Holding the majority in the house alone is worth squat.

The only reason why the Republicans won in the house is because they politically out manuevered the Democrats shamelessly - and Americans respected them for that - not their ideology.

If the Democrats are willing to go head to head with the Republicans in a 2 years long pissing contest and WIN - they'll regain the house and retain the Presidency and the Senate.

If they wimp out and give in to the Republicans - it's all over for them in the next elections.

Politics in America is not about politics - it's about respect. Americans love a winner.
For the Democrats that held their seats after this Tuesday's election - they know that their seats are secure.

For those that lost - they have nothing more to lose.

While the Dems still have the majority in the house, they should ram thru a series of the most Liberal legislation that this country has ever seen. Force it down the Republicans throats - like they did with the Health Care Bill.

They'll be NOTHING that the Republicans can do about it - the Dems will still control the Presidency and Senate for the next 2 years - so the Republicans can't change a thing.

Then what they need to do, like the Republicans did for the past 2 years, is declare all out partisan warfare. Let the Republicans whine all they want - just keep them in their place - which is absolutely impotent. Holding the majority in the house alone is worth squat.

The only reason why the Republicans won in the house is because they politically out manuevered the Democrats shamelessly - and Americans respected them for that - not their ideology.

If the Democrats are willing to go head to head with the Republicans in a 2 years long pissing contest and WIN - they'll regain the house and retain the Presidency and the Senate.

If they wimp out and give in to the Republicans - it's all over for them in the next elections.

Politics in America is not about politics - it's about respect. Americans love a winner.

Obama,and everyone on MSNBC cries every night about the fact that Obama can't get anything done because the GOP stops them at every opportunity.....

So which is it ? Obama should ram everything down our throat or Obama can't get anything done because the GOP will stop them....and this was before Tuesday's election.

Two thirds of the Senate did not even stand for re-election.

They gave into Obama...where did it get them?

The Democratic portion of those two-thirds ought to be smart enough to know that you don't win elections by wimping out!
Richard H. needs to talk to his shrink about some stronger medicine. He's talking out of his ass.
For the Democrats that held their seats after this Tuesday's election - they know that their seats are secure.

For those that lost - they have nothing more to lose.

While the Dems still have the majority in the house, they should ram thru a series of the most Liberal legislation that this country has ever seen. Force it down the Republicans throats - like they did with the Health Care Bill.

They'll be NOTHING that the Republicans can do about it - the Dems will still control the Presidency and Senate for the next 2 years - so the Republicans can't change a thing.

Then what they need to do, like the Republicans did for the past 2 years, is declare all out partisan warfare. Let the Republicans whine all they want - just keep them in their place - which is absolutely impotent. Holding the majority in the house alone is worth squat.

The only reason why the Republicans won in the house is because they politically out manuevered the Democrats shamelessly - and Americans respected them for that - not their ideology.

If the Democrats are willing to go head to head with the Republicans in a 2 years long pissing contest and WIN - they'll regain the house and retain the Presidency and the Senate.

If they wimp out and give in to the Republicans - it's all over for them in the next elections.

Politics in America is not about politics - it's about respect. Americans love a winner.

Obama,and everyone on MSNBC cries every night about the fact that Obama can't get anything done because the GOP stops them at every opportunity.....

So which is it ? Obama should ram everything down our throat or Obama can't get anything done because the GOP will stop them....and this was before Tuesday's election.


Obama should ram everything down their throat...because obviously, for the past 2 years, when he tried to cooperate with them it didn't work - they blocked him at almost every turn.
Two thirds of the Senate did not even stand for re-election.

They gave into Obama...where did it get them?

The Democratic portion of those two-thirds ought to be smart enough to know that you don't win elections by wimping out!

They passed all of Obama's agenda. To whom did they wimp out?

Health Care - they should have gone with a single payer system or a least a public option. Instead they gave the Republicans the exact Health Care bill that the Republicans demanded. Then the Republicans turned around, refused to support it and turned it into the biggest debacle in political history.

The Stimulus bill - instead of ramming thru a stimulus large enough to pull the economy out of it's rut, they settled for one half the size needed. The result was that while it helped somewhat, it didn't live up to Obama's promises - and that made it look like a total waste.

The financial reform bill was also about half of what it should have been. Not much more than a slap on the wrist for Wall St.

The Democrats may have passed alot that the Republicans opposed, but each and every bill was compromised - and made ineffective, which is exactly what the Republicans wanted.

Even Jon Stewart said that the Obama administration was 'timid'.
Liberals response to losing:
whine....cry....rant... rave...

Here's some advice Dickie, grow the fuck up, put down the guitar, get a job, and a haircut!! :lol:
Liberals response to losing:
whine....cry....rant... rave...


Here's some advice Dickie, grow the fuck up, put down the guitar, get a job, and a haircut!! :lol:

I've heard it said before that they shit in their pants too.:eek:
Liberals response to losing:
whine....cry....rant... rave...

Here's some advice Dickie, grow the fuck up, put down the guitar, get a job, and a haircut!! :lol:

Thanks for the advice, but I already have a job - with a very large global American corporation.

And I don't have to cut my hair or shave for that matter - they couldn't give a shit about my appearances because I'm worth a whole lot of money to them.

People with brains are very, very valuable in the business world...but I don't suppose you'd know much about having a brain.

Oh, and I still play guitar quite a bit...working on Bach Lute Suites. Not your type of music I'm sure.
For the Democrats that held their seats after this Tuesday's election - they know that their seats are secure.

For those that lost - they have nothing more to lose.

While the Dems still have the majority in the house, they should ram thru a series of the most Liberal legislation that this country has ever seen. Force it down the Republicans throats - like they did with the Health Care Bill.

They'll be NOTHING that the Republicans can do about it - the Dems will still control the Presidency and Senate for the next 2 years - so the Republicans can't change a thing.

Then what they need to do, like the Republicans did for the past 2 years, is declare all out partisan warfare. Let the Republicans whine all they want - just keep them in their place - which is absolutely impotent. Holding the majority in the house alone is worth squat.

The only reason why the Republicans won in the house is because they politically out manuevered the Democrats shamelessly - and Americans respected them for that - not their ideology.

If the Democrats are willing to go head to head with the Republicans in a 2 years long pissing contest and WIN - they'll regain the house and retain the Presidency and the Senate.

If they wimp out and give in to the Republicans - it's all over for them in the next elections.

Politics in America is not about politics - it's about respect. Americans love a winner.
Not being a Republican, I had the same thought, but it's just not practical. Getting legislation through both Houses is time consuming. Republicans can filibuster in the Senate and delay most legislation. The top priority has to be legislation to either get the 2011 budget approved or pass an emergency appropriation to keep the government running after Jan 1st or until a budget can be approved. Without budget approval government will shutdown. Even the most radical elements in Congress would not want to see that happen but Republicans could use that as leverage against Democrats if they did as you suggest.
Sorry, but the scorched earth lame duck business ain't gonna work. Manchin, dem, will be seated immediately and he ran against everything O along with Kirk, Ill, R. Scorched earth policies will fail in the senate.
The Democratic portion of those two-thirds ought to be smart enough to know that you don't win elections by wimping out!

They passed all of Obama's agenda. To whom did they wimp out?

Health Care - they should have gone with a single payer system or a least a public option. Instead they gave the Republicans the exact Health Care bill that the Republicans demanded. Then the Republicans turned around, refused to support it and turned it into the biggest debacle in political history.

The Stimulus bill - instead of ramming thru a stimulus large enough to pull the economy out of it's rut, they settled for one half the size needed. The result was that while it helped somewhat, it didn't live up to Obama's promises - and that made it look like a total waste.

The financial reform bill was also about half of what it should have been. Not much more than a slap on the wrist for Wall St.

The Democrats may have passed alot that the Republicans opposed, but each and every bill was compromised - and made ineffective, which is exactly what the Republicans wanted.

Even Jon Stewart said that the Obama administration was 'timid'.

The Stimulus bill - instead of ramming thru a stimulus large enough to pull the economy out of it's rut, they settled for one half the size needed. The result was that while it helped somewhat, it didn't live up to Obama's promises - and that made it look like a total waste.

My God man are you crazy?????? It wasn't big enough?........

The debt that this administration has accumulated may NEVER be paid off....We owe Billions and Billions in just the interest payments alone.....

And they didn't spend enough.........you have got to be shittin me....:confused:
For the Democrats that held their seats after this Tuesday's election - they know that their seats are secure.

For those that lost - they have nothing more to lose.

While the Dems still have the majority in the house, they should ram thru a series of the most Liberal legislation that this country has ever seen. Force it down the Republicans throats - like they did with the Health Care Bill.

They'll be NOTHING that the Republicans can do about it - the Dems will still control the Presidency and Senate for the next 2 years - so the Republicans can't change a thing.

Then what they need to do, like the Republicans did for the past 2 years, is declare all out partisan warfare. Let the Republicans whine all they want - just keep them in their place - which is absolutely impotent. Holding the majority in the house alone is worth squat.

The only reason why the Republicans won in the house is because they politically out manuevered the Democrats shamelessly - and Americans respected them for that - not their ideology.

If the Democrats are willing to go head to head with the Republicans in a 2 years long pissing contest and WIN - they'll regain the house and retain the Presidency and the Senate.

If they wimp out and give in to the Republicans - it's all over for them in the next elections.

Politics in America is not about politics - it's about respect. Americans love a winner.
And that's different from someone who's being kicked out of their apartment flinging shit all over the place...how, exactly?

Yeah, I can't think of any difference, either.
For the Democrats that held their seats after this Tuesday's election - they know that their seats are secure.

For those that lost - they have nothing more to lose.

While the Dems still have the majority in the house, they should ram thru a series of the most Liberal legislation that this country has ever seen. Force it down the Republicans throats - like they did with the Health Care Bill.

They'll be NOTHING that the Republicans can do about it - the Dems will still control the Presidency and Senate for the next 2 years - so the Republicans can't change a thing.

Then what they need to do, like the Republicans did for the past 2 years, is declare all out partisan warfare. Let the Republicans whine all they want - just keep them in their place - which is absolutely impotent. Holding the majority in the house alone is worth squat.

The only reason why the Republicans won in the house is because they politically out manuevered the Democrats shamelessly - and Americans respected them for that - not their ideology.

If the Democrats are willing to go head to head with the Republicans in a 2 years long pissing contest and WIN - they'll regain the house and retain the Presidency and the Senate.

If they wimp out and give in to the Republicans - it's all over for them in the next elections.

Politics in America is not about politics - it's about respect. Americans love a winner.
Not being a Republican, I had the same thought, but it's just not practical. Getting legislation through both Houses is time consuming. Republicans can filibuster in the Senate and delay most legislation. The top priority has to be legislation to either get the 2011 budget approved or pass an emergency appropriation to keep the government running after Jan 1st or until a budget can be approved. Without budget approval government will shutdown. Even the most radical elements in Congress would not want to see that happen but Republicans could use that as leverage against Democrats if they did as you suggest.

I'm sure that they could put their heads together and come up with a few things -like Obama's tax cut legislation. Let the Republicans filibuster - that's one issue that'll still be a big win for the Dems if they hold their ground.

Bring up some bills that the Republicans want but paint them as Democartic bills...

How about if the Democrats actually LEARNED TO PLAY POLITICS?
For the Democrats that held their seats after this Tuesday's election - they know that their seats are secure.

For those that lost - they have nothing more to lose.

While the Dems still have the majority in the house, they should ram thru a series of the most Liberal legislation that this country has ever seen. Force it down the Republicans throats - like they did with the Health Care Bill.

They'll be NOTHING that the Republicans can do about it - the Dems will still control the Presidency and Senate for the next 2 years - so the Republicans can't change a thing.

Then what they need to do, like the Republicans did for the past 2 years, is declare all out partisan warfare. Let the Republicans whine all they want - just keep them in their place - which is absolutely impotent. Holding the majority in the house alone is worth squat.

The only reason why the Republicans won in the house is because they politically out manuevered the Democrats shamelessly - and Americans respected them for that - not their ideology.

If the Democrats are willing to go head to head with the Republicans in a 2 years long pissing contest and WIN - they'll regain the house and retain the Presidency and the Senate.

If they wimp out and give in to the Republicans - it's all over for them in the next elections.

Politics in America is not about politics - it's about respect. Americans love a winner.
Not being a Republican, I had the same thought, but it's just not practical. Getting legislation through both Houses is time consuming. Republicans can filibuster in the Senate and delay most legislation. The top priority has to be legislation to either get the 2011 budget approved or pass an emergency appropriation to keep the government running after Jan 1st or until a budget can be approved. Without budget approval government will shutdown. Even the most radical elements in Congress would not want to see that happen but Republicans could use that as leverage against Democrats if they did as you suggest.

I'm sure that they could put their heads together and come up with a few things -like Obama's tax cut legislation. Let the Republicans filibuster - that's one issue that'll still be a big win for the Dems if they hold their ground.

Bring up some bills that the Republicans want but paint them as Democartic bills...

How about if the Democrats actually LEARNED TO PLAY POLITICS?

"learn to play politics"?? WTF?? My god man!! Are you that obtuse? Go back and review the way that Obamacare was rammed through.......
For the Democrats that held their seats after this Tuesday's election - they know that their seats are secure.

For those that lost - they have nothing more to lose.

While the Dems still have the majority in the house, they should ram thru a series of the most Liberal legislation that this country has ever seen. Force it down the Republicans throats - like they did with the Health Care Bill.

They'll be NOTHING that the Republicans can do about it - the Dems will still control the Presidency and Senate for the next 2 years - so the Republicans can't change a thing.

Then what they need to do, like the Republicans did for the past 2 years, is declare all out partisan warfare. Let the Republicans whine all they want - just keep them in their place - which is absolutely impotent. Holding the majority in the house alone is worth squat.

The only reason why the Republicans won in the house is because they politically out manuevered the Democrats shamelessly - and Americans respected them for that - not their ideology.

If the Democrats are willing to go head to head with the Republicans in a 2 years long pissing contest and WIN - they'll regain the house and retain the Presidency and the Senate.

If they wimp out and give in to the Republicans - it's all over for them in the next elections.

Politics in America is not about politics - it's about respect. Americans love a winner.
And that's different from someone who's being kicked out of their apartment flinging shit all over the place...how, exactly?

Yeah, I can't think of any difference, either.

No, it's about people having the courage of their convictions and standing for them until the end.

That's the Democrats biggest flaw - they compromise.

The main reason that the Republicans won the house is that they have the courage of their convictions.

However idiotic those convictions may be.

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