What should your personal tax rate be?

The system we really need:

1. The Bill of Rights to preclude the government from taking your money and giving it away to somebody else.

2. A limitation on the amount of the total money you have to pay to the government. Like maybe 10% for Federal, State and Local combined.

3. Congress is a low paying part time job of one or two term representatives that only meets for four weeks every two years.

Defund the sonofabitches. Don't let them take our money.
Joe said he is going to stick it to those earning $400k or more per year and corporations...including doubling capital gains taxes.

What should you pay in taxes and why?

I think 20% of my adjusted gross income should be my tax rate.

Our income should not be taxed at all. The FF's were right
Well yeah, leave it to the early 20th Century "Progressives" to pick the least efficient, most invasive, and most subject to abuse and corrupt method of taxation.

I guess we should count our blessings that they didn't decide that the best way to fund the federal government was to take ALL of our income up front and just give us back what they feel we deserve.

That's pretty much where we are heading. Obama when asked if he would raise taxes on the rich even if it generated no additional tax revenue said yes, because it's fair to do that.

Taxes are social engineering to them, not just funding the government
"the power the power to tax is the power to destroy" - John Marshall "McCulloch v Maryland (1819)

The Dems want to destroy wealth. Leftist sell a bunch of division and class warfare, and promise the moon...but the reality is they don't want to make the poor, richer, they want to make the rich, poorer. More serfs, more dependents....it's how leftist maintain power
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A straight 10% for all no exceptions, no deductions. You make $100 you pay $10, you make a $1,000,000 you pay $100,000. Forget the progressive tax, everyone pays the same percentage.

It is not how we tax that is the problem.

It is the fact that the government spends so much money that it inherently produces inequalities in how it is collected.

Plus you have special interest groups that will pay the elected representatives to give them breaks.
And then take away every last loophole for the wealthy they shouldn't be given home cooking.

How about taking away the loop holes and tax tables that exempts about 50% of the population from having to pay any federal income tax? Talk about free loaders but they get all the federal shit and don't have to spend a dime.
Hit the Uber wealthy up some more. They have most of the wealth .

Stop giving money to the filthy ass worthless welfare queens. They don't deserve to be given that money that I have to work for.
Quit rewarding them for getting pregnant. With each kid their welfare check increases. After 2 kids they have their tubes tied.

Like I said; no welfare (domestic and foreign), bailouts, subsidies, entitlements or grants. Nada. Ziltch.
Hit the Uber wealthy up some more. They have most of the wealth .

You think you should use the government to steal money from other people because they have more than you do?

That is pretty goddamn greedy of you isn't it?
You can call it whatever you want I could care less...explain how you expect someone who makes a pittance like 50 grand should pay anywhere near the same as a billionaire. Your hatred for average workers(real americans) is noted.
You can call it whatever you want I could care less...explain how you expect someone who makes a pittance like 50 grand should pay anywhere near the same as a billionaire. Your hatred for average workers(real americans) is noted.

You greedy little Moon Bat.

You Moon Bats don't know anymore about Ethics than you do Economics, History, Biology, Climate Sceince or the Constitution.

Stealing is wrong. It doesn't make any difference if is shop lifting, looting or using the government to steal money to other people so you can get free healthcare or not have to pay your share of national defense.

When you vote for some filthy ass Democrat that promises they will steal money from other people to give to you then you are nothing more than a common thief and that is despicable.

You Libtards are morally challenged and that is pathetic.

If you are concerned about paying too much taxes then join me in advocating less government spending. Not stealing the money from other people.
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I didn't vote democrat. I didn't vote rethug, I sat it out. Neither candidate met my standards. I'm perfectly vindicated in all respects.

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