What Should Happen To Citizen Cain?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
And then what do you think WILL happen to citizen Cain?

I think he should be ostracized in shame never to be seen or heard from again. That's what I think SHOULD happen.

However, what I think WILL happen is he will find a home in the RW and Republican hearts, who will still see him as some victim of the made up "Librul Meedya" he may even get a the FOXNews show or at least a job out of it.

I don't think he'll return to radio...I think the damage is too much for that. I mean, he still may, but I hope he doesn't turn back to radio. There's a young cat in his old time slot, he needs a job too.

If he has any dignity he will take a hiatus and won't appear again until at least election time, but...we'll see.

What say you?
And then what do you think WILL happen to citizen Cain?

I think he should be ostracized in shame never to be seen or heard from again. That's what I think SHOULD happen.

However, what I think WILL happen is he will find a home in the RW and Republican hearts, who will still see him as some victim of the made up "Librul Meedya" he may even get a the FOXNews show or at least a job out of it.

I don't think he'll return to radio...I think the damage is too much for that. I mean, he still may, but I hope he doesn't turn back to radio. There's a young cat in his old time slot, he needs a job too.

If he has any dignity he will take a hiatus and won't appear again until at least election time, but...we'll see.

What say you?


The left stated quite clearly extra marital affairs doesnt effect governing. Amazing they come out of the woodwork after The guy took a lead.

Gold Diggers and neither you nor I can prove anything different.
Uh, being ostracized, never heard from again and forced to work for focks -

That's kinda redundant, doncha think?

Actually, he's the new $arah. The worse he behaves and more ignorant he is, the more they'll shower him with money.
Uh, being ostracized, never heard from again and forced to work for focks -

That's kinda redundant, doncha think?

Actually, he's the new $arah. The worse he behaves and more ignorant he is, the more they'll shower him with money.

Let's not try to diminish the FOXNews. They are the juggernaut of Main Stream Media.

I don't think it's wise to deny this.

I do get your meaning though. :cool:
well good luck with your dreams about what should happen to Cain.

We all thought those same things should happen to Clinton. but noooooooooooooooo
every damn time we turn around, THERE HE IS..poking his fat nose into our business.
well good luck with your dreams about what should happen to Cain.

We all thought those same things should happen to Clinton. but noooooooooooooooo
every damn time we turn around, THERE HE IS..

Where do you see citizen Cain contributing to the public discourse?

To be honest, the best place an individual citizen like Cain is suited for is lobbying.

In fact, that's most likely where he's headed.

He's already knee-deep in the pockets of the Koch brothers. His 'brother from another mother' statement seals that.
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He should go work on his damaged Mariage. That's what's important...Try to get his life in order and let the republican party go back to the issues so we can beat Obama.

I forgot to comment on the marriage in my OP.

I fear for his marriage. I don't know if he'll be able to recover the damages brought to it.

It really all depends on how his lovely wife responds to it.

Boy he really caused a mess. I don't like this man, but I have nothing but love for his wife.

I'll keep her in prayer.
So marc wants the Republicans to beat Obama now?

I dont know if Cain is lying or not. Id rather have someone who will be honest about who they are and what they stand for.

Is that really so difficult?
I think they will find a job for him in Uz becki becki stan stan

Or possibly as a spokesman for the Muslim anti defamation league
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I would hope he be correctly perceived as the snake oil salesman, con artist, and all-around charlatan he really is.

It’s remarkable how successfully he’s played the rightist rubes, you’d think conservatives would know when they’re being scammed.
He should go work on his damaged Mariage. That's what's important...Try to get his life in order and let the republican party go back to the issues so we can beat Obama.

I forgot to comment on the marriage in my OP.

I fear for his marriage. I don't know if he'll be able to recover the damages brought to it.

It really all depends on how his lovely wife responds to it.

Boy he really caused a mess. I don't like this man, but I have nothing but love for his wife.

I'll keep her in prayer.

You fear for his marriage that you all had a hand in destroying by spreading your smears?
how touching.
His marriage has as much chance of surviving as Clintons did when Hillary FORGAVE him and stood by her man.
He should go work on his damaged Mariage. That's what's important...Try to get his life in order and let the republican party go back to the issues so we can beat Obama.

I forgot to comment on the marriage in my OP.

I fear for his marriage. I don't know if he'll be able to recover the damages brought to it.

It really all depends on how his lovely wife responds to it.

Boy he really caused a mess. I don't like this man, but I have nothing but love for his wife.

I'll keep her in prayer.

Good plan, because when I was in her shoes, it was the prayers and support of the people who loved me that got me through it all.

She's going to think she is losing her mind, because her reality will not mesh with the truth. Her reality is that he is a good, kind, decent man who has never treated a woman with anything less than full dignity and respect. If she doesn't know the man she's been married to all this time, then what DOES she know??
He should go work on his damaged Mariage. That's what's important...Try to get his life in order and let the republican party go back to the issues so we can beat Obama.

I forgot to comment on the marriage in my OP.

I fear for his marriage. I don't know if he'll be able to recover the damages brought to it.

It really all depends on how his lovely wife responds to it.

Boy he really caused a mess. I don't like this man, but I have nothing but love for his wife.

I'll keep her in prayer.

You fear for his marriage that you all had a hand in destroying by spreading your smears?
how touching.
His marriage has as much chance of surviving as Clintons did when Hillary FORGAVE him and stood by her man.

Saaay whaaaaaaa....!?!???!! :eek:
What was MY role in HIS marriage again? :cuckoo:
well good luck with your dreams about what should happen to Cain.

We all thought those same things should happen to Clinton. but noooooooooooooooo
every damn time we turn around, THERE HE IS..

Where do you see citizen Cain contributing to the public discourse?

To be honest, the best place an individual citizen like Cain is suited for is lobbying.

In fact, that's most likely where he's headed.

He's already knee-deep in the pockets of the Koch brothers. His 'brother from another mother' statement seals that.

Cain was fired from his lobbyist job 6 months before the end of his contract and at the same time as the second woman was paid hush money.

He's not suited to any kind of real job. He will go back to motivational speaking, book selling and probably end up in that boneyard where all failed Repub politicians seem to go - focks.

Don't worry about the Koch's. Every single one of the Clown Car Candidates is for sale. The Koch boys will just buy themselves another one.

Actually, that could get interesting - BofA is bankrolling Perry and AT&T is Mitt's petty cash fund. Newt burns bridges so fast, its hard to know who might decide to buy him.

That's entertainment!
I forgot to comment on the marriage in my OP.

I fear for his marriage. I don't know if he'll be able to recover the damages brought to it.

It really all depends on how his lovely wife responds to it.

Boy he really caused a mess. I don't like this man, but I have nothing but love for his wife.

I'll keep her in prayer.

You fear for his marriage that you all had a hand in destroying by spreading your smears?
how touching.
His marriage has as much chance of surviving as Clintons did when Hillary FORGAVE him and stood by her man.

Saaay whaaaaaaa....!?!???!! :eek:
What was MY role in HIS marriage again? :cuckoo:

your concern is phony. so give it up already
If everybody in politics that ever had an affair was required to leave, there would be a loud sucking sound in Washington, DC and then suddenly there would be nobody there. Democrats have affairs. If you don't believe it, ask President Clinton. Republicans apparently have affairs too. I doubt that this lady who spoke up about her affair with Cain did it because she suddenly felt it was the right thing to do. I suspect that somewhere, somehow, there was some money involved in her sudden desire to "do the right thing"... There's an old saying, I'm sure everybody has heard it. It's better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. While Cain is apparently going to be getting the heat for this sudden revelation, the lady who spoke up was also no better than Cain when it comes right down to it. Guess she doesn't know anything about being discrete.
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well good luck with your dreams about what should happen to Cain.

We all thought those same things should happen to Clinton. but noooooooooooooooo
every damn time we turn around, THERE HE IS..

Where do you see citizen Cain contributing to the public discourse?

To be honest, the best place an individual citizen like Cain is suited for is lobbying.

In fact, that's most likely where he's headed.

He's already knee-deep in the pockets of the Koch brothers. His 'brother from another mother' statement seals that.

Cain was fired from his lobbyist job 6 months before the end of his contract and at the same time as the second woman was paid hush money.

He's not suited to any kind of real job. He will go back to motivational speaking, book selling and probably end up in that boneyard where all failed Repub politicians seem to go - focks.

Don't worry about the Koch's. Every single one of the Clown Car Candidates is for sale. The Koch boys will just buy themselves another one.

Actually, that could get interesting - BofA is bankrolling Perry and AT&T is Mitt's petty cash fund. Newt burns bridges so fast, its hard to know who might decide to buy him.

That's entertainment!
The best entertainment was reading you parrot the party line without thought. :lol:
So marc wants the Republicans to beat Obama now?

I dont know if Cain is lying or not. Id rather have someone who will be honest about who they are and what they stand for.

Is that really so difficult?



So how do you square away the facts that there are records of this recent lady in GA calling his cell phone at all hours of the day and night?

What do you think that means?

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