What percentage of white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians did the Democrats win?

So you ascribe all of the debt under the Obama administration to Obama despite the fact that Republicans took control of the House in 2011 yet make a point to divvy up the debt under Trump after Democrats took control of the house in 2019.

Jesus, talk about inconsistency.
Republican logiks.
Fuck you're intellectually dishonest. Coward.
What’s the matter? Can’t make an argument, so just call people names?

You and Brain prepare yourselves for an ass kicking. Not that it will matter, you're both too dense to get it. But I'll let others see what spectacles you are, not that they need more material.

huge deficits: Before COVID our net debt wasn't even on pace to meet Obama's, whose debt was twice that of Bush's, and Bush's was twice that before. Difference is Trump carried a respectable GDP & there's always inflation. Now you're saying COVID and State govt., & congress is Trump's fault., YOU LIE. What you figure Biden's deficits will be asshole?

giant bailouts: Giant bailouts, what under COVID? You support Obama & Biden right? You're a liar & hypocrite.

riots: By the construction of & carried out by leftists. I said you were intellectually dishonest, it's you who fucked up.

recession: Oh look it's COVID again. What was Clinton's Obama's, Biden's, excuses for recessions on their watch? I said you were intellectually dishonest, it's you who fucked up.

most pandemic deaths: We're a free country, please fucking move to China where it's safe. Trump doesn't run cities & States, Demonicrats do the biggest problem areas. I'm pretty sure "Biden's" death count is equal or worse by day, but you're too big a dick to add 2+2. I said you were intellectually dishonest, it's you who fucked up.

couldn’t hit 3% gdp growth: His final quarter was +33.4%, the historic record. 2017 was over 3%, while Obama left at 1.9%. Before COVID Trump's average quarter is far superior to Obama's, yet Obama had more space & time for recovery. Did you support Obama? oh yeah, that's right, Biden too. I said you were intellectually dishonest, it's you who fucked up.

failed tariffs.... I'm not educated enough to judge, so I know for certain you're not either. I said you were intellectually dishonest, it's you who fucked up.
You seem really stupid. Trump increased deficit from $600 billion to a trillion pre covid during a strong economy. Bailouts like the giant farmer bailout caused by trumps failed tariffs. You have lots of excuses for trump failures, shame you have no success story.

hahaha...it's so fascinating to hear you Lefties pretend to be fiscally responsible as you waive in millions of wetbacks and cover their healthcare. Funny shit.
Deficits declined under Obama, they increased under Trump. So much for all that border BS.
Since the house is in control of the purse strings and the democrats have controlled the house since 2018, I think the deficit blame fall squarely on the democrats. Since 2018 they are responsible for $5T in deficit spending. Moron.
Trump passed his tax cuts and military spending when repubs had full control. They couldn’t undo all the fiscal irresponsibility.
Debt when Obama took office=$9T, Debt when Trump took office=$18T, Debt when democrats took control of house=$21T, Current debt=$29T. It is very clear who the fiscally irresponsible party is--Democrats win this one HONESTLY. Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2020
You are a moron.
Typical democrat response to facts that cannot be disputed.
Fuck you're intellectually dishonest. Coward.
What’s the matter? Can’t make an argument, so just call people names?

You and Brain prepare yourselves for an ass kicking. Not that it will matter, you're both too dense to get it. But I'll let others see what spectacles you are, not that they need more material.

huge deficits: Before COVID our net debt wasn't even on pace to meet Obama's, whose debt was twice that of Bush's, and Bush's was twice that before. Difference is Trump carried a respectable GDP & there's always inflation. Now you're saying COVID and State govt., & congress is Trump's fault., YOU LIE. What you figure Biden's deficits will be asshole?

giant bailouts: Giant bailouts, what under COVID? You support Obama & Biden right? You're a liar & hypocrite.

riots: By the construction of & carried out by leftists. I said you were intellectually dishonest, it's you who fucked up.

recession: Oh look it's COVID again. What was Clinton's Obama's, Biden's, excuses for recessions on their watch? I said you were intellectually dishonest, it's you who fucked up.

most pandemic deaths: We're a free country, please fucking move to China where it's safe. Trump doesn't run cities & States, Demonicrats do the biggest problem areas. I'm pretty sure "Biden's" death count is equal or worse by day, but you're too big a dick to add 2+2. I said you were intellectually dishonest, it's you who fucked up.

couldn’t hit 3% gdp growth: His final quarter was +33.4%, the historic record. 2017 was over 3%, while Obama left at 1.9%. Before COVID Trump's average quarter is far superior to Obama's, yet Obama had more space & time for recovery. Did you support Obama? oh yeah, that's right, Biden too. I said you were intellectually dishonest, it's you who fucked up.

failed tariffs.... I'm not educated enough to judge, so I know for certain you're not either. I said you were intellectually dishonest, it's you who fucked up.
You seem really stupid. Trump increased deficit from $600 billion to a trillion pre covid during a strong economy. Bailouts like the giant farmer bailout caused by trumps failed tariffs. You have lots of excuses for trump failures, shame you have no success story.

hahaha...it's so fascinating to hear you Lefties pretend to be fiscally responsible as you waive in millions of wetbacks and cover their healthcare. Funny shit.
Deficits declined under Obama, they increased under Trump. So much for all that border BS.
Since the house is in control of the purse strings and the democrats have controlled the house since 2018, I think the deficit blame fall squarely on the democrats. Since 2018 they are responsible for $5T in deficit spending. Moron.
Trump passed his tax cuts and military spending when repubs had full control. They couldn’t undo all the fiscal irresponsibility.
Debt when Obama took office=$9T, Debt when Trump took office=$18T, Debt when democrats took control of house=$21T, Current debt=$29T. It is very clear who the fiscally irresponsible party is--Democrats win this one HONESTLY. Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2020
So you ascribe all of the debt under the Obama administration to Obama despite the fact that Republicans took control of the House in 2011 yet make a point to divvy up the debt under Trump after Democrats took control of the house in 2019.

Jesus, talk about inconsistency.

Who did that? Matter of fact O'bummer's debt improved after the Republicans took the House and Trump's debt did the opposite when the Demoncrats took the house.

Fun aint it? You probably shouldn't project & play a hypocrite, you're dishonest. That's for MarcAtl too, he loved your post, so I crashed both your parties.
Fuck you're intellectually dishonest. Coward.
What’s the matter? Can’t make an argument, so just call people names?

You and Brain prepare yourselves for an ass kicking. Not that it will matter, you're both too dense to get it. But I'll let others see what spectacles you are, not that they need more material.

huge deficits: Before COVID our net debt wasn't even on pace to meet Obama's, whose debt was twice that of Bush's, and Bush's was twice that before. Difference is Trump carried a respectable GDP & there's always inflation. Now you're saying COVID and State govt., & congress is Trump's fault., YOU LIE. What you figure Biden's deficits will be asshole?

giant bailouts: Giant bailouts, what under COVID? You support Obama & Biden right? You're a liar & hypocrite.

riots: By the construction of & carried out by leftists. I said you were intellectually dishonest, it's you who fucked up.

recession: Oh look it's COVID again. What was Clinton's Obama's, Biden's, excuses for recessions on their watch? I said you were intellectually dishonest, it's you who fucked up.

most pandemic deaths: We're a free country, please fucking move to China where it's safe. Trump doesn't run cities & States, Demonicrats do the biggest problem areas. I'm pretty sure "Biden's" death count is equal or worse by day, but you're too big a dick to add 2+2. I said you were intellectually dishonest, it's you who fucked up.

couldn’t hit 3% gdp growth: His final quarter was +33.4%, the historic record. 2017 was over 3%, while Obama left at 1.9%. Before COVID Trump's average quarter is far superior to Obama's, yet Obama had more space & time for recovery. Did you support Obama? oh yeah, that's right, Biden too. I said you were intellectually dishonest, it's you who fucked up.

failed tariffs.... I'm not educated enough to judge, so I know for certain you're not either. I said you were intellectually dishonest, it's you who fucked up.
You seem really stupid. Trump increased deficit from $600 billion to a trillion pre covid during a strong economy. Bailouts like the giant farmer bailout caused by trumps failed tariffs. You have lots of excuses for trump failures, shame you have no success story.

hahaha...it's so fascinating to hear you Lefties pretend to be fiscally responsible as you waive in millions of wetbacks and cover their healthcare. Funny shit.
Deficits declined under Obama, they increased under Trump. So much for all that border BS.
Since the house is in control of the purse strings and the democrats have controlled the house since 2018, I think the deficit blame fall squarely on the democrats. Since 2018 they are responsible for $5T in deficit spending. Moron.
Trump passed his tax cuts and military spending when repubs had full control. They couldn’t undo all the fiscal irresponsibility.
Debt when Obama took office=$9T, Debt when Trump took office=$18T, Debt when democrats took control of house=$21T, Current debt=$29T. It is very clear who the fiscally irresponsible party is--Democrats win this one HONESTLY. Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2020
So you ascribe all of the debt under the Obama administration to Obama despite the fact that Republicans took control of the House in 2011 yet make a point to divvy up the debt under Trump after Democrats took control of the house in 2019.

Jesus, talk about inconsistency.

Who did that? Matter of fact O'bummer's debt improved after the Republicans took the House and Trump's debt did the opposite when the Demoncrats took the house.

Fun aint it? You probably shouldn't project & play a hypocrite, you're dishonest. That's for MarcAtl too, he loved your post, so I crashed both your parties.
Did the deficit increase or decrease in 2017? How about 2018?

Otherwise known as years when Trump had a completely Republican Congress.
Here's how the Catholics feel about the stuttering fuck.... without Dominion he's in a nursing home now, licking the windows and fighting over who gets to eat the purple crayons.

I fit the description of 'white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' and I voted for Biden.

I really find it hard to believe that anyone who is a Christian would vote for Trump. He's the most blatantly anti-Christian major politician in the history of this country. You'd have to be an idiot to be a Christian and vote for Trump.

So I'd bet that percentage of 'Intelligent, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very, very high, but unfortunately:

The percentage of 'Idiotic, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very high too, since they're too stupid to understand Christianity.

Certainly any person that Honor Gen. Robert E. Lee by using his picture as their avatar is not a Christian, not to mention blatantly anti-American!

Yeah but you're a snowflake so of course you're going to vote Biden. Nobody ever said white Christian cannot be a fool, why would they when folks like yourself are around. Anyone can be indoctrinated if they lead by emotions and is kicked around by propaganda.

Just look at your second paragraph, that's an indication you're just an emotional guy and easy target for a thorough brain-washing.

Then you contradict yourself in the third & fourth paragraphs.

You're claiming you're Christian while judging someone for using an avatar of Robert Lee. Pretty please Mr. Christian spokesman for Christianity proved hypocrite and snowflake, tell everyone why that's so. You can bet your ass Lee was a better man than you.

Lee was a traitor who caused more American deaths than anyone else in history. He was a West Point graduate who had taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the Federal government - which he betrayed. He was the greatest protector of slavery.

R.E. Lee was one of the worst people to ever live. He deserved to be remembered on par with Adolf Hitler and Stalin.

If you don't realize that, then you're an idiot.
Lincoln was the traitor, NAZI. Read the Constitution. See how it defines treason. Lincoln fits the description. Lee doesn't. Make war on any state of the union is treason. That's what Lincoln did. Lee did nothing more than defend his country (Virginia).

Lincoln is a war criminal and a mass murderer. Nothing he did was sanctioned by the Constitution.

You just keep getting stupider and stupider with every post!

The Constitution says:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

"them" is the UNITED STATES, not the individual states.

Lincoln did not wage war against the United States.

Lee did wage war against the United States.

It does not say "Levying war against any states"

Study some history sissy-boy. Learn who Davis is, learn who Johnson is. Learn where Fort Sumter is, learn who General Beauregard is. Learn who ordered shots fired, learn who provoked it.

Learn the reason for the civil war, you're a simpleton & figure "ah yeah, must be slavery". If that was all why do Democrats continue to enslave the black population today, and everyone else?

Learn about State's rights.

Learn you're not the Supreme court.

Learn it was Lincoln who declared war "levying war".

Learn no leaders or anyone else was tried for treason from the civil war, not even a guy name Jefferson Davis, ever hear of him? There were a few random exceptions, when the inmates take over the prison as they say. PROGS love that shit anyway.

Learn Lincoln's VP was according to you a traitor.

Learn treason is rarely applied around the world & why. And define war oh Supreme Court One.

If you ask me communist Democrats are at war with the USA, you don't have to declare war to have one, and you don't have to fire a shot to have one either. In the meantime, I declare you're a clown, a traitor of brains for candy or something like, not sure.
Last edited:
I really find it hard to believe that anyone who is a Christian would vote for Trump.
How can a Christian vote for or support any politician who supports abortion?

They are no longer Christians.....they have nominally converted to the religion of Militant Secularism.

Can they have done so without having thought it out????
Proof: ask any Biden voter what policies of Trump they voted against and which Biden policies they voted for and you will get the same deer-in-the-headlights look as when you ask them to explain how Christians could vote for the infanticide party.
I fit the description of 'white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' and I voted for Biden.

I really find it hard to believe that anyone who is a Christian would vote for Trump. He's the most blatantly anti-Christian major politician in the history of this country. You'd have to be an idiot to be a Christian and vote for Trump.

So I'd bet that percentage of 'Intelligent, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very, very high, but unfortunately:

The percentage of 'Idiotic, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very high too, since they're too stupid to understand Christianity.

Certainly any person that Honor Gen. Robert E. Lee by using his picture as their avatar is not a Christian, not to mention blatantly anti-American!

Yeah but you're a snowflake so of course you're going to vote Biden. Nobody ever said white Christian cannot be a fool, why would they when folks like yourself are around. Anyone can be indoctrinated if they lead by emotions and is kicked around by propaganda.

Just look at your second paragraph, that's an indication you're just an emotional guy and easy target for a thorough brain-washing.

Then you contradict yourself in the third & fourth paragraphs.

You're claiming you're Christian while judging someone for using an avatar of Robert Lee. Pretty please Mr. Christian spokesman for Christianity proved hypocrite and snowflake, tell everyone why that's so. You can bet your ass Lee was a better man than you.

Lee was a traitor who caused more American deaths than anyone else in history. He was a West Point graduate who had taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the Federal government - which he betrayed. He was the greatest protector of slavery.

R.E. Lee was one of the worst people to ever live. He deserved to be remembered on par with Adolf Hitler and Stalin.

If you don't realize that, then you're an idiot.
Lincoln was the traitor, NAZI. Read the Constitution. See how it defines treason. Lincoln fits the description. Lee doesn't. Make war on any state of the union is treason. That's what Lincoln did. Lee did nothing more than defend his country (Virginia).

Lincoln is a war criminal and a mass murderer. Nothing he did was sanctioned by the Constitution.

You just keep getting stupider and stupider with every post!

The Constitution says:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

"them" is the UNITED STATES, not the individual states.

Lincoln did not wage war against the United States.

Lee did wage war against the United States.

It does not say "Levying war against any states"
You're an imbecile who needs a remedial course in English.

"Them" means any of them. Them is plural for "the states." If it meant the entire United States as a unit, it would have said "it," not "them," you fucking moron. It then goes on to use "them" in "levying War against them" (plural) and "giving them (plural) Aid and Comfort." Why would it use the plural if it mean "the United States" as a unit? That would be singular.

Using the term "the United States" in the singular sense didn't happen until after the Civil War.

Just admit you are wrong now while you're behind.

Are you truly so stupid that you didn't notice that the "United States" is a plural? It is a single country made up of many States.

When you attack the "United States" you are attacking a single entity which is made up of many sub-entities.

When Confederate forces attacked Federal forces at Fort Sumter they were both attacking the United States as a whole and all the individual states.

They were traitors against both the United States and the individual States.

When Confederate state governments declared independence from the United States they were no longer valid state governments per the U.S. Constitution - they were traitors to both the United States as a whole and to their very own state.
I fit the description of 'white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' and I voted for Biden.

I really find it hard to believe that anyone who is a Christian would vote for Trump. He's the most blatantly anti-Christian major politician in the history of this country. You'd have to be an idiot to be a Christian and vote for Trump.

So I'd bet that percentage of 'Intelligent, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very, very high, but unfortunately:

The percentage of 'Idiotic, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very high too, since they're too stupid to understand Christianity.

Certainly any person that Honor Gen. Robert E. Lee by using his picture as their avatar is not a Christian, not to mention blatantly anti-American!

Yeah but you're a snowflake so of course you're going to vote Biden. Nobody ever said white Christian cannot be a fool, why would they when folks like yourself are around. Anyone can be indoctrinated if they lead by emotions and is kicked around by propaganda.

Just look at your second paragraph, that's an indication you're just an emotional guy and easy target for a thorough brain-washing.

Then you contradict yourself in the third & fourth paragraphs.

You're claiming you're Christian while judging someone for using an avatar of Robert Lee. Pretty please Mr. Christian spokesman for Christianity proved hypocrite and snowflake, tell everyone why that's so. You can bet your ass Lee was a better man than you.

Lee was a traitor who caused more American deaths than anyone else in history. He was a West Point graduate who had taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the Federal government - which he betrayed. He was the greatest protector of slavery.

R.E. Lee was one of the worst people to ever live. He deserved to be remembered on par with Adolf Hitler and Stalin.

If you don't realize that, then you're an idiot.
Lincoln was the traitor, NAZI. Read the Constitution. See how it defines treason. Lincoln fits the description. Lee doesn't. Make war on any state of the union is treason. That's what Lincoln did. Lee did nothing more than defend his country (Virginia).

Lincoln is a war criminal and a mass murderer. Nothing he did was sanctioned by the Constitution.

You just keep getting stupider and stupider with every post!

The Constitution says:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

"them" is the UNITED STATES, not the individual states.

Lincoln did not wage war against the United States.

Lee did wage war against the United States.

It does not say "Levying war against any states"

Study some history sissy-boy. Learn who Davis is, learn who Johnson is. Learn where Fort Sumter is, learn who General Beauregard is. Learn who ordered shots fired, learn who provoked it.

Learn the reason for the civil war, you're a simpleton & figure "ah yeah, must be slavery". If that was all why do Democrats continue to enslave the black population today, and everyone else?

Learn about State's rights.

Learn you're not the Supreme court.

Learn it was Lincoln who declared war "levying war".

Learn no leaders or anyone else was tried for treason from the civil war, not even a guy name Jefferson Davis, ever hear of him? There were a few random exceptions, when the inmates take over the prison as they say. PROGS love that shit anyway.

Learn Lincoln's VP was according to you a traitor.

Learn treason is rarely applied around the world & why. And define war oh Supreme Court One.

If you ask me communist Democrats are at war with the USA, you don't have to declare war to have one, and you don't have to fire a shot to have one either. In the meantime, I declare you're a clown, a traitor of brains for candy or something like, not sure.

From Wikipedia:

"Davis remained under indictment until Andrew Johnson issued on Christmas Day of 1868 a presidential "pardon and amnesty" for the offense of treason to "every person who directly or indirectly participated in the late insurrection or rebellion""

Davis was indicted for treason against the United States, but was pardoned by President Johnson, dumbass!

You're an idiot that lives in a fantasy world.
The Democrat Party is pretty much the scum of America.

It is a party made up of all the despicable assholes in the country.

Blacks that vote their race and welfare check.

Environmental Wackos

Anti Gun Nuts




Welfare Queens

Greedy Union Bosses.

ANTIFA and BLM Terrorists.

Confused College kids and their bat shit crazy Marxists professors.
I fit the description of 'white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' and I voted for Biden.

I really find it hard to believe that anyone who is a Christian would vote for Trump. He's the most blatantly anti-Christian major politician in the history of this country. You'd have to be an idiot to be a Christian and vote for Trump.

So I'd bet that percentage of 'Intelligent, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very, very high, but unfortunately:

The percentage of 'Idiotic, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very high too, since they're too stupid to understand Christianity.

Certainly any person that Honor Gen. Robert E. Lee by using his picture as their avatar is not a Christian, not to mention blatantly anti-American!

Yeah but you're a snowflake so of course you're going to vote Biden. Nobody ever said white Christian cannot be a fool, why would they when folks like yourself are around. Anyone can be indoctrinated if they lead by emotions and is kicked around by propaganda.

Just look at your second paragraph, that's an indication you're just an emotional guy and easy target for a thorough brain-washing.

Then you contradict yourself in the third & fourth paragraphs.

You're claiming you're Christian while judging someone for using an avatar of Robert Lee. Pretty please Mr. Christian spokesman for Christianity proved hypocrite and snowflake, tell everyone why that's so. You can bet your ass Lee was a better man than you.

Lee was a traitor who caused more American deaths than anyone else in history. He was a West Point graduate who had taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the Federal government - which he betrayed. He was the greatest protector of slavery.

R.E. Lee was one of the worst people to ever live. He deserved to be remembered on par with Adolf Hitler and Stalin.

If you don't realize that, then you're an idiot.
Lincoln was the traitor, NAZI. Read the Constitution. See how it defines treason. Lincoln fits the description. Lee doesn't. Make war on any state of the union is treason. That's what Lincoln did. Lee did nothing more than defend his country (Virginia).

Lincoln is a war criminal and a mass murderer. Nothing he did was sanctioned by the Constitution.

You just keep getting stupider and stupider with every post!

The Constitution says:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

"them" is the UNITED STATES, not the individual states.

Lincoln did not wage war against the United States.

Lee did wage war against the United States.

It does not say "Levying war against any states"

Study some history sissy-boy. Learn who Davis is, learn who Johnson is. Learn where Fort Sumter is, learn who General Beauregard is. Learn who ordered shots fired, learn who provoked it.

Learn the reason for the civil war, you're a simpleton & figure "ah yeah, must be slavery". If that was all why do Democrats continue to enslave the black population today, and everyone else?

Learn about State's rights.

Learn you're not the Supreme court.

Learn it was Lincoln who declared war "levying war".

Learn no leaders or anyone else was tried for treason from the civil war, not even a guy name Jefferson Davis, ever hear of him? There were a few random exceptions, when the inmates take over the prison as they say. PROGS love that shit anyway.

Learn Lincoln's VP was according to you a traitor.

Learn treason is rarely applied around the world & why. And define war oh Supreme Court One.

If you ask me communist Democrats are at war with the USA, you don't have to declare war to have one, and you don't have to fire a shot to have one either. In the meantime, I declare you're a clown, a traitor of brains for candy or something like, not sure.

From Wikipedia:

"Davis remained under indictment until Andrew Johnson issued on Christmas Day of 1868 a presidential "pardon and amnesty" for the offense of treason to "every person who directly or indirectly participated in the late insurrection or rebellion""

Davis was indicted for treason against the United States, but was pardoned by President Johnson, dumbass!

You're an idiot that lives in a fantasy world.

Nice twist you silly sally. For anyone who can read clearly Richard is dishonest.
I fit the description of 'white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' and I voted for Biden.

I really find it hard to believe that anyone who is a Christian would vote for Trump. He's the most blatantly anti-Christian major politician in the history of this country. You'd have to be an idiot to be a Christian and vote for Trump.

So I'd bet that percentage of 'Intelligent, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very, very high, but unfortunately:

The percentage of 'Idiotic, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very high too, since they're too stupid to understand Christianity.

Certainly any person that Honor Gen. Robert E. Lee by using his picture as their avatar is not a Christian, not to mention blatantly anti-American!

Yeah but you're a snowflake so of course you're going to vote Biden. Nobody ever said white Christian cannot be a fool, why would they when folks like yourself are around. Anyone can be indoctrinated if they lead by emotions and is kicked around by propaganda.

Just look at your second paragraph, that's an indication you're just an emotional guy and easy target for a thorough brain-washing.

Then you contradict yourself in the third & fourth paragraphs.

You're claiming you're Christian while judging someone for using an avatar of Robert Lee. Pretty please Mr. Christian spokesman for Christianity proved hypocrite and snowflake, tell everyone why that's so. You can bet your ass Lee was a better man than you.

Lee was a traitor who caused more American deaths than anyone else in history. He was a West Point graduate who had taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the Federal government - which he betrayed. He was the greatest protector of slavery.

R.E. Lee was one of the worst people to ever live. He deserved to be remembered on par with Adolf Hitler and Stalin.

If you don't realize that, then you're an idiot.
Lincoln was the traitor, NAZI. Read the Constitution. See how it defines treason. Lincoln fits the description. Lee doesn't. Make war on any state of the union is treason. That's what Lincoln did. Lee did nothing more than defend his country (Virginia).

Lincoln is a war criminal and a mass murderer. Nothing he did was sanctioned by the Constitution.

You just keep getting stupider and stupider with every post!

The Constitution says:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

"them" is the UNITED STATES, not the individual states.

Lincoln did not wage war against the United States.

Lee did wage war against the United States.

It does not say "Levying war against any states"

Study some history sissy-boy. Learn who Davis is, learn who Johnson is. Learn where Fort Sumter is, learn who General Beauregard is. Learn who ordered shots fired, learn who provoked it.

Learn the reason for the civil war, you're a simpleton & figure "ah yeah, must be slavery". If that was all why do Democrats continue to enslave the black population today, and everyone else?

Learn about State's rights.

Learn you're not the Supreme court.

Learn it was Lincoln who declared war "levying war".

Learn no leaders or anyone else was tried for treason from the civil war, not even a guy name Jefferson Davis, ever hear of him? There were a few random exceptions, when the inmates take over the prison as they say. PROGS love that shit anyway.

Learn Lincoln's VP was according to you a traitor.

Learn treason is rarely applied around the world & why. And define war oh Supreme Court One.

If you ask me communist Democrats are at war with the USA, you don't have to declare war to have one, and you don't have to fire a shot to have one either. In the meantime, I declare you're a clown, a traitor of brains for candy or something like, not sure.

From Wikipedia:

"Davis remained under indictment until Andrew Johnson issued on Christmas Day of 1868 a presidential "pardon and amnesty" for the offense of treason to "every person who directly or indirectly participated in the late insurrection or rebellion""

Davis was indicted for treason against the United States, but was pardoned by President Johnson, dumbass!

You're an idiot that lives in a fantasy world.

Nice twist you silly sally. For anyone who can read clearly Richard is dishonest.

So your idea of a 'twist' is quoting from Wikipedia, right?

Do you realize how stupid you sound?
I fit the description of 'white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' and I voted for Biden.

I really find it hard to believe that anyone who is a Christian would vote for Trump. He's the most blatantly anti-Christian major politician in the history of this country. You'd have to be an idiot to be a Christian and vote for Trump.

So I'd bet that percentage of 'Intelligent, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very, very high, but unfortunately:

The percentage of 'Idiotic, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very high too, since they're too stupid to understand Christianity.

Certainly any person that Honor Gen. Robert E. Lee by using his picture as their avatar is not a Christian, not to mention blatantly anti-American!

Yeah but you're a snowflake so of course you're going to vote Biden. Nobody ever said white Christian cannot be a fool, why would they when folks like yourself are around. Anyone can be indoctrinated if they lead by emotions and is kicked around by propaganda.

Just look at your second paragraph, that's an indication you're just an emotional guy and easy target for a thorough brain-washing.

Then you contradict yourself in the third & fourth paragraphs.

You're claiming you're Christian while judging someone for using an avatar of Robert Lee. Pretty please Mr. Christian spokesman for Christianity proved hypocrite and snowflake, tell everyone why that's so. You can bet your ass Lee was a better man than you.

Lee was a traitor who caused more American deaths than anyone else in history. He was a West Point graduate who had taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the Federal government - which he betrayed. He was the greatest protector of slavery.

R.E. Lee was one of the worst people to ever live. He deserved to be remembered on par with Adolf Hitler and Stalin.

If you don't realize that, then you're an idiot.
Lincoln was the traitor, NAZI. Read the Constitution. See how it defines treason. Lincoln fits the description. Lee doesn't. Make war on any state of the union is treason. That's what Lincoln did. Lee did nothing more than defend his country (Virginia).

Lincoln is a war criminal and a mass murderer. Nothing he did was sanctioned by the Constitution.

You just keep getting stupider and stupider with every post!

The Constitution says:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

"them" is the UNITED STATES, not the individual states.

Lincoln did not wage war against the United States.

Lee did wage war against the United States.

It does not say "Levying war against any states"

Study some history sissy-boy. Learn who Davis is, learn who Johnson is. Learn where Fort Sumter is, learn who General Beauregard is. Learn who ordered shots fired, learn who provoked it.

Learn the reason for the civil war, you're a simpleton & figure "ah yeah, must be slavery". If that was all why do Democrats continue to enslave the black population today, and everyone else?

Learn about State's rights.

Learn you're not the Supreme court.

Learn it was Lincoln who declared war "levying war".

Learn no leaders or anyone else was tried for treason from the civil war, not even a guy name Jefferson Davis, ever hear of him? There were a few random exceptions, when the inmates take over the prison as they say. PROGS love that shit anyway.

Learn Lincoln's VP was according to you a traitor.

Learn treason is rarely applied around the world & why. And define war oh Supreme Court One.

If you ask me communist Democrats are at war with the USA, you don't have to declare war to have one, and you don't have to fire a shot to have one either. In the meantime, I declare you're a clown, a traitor of brains for candy or something like, not sure.

From Wikipedia:

"Davis remained under indictment until Andrew Johnson issued on Christmas Day of 1868 a presidential "pardon and amnesty" for the offense of treason to "every person who directly or indirectly participated in the late insurrection or rebellion""

Davis was indicted for treason against the United States, but was pardoned by President Johnson, dumbass!

You're an idiot that lives in a fantasy world.

Nice twist you silly sally. For anyone who can read clearly Richard is dishonest.

So your idea of a 'twist' is quoting from Wikipedia, right?

Do you realize how stupid you sound?

Ah nice twist again fuck head. You're easy to call out. I said tried for treason oh devil's tongue & you left context because you're punk.
I fit the description of 'white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' and I voted for Biden.

I really find it hard to believe that anyone who is a Christian would vote for Trump. He's the most blatantly anti-Christian major politician in the history of this country. You'd have to be an idiot to be a Christian and vote for Trump.

So I'd bet that percentage of 'Intelligent, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very, very high, but unfortunately:

The percentage of 'Idiotic, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very high too, since they're too stupid to understand Christianity.

Certainly any person that Honor Gen. Robert E. Lee by using his picture as their avatar is not a Christian, not to mention blatantly anti-American!

Yeah but you're a snowflake so of course you're going to vote Biden. Nobody ever said white Christian cannot be a fool, why would they when folks like yourself are around. Anyone can be indoctrinated if they lead by emotions and is kicked around by propaganda.

Just look at your second paragraph, that's an indication you're just an emotional guy and easy target for a thorough brain-washing.

Then you contradict yourself in the third & fourth paragraphs.

You're claiming you're Christian while judging someone for using an avatar of Robert Lee. Pretty please Mr. Christian spokesman for Christianity proved hypocrite and snowflake, tell everyone why that's so. You can bet your ass Lee was a better man than you.

Lee was a traitor who caused more American deaths than anyone else in history. He was a West Point graduate who had taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the Federal government - which he betrayed. He was the greatest protector of slavery.

R.E. Lee was one of the worst people to ever live. He deserved to be remembered on par with Adolf Hitler and Stalin.

If you don't realize that, then you're an idiot.
Lincoln was the traitor, NAZI. Read the Constitution. See how it defines treason. Lincoln fits the description. Lee doesn't. Make war on any state of the union is treason. That's what Lincoln did. Lee did nothing more than defend his country (Virginia).

Lincoln is a war criminal and a mass murderer. Nothing he did was sanctioned by the Constitution.

You just keep getting stupider and stupider with every post!

The Constitution says:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

"them" is the UNITED STATES, not the individual states.

Lincoln did not wage war against the United States.

Lee did wage war against the United States.

It does not say "Levying war against any states"

Study some history sissy-boy. Learn who Davis is, learn who Johnson is. Learn where Fort Sumter is, learn who General Beauregard is. Learn who ordered shots fired, learn who provoked it.

Learn the reason for the civil war, you're a simpleton & figure "ah yeah, must be slavery". If that was all why do Democrats continue to enslave the black population today, and everyone else?

Learn about State's rights.

Learn you're not the Supreme court.

Learn it was Lincoln who declared war "levying war".

Learn no leaders or anyone else was tried for treason from the civil war, not even a guy name Jefferson Davis, ever hear of him? There were a few random exceptions, when the inmates take over the prison as they say. PROGS love that shit anyway.

Learn Lincoln's VP was according to you a traitor.

Learn treason is rarely applied around the world & why. And define war oh Supreme Court One.

If you ask me communist Democrats are at war with the USA, you don't have to declare war to have one, and you don't have to fire a shot to have one either. In the meantime, I declare you're a clown, a traitor of brains for candy or something like, not sure.

From Wikipedia:

"Davis remained under indictment until Andrew Johnson issued on Christmas Day of 1868 a presidential "pardon and amnesty" for the offense of treason to "every person who directly or indirectly participated in the late insurrection or rebellion""

Davis was indicted for treason against the United States, but was pardoned by President Johnson, dumbass!

You're an idiot that lives in a fantasy world.

Nice twist you silly sally. For anyone who can read clearly Richard is dishonest.

So your idea of a 'twist' is quoting from Wikipedia, right?

Do you realize how stupid you sound?

Ah nice twist again fuck head. You're easy to call out. I said tried for treason oh devil's tongue & you left context because you're punk.

Wow, you think that your wiggle, wiggle like that means anything?

Davis was charged with treason.

Per Wikipedia:

" on June 11, 1866, the House of Representatives voted, 105–19, to support such a trial against Davis. "

Only Johnson's pardon saved him.


I fit the description of 'white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' and I voted for Biden.

I really find it hard to believe that anyone who is a Christian would vote for Trump. He's the most blatantly anti-Christian major politician in the history of this country. You'd have to be an idiot to be a Christian and vote for Trump.

So I'd bet that percentage of 'Intelligent, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very, very high, but unfortunately:

The percentage of 'Idiotic, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very high too, since they're too stupid to understand Christianity.

Certainly any person that Honor Gen. Robert E. Lee by using his picture as their avatar is not a Christian, not to mention blatantly anti-American!

Yeah but you're a snowflake so of course you're going to vote Biden. Nobody ever said white Christian cannot be a fool, why would they when folks like yourself are around. Anyone can be indoctrinated if they lead by emotions and is kicked around by propaganda.

Just look at your second paragraph, that's an indication you're just an emotional guy and easy target for a thorough brain-washing.

Then you contradict yourself in the third & fourth paragraphs.

You're claiming you're Christian while judging someone for using an avatar of Robert Lee. Pretty please Mr. Christian spokesman for Christianity proved hypocrite and snowflake, tell everyone why that's so. You can bet your ass Lee was a better man than you.

Lee was a traitor who caused more American deaths than anyone else in history. He was a West Point graduate who had taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the Federal government - which he betrayed. He was the greatest protector of slavery.

R.E. Lee was one of the worst people to ever live. He deserved to be remembered on par with Adolf Hitler and Stalin.

If you don't realize that, then you're an idiot.
Lincoln was the traitor, NAZI. Read the Constitution. See how it defines treason. Lincoln fits the description. Lee doesn't. Make war on any state of the union is treason. That's what Lincoln did. Lee did nothing more than defend his country (Virginia).

Lincoln is a war criminal and a mass murderer. Nothing he did was sanctioned by the Constitution.

You just keep getting stupider and stupider with every post!

The Constitution says:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

"them" is the UNITED STATES, not the individual states.

Lincoln did not wage war against the United States.

Lee did wage war against the United States.

It does not say "Levying war against any states"

Study some history sissy-boy. Learn who Davis is, learn who Johnson is. Learn where Fort Sumter is, learn who General Beauregard is. Learn who ordered shots fired, learn who provoked it.

Learn the reason for the civil war, you're a simpleton & figure "ah yeah, must be slavery". If that was all why do Democrats continue to enslave the black population today, and everyone else?

Learn about State's rights.

Learn you're not the Supreme court.

Learn it was Lincoln who declared war "levying war".

Learn no leaders or anyone else was tried for treason from the civil war, not even a guy name Jefferson Davis, ever hear of him? There were a few random exceptions, when the inmates take over the prison as they say. PROGS love that shit anyway.

Learn Lincoln's VP was according to you a traitor.

Learn treason is rarely applied around the world & why. And define war oh Supreme Court One.

If you ask me communist Democrats are at war with the USA, you don't have to declare war to have one, and you don't have to fire a shot to have one either. In the meantime, I declare you're a clown, a traitor of brains for candy or something like, not sure.

From Wikipedia:

"Davis remained under indictment until Andrew Johnson issued on Christmas Day of 1868 a presidential "pardon and amnesty" for the offense of treason to "every person who directly or indirectly participated in the late insurrection or rebellion""

Davis was indicted for treason against the United States, but was pardoned by President Johnson, dumbass!

You're an idiot that lives in a fantasy world.

Nice twist you silly sally. For anyone who can read clearly Richard is dishonest.

So your idea of a 'twist' is quoting from Wikipedia, right?

Do you realize how stupid you sound?

Ah nice twist again fuck head. You're easy to call out. I said tried for treason oh devil's tongue & you left context because you're punk.

Wow, you think that your wiggle, wiggle like that means anything?

Davis was charged with treason.

Per Wikipedia:

" on June 11, 1866, the House of Representatives voted, 105–19, to support such a trial against Davis. "

Only Johnson's pardon saved him.



Twist again huh punk sissy-boy? I'll bet you have a college degree huh? Major in socialism & debt?
I fit the description of 'white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' and I voted for Biden.

I really find it hard to believe that anyone who is a Christian would vote for Trump. He's the most blatantly anti-Christian major politician in the history of this country. You'd have to be an idiot to be a Christian and vote for Trump.

So I'd bet that percentage of 'Intelligent, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very, very high, but unfortunately:

The percentage of 'Idiotic, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very high too, since they're too stupid to understand Christianity.

Certainly any person that Honor Gen. Robert E. Lee by using his picture as their avatar is not a Christian, not to mention blatantly anti-American!

Yeah but you're a snowflake so of course you're going to vote Biden. Nobody ever said white Christian cannot be a fool, why would they when folks like yourself are around. Anyone can be indoctrinated if they lead by emotions and is kicked around by propaganda.

Just look at your second paragraph, that's an indication you're just an emotional guy and easy target for a thorough brain-washing.

Then you contradict yourself in the third & fourth paragraphs.

You're claiming you're Christian while judging someone for using an avatar of Robert Lee. Pretty please Mr. Christian spokesman for Christianity proved hypocrite and snowflake, tell everyone why that's so. You can bet your ass Lee was a better man than you.

Lee was a traitor who caused more American deaths than anyone else in history. He was a West Point graduate who had taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the Federal government - which he betrayed. He was the greatest protector of slavery.

R.E. Lee was one of the worst people to ever live. He deserved to be remembered on par with Adolf Hitler and Stalin.

If you don't realize that, then you're an idiot.
Lincoln was the traitor, NAZI. Read the Constitution. See how it defines treason. Lincoln fits the description. Lee doesn't. Make war on any state of the union is treason. That's what Lincoln did. Lee did nothing more than defend his country (Virginia).

Lincoln is a war criminal and a mass murderer. Nothing he did was sanctioned by the Constitution.

You just keep getting stupider and stupider with every post!

The Constitution says:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

"them" is the UNITED STATES, not the individual states.

Lincoln did not wage war against the United States.

Lee did wage war against the United States.

It does not say "Levying war against any states"

Study some history sissy-boy. Learn who Davis is, learn who Johnson is. Learn where Fort Sumter is, learn who General Beauregard is. Learn who ordered shots fired, learn who provoked it.

Learn the reason for the civil war, you're a simpleton & figure "ah yeah, must be slavery". If that was all why do Democrats continue to enslave the black population today, and everyone else?

Learn about State's rights.

Learn you're not the Supreme court.

Learn it was Lincoln who declared war "levying war".

Learn no leaders or anyone else was tried for treason from the civil war, not even a guy name Jefferson Davis, ever hear of him? There were a few random exceptions, when the inmates take over the prison as they say. PROGS love that shit anyway.

Learn Lincoln's VP was according to you a traitor.

Learn treason is rarely applied around the world & why. And define war oh Supreme Court One.

If you ask me communist Democrats are at war with the USA, you don't have to declare war to have one, and you don't have to fire a shot to have one either. In the meantime, I declare you're a clown, a traitor of brains for candy or something like, not sure.

From Wikipedia:

"Davis remained under indictment until Andrew Johnson issued on Christmas Day of 1868 a presidential "pardon and amnesty" for the offense of treason to "every person who directly or indirectly participated in the late insurrection or rebellion""

Davis was indicted for treason against the United States, but was pardoned by President Johnson, dumbass!

You're an idiot that lives in a fantasy world.

Nice twist you silly sally. For anyone who can read clearly Richard is dishonest.

So your idea of a 'twist' is quoting from Wikipedia, right?

Do you realize how stupid you sound?

Ah nice twist again fuck head. You're easy to call out. I said tried for treason oh devil's tongue & you left context because you're punk.

Wow, you think that your wiggle, wiggle like that means anything?

Davis was charged with treason.

Per Wikipedia:

" on June 11, 1866, the House of Representatives voted, 105–19, to support such a trial against Davis. "

Only Johnson's pardon saved him.



Twist again huh punk sissy-boy? I'll bet you have a college degree huh? Major in socialism & debt?

So admit it, you have no argument. You can sling insults all you want LOSER!

FYI - I'm an electrical engineer and a well paid IT worker.

You wish you had my education and income.

What do you do for a living? Insurance salesman?
I fit the description of 'white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' and I voted for Biden.

I really find it hard to believe that anyone who is a Christian would vote for Trump. He's the most blatantly anti-Christian major politician in the history of this country. You'd have to be an idiot to be a Christian and vote for Trump.

So I'd bet that percentage of 'Intelligent, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very, very high, but unfortunately:

The percentage of 'Idiotic, white, productive, heterosexual, law abiding Christians' that voted for Trump is very high too, since they're too stupid to understand Christianity.

Certainly any person that Honor Gen. Robert E. Lee by using his picture as their avatar is not a Christian, not to mention blatantly anti-American!

Yeah but you're a snowflake so of course you're going to vote Biden. Nobody ever said white Christian cannot be a fool, why would they when folks like yourself are around. Anyone can be indoctrinated if they lead by emotions and is kicked around by propaganda.

Just look at your second paragraph, that's an indication you're just an emotional guy and easy target for a thorough brain-washing.

Then you contradict yourself in the third & fourth paragraphs.

You're claiming you're Christian while judging someone for using an avatar of Robert Lee. Pretty please Mr. Christian spokesman for Christianity proved hypocrite and snowflake, tell everyone why that's so. You can bet your ass Lee was a better man than you.

Lee was a traitor who caused more American deaths than anyone else in history. He was a West Point graduate who had taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the Federal government - which he betrayed. He was the greatest protector of slavery.

R.E. Lee was one of the worst people to ever live. He deserved to be remembered on par with Adolf Hitler and Stalin.

If you don't realize that, then you're an idiot.
Lincoln was the traitor, NAZI. Read the Constitution. See how it defines treason. Lincoln fits the description. Lee doesn't. Make war on any state of the union is treason. That's what Lincoln did. Lee did nothing more than defend his country (Virginia).

Lincoln is a war criminal and a mass murderer. Nothing he did was sanctioned by the Constitution.

You just keep getting stupider and stupider with every post!

The Constitution says:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

"them" is the UNITED STATES, not the individual states.

Lincoln did not wage war against the United States.

Lee did wage war against the United States.

It does not say "Levying war against any states"

Study some history sissy-boy. Learn who Davis is, learn who Johnson is. Learn where Fort Sumter is, learn who General Beauregard is. Learn who ordered shots fired, learn who provoked it.

Learn the reason for the civil war, you're a simpleton & figure "ah yeah, must be slavery". If that was all why do Democrats continue to enslave the black population today, and everyone else?

Learn about State's rights.

Learn you're not the Supreme court.

Learn it was Lincoln who declared war "levying war".

Learn no leaders or anyone else was tried for treason from the civil war, not even a guy name Jefferson Davis, ever hear of him? There were a few random exceptions, when the inmates take over the prison as they say. PROGS love that shit anyway.

Learn Lincoln's VP was according to you a traitor.

Learn treason is rarely applied around the world & why. And define war oh Supreme Court One.

If you ask me communist Democrats are at war with the USA, you don't have to declare war to have one, and you don't have to fire a shot to have one either. In the meantime, I declare you're a clown, a traitor of brains for candy or something like, not sure.

From Wikipedia:

"Davis remained under indictment until Andrew Johnson issued on Christmas Day of 1868 a presidential "pardon and amnesty" for the offense of treason to "every person who directly or indirectly participated in the late insurrection or rebellion""

Davis was indicted for treason against the United States, but was pardoned by President Johnson, dumbass!

You're an idiot that lives in a fantasy world.

Nice twist you silly sally. For anyone who can read clearly Richard is dishonest.

So your idea of a 'twist' is quoting from Wikipedia, right?

Do you realize how stupid you sound?

Ah nice twist again fuck head. You're easy to call out. I said tried for treason oh devil's tongue & you left context because you're punk.

Wow, you think that your wiggle, wiggle like that means anything?

Davis was charged with treason.

Per Wikipedia:

" on June 11, 1866, the House of Representatives voted, 105–19, to support such a trial against Davis. "

Only Johnson's pardon saved him.



Twist again huh punk sissy-boy? I'll bet you have a college degree huh? Major in socialism & debt?

So admit it, you have no argument. You can sling insults all you want LOSER!

FYI - I'm an electrical engineer and a well paid IT worker.

You wish you had my education and income.

What do you do for a living? Insurance salesman?

Neat twist again. You really got me Richard, you're the winner. ILMAO @ IT worker engineer. Last time I took a task from an engineer in IT I turned his full time job into 10 minutes a week. Only took me two weeks, he did the task for over a year. He figured he was edgeucated & well paid too.

I don't work for anyone and haven't in four years. No indoctrination papers to speak of, but probably in a better position than you'll ever know. But still you're the WINNER. You left context and twisted words to do it, but that's OK, you're edgeucated & well paid too.

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