What Obama & Al Qaeda have in common besides hating the USA??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
While both are working for the destruction of the USA, they both hate Fox News!

President Barack Obama blamed Fox News for his political woes in a private meeting with labor leaders in 2010, saying he was “losing white males” who tune into the cable outlet and “hear Obama is a Muslim 24/7,” according to journalist David Corn’s new book, “Showdown.”

Obama blamed troubles on Fox News, book says - Mackenzie Weinger - POLITICO.com

Fox News, Al Qaeda's least favorite TV network

Fox News gets no love from Al Qaeda.

Documents taken from Usama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan and disclosed in an exclusive Washington Post report had Al Qaeda leaders ripping Fox News while discussing media strategy. The terror network's "media adviser," Adam Gadahn, the American traitor known as "Adam the American," was discussing with bin Laden plans to mark the 10-year anniversary of 9/11 and how to get the word out. Here's what he told bin Laden, who Navy SEALs killed in a May 2, 2011 raid on his squalid Pakistan compound:

“It should be sent for example to ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN and maybe PBS and VOA. As for Fox News let her die in her anger,” Gadahn wrote.

Read more: Fox News, Al Qaeda's Least Favorite TV Network | Fox News
Well..they want to kill each other..

Unlike when George W. Bush was in office.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PGmnz5Ow-o]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]

Heck..his father gave Bin Laden money to fight the ruskies..and he was in business with Bin Laden's bro.
Why did the Republicans let Bin Laden go and ignore al Qaeda? Who was working together?
Well if that was the case why were the al Qaeda involved in Iraq or for that matter Afghanistan?

I mean wasn't that the purpose of going into Afghanistan first was Al-Qaeda/Taliban were based in Afghanistan?
Then when Saddam broke the 1991 CEASE FIRE the 1991 war with Iraq resumed.
It wasn't until the USA beat Saddam and his army and when YOU and your traitor buddies
helped RECRUIT terorists by calling our soldiers who gave candy to kids who blew our soldiers up after you and your terrorist lovers ENCOURAGED THE TERRORISTS TO KILL OUR TROOPS!

Besides you never wanted the USA to win in Iraq! YOU like Reid said it was war was lost!
YOU and Obama were very very happy when you encouraged the terrorists to murder by telling the terrorists like Obama did "troops kill civilians"!
Or you and Murtha so alike in slapping cold blooded killer labels on our troops!

I mean come on... standing here in the safety of the USA and cheering the Terrorists like Kerry did when he called our troops "terrorising the kids and children"! YOU and your ilk were happy !
So sure you and your fellow terrorist cheerleaders were happy watching body bags come back why I bet you secretly LOVED to read the dead lists of US troops didn't you??

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