What Liberals Believe...


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.Many well intentioned folks endorse “Liberalism” without fully understanding what it entails, or its provenance. Not any one piece, but let me show you who you are in the entirety…and you may see why those of us on the right tend to sit agape when you mouth your doctrines.

2. Gareth Davis, a liberal fellow, wrote in “From Opportunity to Entitlement,” the transformation of traditionally New Deal liberalism to the current doctrine of entitlement welfarism, during which “notions of self-help and personal independence…largely disappeared from liberal discourse…In their place came radical notions of income by right,” The new chorus among activists and the liberal elite was to denigrate anyone “who made demands on the poor.”
Gareth Davis, “From Opportunity to Entitlement,” p.3.

a. Entitlement liberalism abandoned the link between work and income.

3. James Coleman identified the style as “conspicuous benevolence,” designed to advertise, as ostensibly as possible, one’s “egalitarian intentions.” James Coleman, Address to the National Association of Scholars, June 19, 1990.

4. A white Boston sociologist, William Ryan, went far further, claiming that any suggestion that the poor bore any responsibility for their plight was a form of ‘blaming the victim’…in fact, his book had that very title. For liberals like Ryan, if one can point to racism, well, then, one need never bear the consequences of one’s deeds: drop out of school? Refuse to hold a job? Father illegitimate children? The guilty party was anyone who did not embrace his position.

a. Poverty, Ryan insisted, had nothing to do with character, skills, or, in fact, any characteristic of the poor themselves.

b. Imagine the Ryan response when James Coleman’s work of social research identified family background as the single most important factor in educational success. He said “Is this or is this not a clear case of blaming the victim?”

5. Welfarists, such as Richard Elman, went so far as to declare that concern about the negative effects of dependency was a mere “bogeyman,” and he insisted that no one should be made to feel bad for feeding at the welfare trough. The very idea of personal responsibility was considered to be discriminatory. He argued that we “must make dependency legitimate” so dependents could “consume with integrity.”

a. Advocates sneered at the idea that the poor should be steered toward gainful employment, rather than welfare” it was wrong to push the poor into “dead end jobs.”

b. Elman actually indicted as narrow-minded, those who wanted the poor “to go the hard route, to be…taxi drivers, restaurant employees…and factory hands….the northern equivalent of the forced labor and debt bondage of the South.”

6. The Columbia poverty intellectuals, Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, “wanted to sever the connection between economic effort and outcome; they wanted, instead, to guarantee a high lever of living as a matter of right.” They said not enough people were on welfare. Actually…their plan was to overload and bankrupt the system, forcing a fundamental realignment of the nation’s economy.

a. Sound familiar? “In fact, since
President Obama took office, federal welfare spending has increased by 41 percent, more than $193 billion per year…. In fact, the dramatically larger increase also suggests that part of the program’s growth is due to conscious policy choices by this administration to ease eligibility rules and expand caseloads. For
example, income limits for eligibility have risen twice as fast as inflation since 2007 and are now roughly 10 percent higher than they were when Obama took office.
Casey B. Mulligan: The Sharp Increase in the Food Stamps Program - NYTimes.com
and http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/PA694.pdf

b/ Seems that in liberal orthodoxy, welfare is more desirable than work.

Some of above from Charles J. Sykes, ”A Nation of Moochers.”

So, my "Liberal" colleagues....these are the ideas and the folks to which you are wedded.
Bet lots of you say 'I don't agree with all of that..."

You might want to rethink the marriage...
Well, what a load of crap.

I see material in quotes that is someone saying what they claim someone else believes.

Oh, I love this quote, "He said 'Is this or is this not a clear case of blaming the victim?'"

What? That is evidence of what this imaginary group of "liberals" believes?

Or this one, "Imagine the Ryan response..." Yes, let's all imagine.

Good god, you couldn't even make up your own bs, you had to quote some one elses bs. Like that makes it more credible.

You are an idiot, unable to tell the difference between reality and your fantasies.

You remind me of Ann Coulter. She sticks in references, that don't support her claims, often being entirely contrary to them.

Oh, that's right, Ann Coulter is your hero. Figures.
It isn't possible to discuss ideas with people who think it's crass to use the scholarly method of citing outside sources to back up your claims. They think every argument is valid based on its emotional content or the emotional response to it...in addition to believing that there is no right or wrong, but only the way one *feels* about such things, that matters. Fact has no meaning to them, and supporting evidence is scoffed at and dismissed as less important than what a person feels about the topic.

It's schizphrenic. Like arguing quantum physics in an insane asylum.
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It isn't possible to discuss ideas with people who think it's crass to use the scholarly method of citing outside sources to back up your claims. They think every argument is valid based on its emotional content or the emotional response to it...in addition to believing that there is no right or wrong, but only the way one *feels* about such things, that matters. Fact has no meaning to them, and supporting evidence is scoffed at and dismissed as less important than what a person feels about the topic.

It's schizphrenic. Like arguing quantum physics in an insane asylum.

Yes citing things that say the opposite of what your saying is supporting your claims. DUmbass
Also citing some random republican saying the same thing you say without an supporting evidence si not supporting what you say its called finding another retard like yoruself
Yeah, I'm sorry that not only are you painfully, hideously backward...

But you don't know PC at all. She doesn't cite things that don't support her argument. She knows 100 percent how to stage an argument, and win it.

And you're an idiot.
Doncha hate it when some idiot says "What liberals think" and then spews the most retarded nonsense. And you think, "anyone who believes this nonsense is brain damaged".

Then you realize it comes from people who think the world is a few thousand years old. Then you go, OOHHHH, I got it.
Well, what a load of crap.

I see material in quotes that is someone saying what they claim someone else believes.

Oh, I love this quote, "He said 'Is this or is this not a clear case of blaming the victim?'"

What? That is evidence of what this imaginary group of "liberals" believes?

Or this one, "Imagine the Ryan response..." Yes, let's all imagine.

Good god, you couldn't even make up your own bs, you had to quote some one elses bs. Like that makes it more credible.

You are an idiot, unable to tell the difference between reality and your fantasies.

You remind me of Ann Coulter. She sticks in references, that don't support her claims, often being entirely contrary to them.

Oh, that's right, Ann Coulter is your hero. Figures.

You poor thing, living under the constant duress of trying to keep up with intellectual superiors, and trying to deal with a world you aren't capable of understanding....

1. Were you actually literate, and able to engage in the kind of study in which educated folks engage, the names mentioned would carry some weight with you.
But such is the state of education of folks like you....

2. Suspecting that many of the liberal persuasion would be in your situation, I provided a clue as to the accuracy of the OP....
...of course, being as perceptive as you are, you missed it.

So, a bit of spoon feeding, it seems, is necessary: reality is defined by actions, rather than by words. Notice that the Obama administration has purposely loosened the requirements for various welfare programs in order to carry out the Cloward and Piven plan, i.e., to enroll more and more in welfare programs.

3. So...let's review.
Whether or not you are familiar with any of the Liberal intellectual elite noted in the OP....you are probably familiar with Barack Obama.

The OP shows that he behaves in accordance with with the Liberal doctrine, aimed at reducing Americans' sense of responsibility.

Was that still over your head?

If so, it serves as proof that you attended a government school.
Look, a nutjob. Fancy meeting you here, star.

why? was she wrong?

people shouldn't make up nonsense and then castigate others for believing the pretend nonsense they made up.

but then again, this board's become oppositeworld, so whatever...

That's what happens when progressives start running the show.

you mean "progressives" like our resident kkk wanna be/birfer and friends?

don't think so.

nice try, though :thup:
I have no idea who you're talking about.

I'm thinking *progressives* who are *progressives*.
Oh, wait.

The book, "From Opportunity to Entitlement" was published in 1996.

Is this the one you mean?

The review says, "Davies traces in telling detail the process by which American liberals in the 1960s moved to the left in their thinking about approaches to dealing with poverty."

So, let's see.....

It is 2012.

The book was written sixteen years ago...

about what happened 52 years ago.

Oh, good reference.
The Casey Mulligan article, from an economics professor at University of Chicago, is dated ..

Oh, look...today!
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Well, what a load of crap.

I see material in quotes that is someone saying what they claim someone else believes.

Oh, I love this quote, "He said 'Is this or is this not a clear case of blaming the victim?'"

What? That is evidence of what this imaginary group of "liberals" believes?

Or this one, "Imagine the Ryan response..." Yes, let's all imagine.

Good god, you couldn't even make up your own bs, you had to quote some one elses bs. Like that makes it more credible.

You are an idiot, unable to tell the difference between reality and your fantasies.

You remind me of Ann Coulter. She sticks in references, that don't support her claims, often being entirely contrary to them.

Oh, that's right, Ann Coulter is your hero. Figures.

You poor thing, living under the constant duress of trying to keep up with intellectual superiors, and trying to deal with a world you aren't capable of understanding....

1. Were you actually literate, and able to engage in the kind of study in which educated folks engage, the names mentioned would carry some weight with you.
But such is the state of education of folks like you....

2. Suspecting that many of the liberal persuasion would be in your situation, I provided a clue as to the accuracy of the OP....
...of course, being as perceptive as you are, you missed it.

So, a bit of spoon feeding, it seems, is necessary: reality is defined by actions, rather than by words. Notice that the Obama administration has purposely loosened the requirements for various welfare programs in order to carry out the Cloward and Piven plan, i.e., to enroll more and more in welfare programs.

3. So...let's review.
Whether or not you are familiar with any of the Liberal intellectual elite noted in the OP....you are probably familiar with Barack Obama.

The OP shows that he behaves in accordance with with the Liberal doctrine, aimed at reducing Americans' sense of responsibility.

Was that still over your head?

If so, it serves as proof that you attended a government school.

None of which changes the fact that your diatribe is all based on "imagine the response..." Yes, let's all imagine that the "Liberal intellectual elite" said....
Doncha hate it when some idiot says "What liberals think" and then spews the most retarded nonsense. And you think, "anyone who believes this nonsense is brain damaged".

Then you realize it comes from people who think the world is a few thousand years old. Then you go, OOHHHH, I got it.

OMG…you are correct! That’s an event that usually accompanies a parting sea or a stone tablet!!!

A first!
Wait...let me go jot this date down.....

"What liberals think" and then spews the most retarded nonsense."

You got it!
What liberals think.....forgive me for not using the term you've used....let's just say the stuff is totally insane.

They want to encourage folks not to work and take care of themselves....
...to rely on bureaucrats to take all of their worries away....
...not to save, invest, strive....

See....contrary to popular opinion...I knew you could do it!

Or....was it the case of a blind squirrel....?

Heck, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Hooray for deanie!
He knows "What liberals think" [is] the most retarded nonsense."
And it's valid because he provided no supporting evidence, aside from his own vapidisms!

A liberal scholar indeed. A lofty thinker. You know he's a real intellectual because he rejects outside sources and just counts on his own thinkisms.

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