What Led to D Support of the Anti-fas?

The antifas look and act like stormtroopers. next look at the gerrymandering of the house and the senate seats that are up pretty much guarantee that Trump will have an historic mid-term victory in 2018. No one in their right mind believes the Russian collusion BS.

That brings me back to back to my title question:

What reasoning, if any, led to D support or even tolerance of the antifas?

What led to you deciding to post horseshit today?
Those who aid and abet Nazis are Nazi sympathizers, by definition.

Most conservatives here aid Nazis by running interference for them. Every time we point out Nazis are bad, they run to help the Nazis by making up fake stories about how liberals are just as bad. That means they're running cover for Nazis, which makes them Nazi sympathizers. They're like the GoodGermans who declared that since a Jew somewhere was bad, the Jews and Nazis were equally to blame for the problems.

The majority of modern American conservatives are now Nazi sympathizers. On this board, it's over 90%. If you ever wondered how someone would have acted in 1930s Germany, just look at how they act now. The kind of people running interference for Nazis now are the same kind of people as the GoodGermans who helped Hitler come to power.
What led the Reps to support Nazis?

Making the statement that there was blame on both sides for the violence isn't supporting Nazis...it's supporting the truth!
That is the line you want everyone to swallow isn't it; NaziKlanners ain't all that bad.

How in any way shape or form does my stating that there was blame on both sides for the violence...equal my saying Nazis or the KKK aren't bad?

It's libturd 'logic' taught to them by the Communist News Network.
Those who aid and abet Nazis are Nazi sympathizers, by definition.

Most conservatives here aid Nazis by running interference for them. Every time we point out Nazis are bad, they run to help the Nazis by making up fake stories about how liberals are just as bad. That means they're running cover for Nazis, which makes them Nazi sympathizers. They're like the GoodGermans who declared that since a Jew somewhere was bad, the Jews and Nazis were equally to blame for the problems.

The majority of modern American conservatives are now Nazi sympathizers. On this board, it's over 90%. If you ever wondered how someone would have acted in 1930s Germany, just look at how they act now. The kind of people running interference for Nazis now are the same kind of people as the GoodGermans who helped Hitler come to power.

Most liberals support the Communist sympathizers...you know....the party that has killed millions of innocent souls....Just like the Nazis.
What reasoning, if any, led to D support or even tolerance of the antifas?
What led the Reps to support Nazis?
Well, I'm happy to provide the obvious answer to both questions: Ideological paralysis.

Both parties have many agreements with each of those fucked up groups, but because each of those fucked up groups make up part of that party's fucked up "base", each party needs to "condemn" that fucked up group while winking at it when no one is looking, and carefully but clearly defend it on internet message boards (Like this one! Yay!).

Isn't it fucked up how similar the two ends of the spectrum are? Isn't it fucked up how obedience to their respective "bases" causes both parties to align themselves with crazed zealots? Isn't it fucked up how our wingers have so obviously chosen ideology over country?
more info , mugshots of antifa , i wonder how many are public school teachers teaching American kids . --- Antifa Thugs Never Want You to See Their Faces. So Let's All Share Their Sad Mug Shots ---

The cops need to cordon off large groups of these shitheads and photograph them.
Then arrest or detain anyone who shows up with a mask in future protests and do a little comparing.

Then put the screws to the shitbirds who are now facing significant charges and long prison terms.
The pussies will sing like a canary
What I find interesting is that obvious brain farts like Obama's Iran deal "Bomb us in 2024/5 and bring out your nukes" are ignored in favor of the Scandal du jour.
The antifas look and act like stormtroopers. next look at the gerrymandering of the house and the senate seats that are up pretty much guarantee that Trump will have an historic mid-term victory in 2018. No one in their right mind believes the Russian collusion BS.

That brings me back to back to my title question:

What reasoning, if any, led to D support or even tolerance of the antifas?

The better question is why do Trump supporters support fascism? Why do you support fascism?
What reasoning, if any, led to D support or even tolerance of the antifas?
What led the Reps to support Nazis?
Well, I'm happy to provide the obvious answer to both questions: Ideological paralysis.

Both parties have many agreements with each of those fucked up groups, but because each of those fucked up groups make up part of that party's fucked up "base", each party needs to "condemn" that fucked up group while winking at it when no one is looking, and carefully but clearly defend it on internet message boards (Like this one! Yay!).

Isn't it fucked up how similar the two ends of the spectrum are? Isn't it fucked up how obedience to their respective "bases" causes both parties to align themselves with crazed zealots? Isn't it fucked up how our wingers have so obviously chosen ideology over country?

The greater promotion of 'wingers' is a fairly new phenomena as the internet provides a vehicle for disparate groups to organize, communicate, protest and riot. This is how BLM , Nazis and Antifa work. The get groups of absolute nutters together and pretend they represent the greater population. The media is more than happy to record their violence because it makes headlines. The Governor of Virginia (IMO) is personally responsible for the gladiator-like spectacle we witnessed in Charlottesville. I believe he WANTED the conflict so he could blame conservatives and, of course, the most hated person in his mind, Trump. Terry McAuliffe has a lot to answer for.
Those who aid and abet Nazis are Nazi sympathizers, by definition.

Most conservatives here aid Nazis by running interference for them. Every time we point out Nazis are bad, they run to help the Nazis by making up fake stories about how liberals are just as bad. That means they're running cover for Nazis, which makes them Nazi sympathizers. They're like the GoodGermans who declared that since a Jew somewhere was bad, the Jews and Nazis were equally to blame for the problems.

The majority of modern American conservatives are now Nazi sympathizers. On this board, it's over 90%. If you ever wondered how someone would have acted in 1930s Germany, just look at how they act now. The kind of people running interference for Nazis now are the same kind of people as the GoodGermans who helped Hitler come to power.

From what I've seen the majority of mainline Conservatives, especially Neo-Conservatives, and the Religious Conservatives tend to be gung ho pro-Israel, and pro-Jewish in general.
Those who aid and abet Nazis are Nazi sympathizers, by definition.

Most conservatives here aid Nazis by running interference for them. Every time we point out Nazis are bad, they run to help the Nazis by making up fake stories about how liberals are just as bad. That means they're running cover for Nazis, which makes them Nazi sympathizers. They're like the GoodGermans who declared that since a Jew somewhere was bad, the Jews and Nazis were equally to blame for the problems.

The majority of modern American conservatives are now Nazi sympathizers. On this board, it's over 90%. If you ever wondered how someone would have acted in 1930s Germany, just look at how they act now. The kind of people running interference for Nazis now are the same kind of people as the GoodGermans who helped Hitler come to power.

From what I've seen the majority of mainline Conservatives, especially Neo-Conservatives, and the Religious Conservatives tend to be gung ho pro-Israel, and pro-Jewish in general.

Talk about a blast from the Past, I've had mamooth on ignore for so long and so few people quote him I forgot he existed. SSE pwning mamo is gimme but done nicely and succinctly.
Those who aid and abet Nazis are Nazi sympathizers, by definition.

Most conservatives here aid Nazis by running interference for them. Every time we point out Nazis are bad, they run to help the Nazis by making up fake stories about how liberals are just as bad. That means they're running cover for Nazis, which makes them Nazi sympathizers. They're like the GoodGermans who declared that since a Jew somewhere was bad, the Jews and Nazis were equally to blame for the problems.

The majority of modern American conservatives are now Nazi sympathizers. On this board, it's over 90%. If you ever wondered how someone would have acted in 1930s Germany, just look at how they act now. The kind of people running interference for Nazis now are the same kind of people as the GoodGermans who helped Hitler come to power.

From what I've seen the majority of mainline Conservatives, especially Neo-Conservatives, and the Religious Conservatives tend to be gung ho pro-Israel, and pro-Jewish in general.

Talk about a blast from the Past, I've had mamooth on ignore for so long and so few people quote him I forgot he existed. SSE pwning mamo is gimme but done nicely and succinctly.
You can't get much more anti-nazi than pro-israel, what snowflakes won't let the fact that it was the Democratic party who's personal leaked emails expose them as sexist, racist, homophobes, and anti-semites.

Obama used us tax dollars to attempt to oust the leader of Israel who is an ally of the United States. That would make Obama anti-israel, which is more in line with the Nazi View.

This doesn't mean Obama is a natzi or Nazi supporter. Obama also said that the future should not belong to those who criticize the prophet of Islam. His comment went hand-in-hand with his financing, supplying, arming, training, protecting, and defending Islamic extremists and terrorists. Supporting Islamic extremists and terrorists, however, does not make him one. It just makes him 'Pro'...
Those who aid and abet Nazis are Nazi sympathizers, by definition.

Most conservatives here aid Nazis by running interference for them. Every time we point out Nazis are bad, they run to help the Nazis by making up fake stories about how liberals are just as bad. That means they're running cover for Nazis, which makes them Nazi sympathizers. They're like the GoodGermans who declared that since a Jew somewhere was bad, the Jews and Nazis were equally to blame for the problems.

The majority of modern American conservatives are now Nazi sympathizers. On this board, it's over 90%. If you ever wondered how someone would have acted in 1930s Germany, just look at how they act now. The kind of people running interference for Nazis now are the same kind of people as the GoodGermans who helped Hitler come to power.

From what I've seen the majority of mainline Conservatives, especially Neo-Conservatives, and the Religious Conservatives tend to be gung ho pro-Israel, and pro-Jewish in general.

Talk about a blast from the Past, I've had mamooth on ignore for so long and so few people quote him I forgot he existed. SSE pwning mamo is gimme but done nicely and succinctly.
You can't get much more anti-nazi than pro-israel, what snowflakes won't let the fact that it was the Democratic party who's personal leaked emails expose them as sexist, racist, homophobes, and anti-semites.

Obama used us tax dollars to attempt to oust the leader of Israel who is an ally of the United States. That would make Obama anti-israel, which is more in line with the Nazi View.

This doesn't mean Obama is a natzi or Nazi supporter. Obama also said that the future should not belong to those who criticize the prophet of Islam. His comment went hand-in-hand with his financing, supplying, arming, training, protecting, and defending Islamic extremists and terrorists. Supporting Islamic extremists and terrorists, however, does not make him one. It just makes him 'Pro'...

Being pro-israel wont protect you from anti-semite accusations, trust me.
What led the Reps to support Nazis?
Provide ACTUAL evidence any such thing happened? You know links and actual statements that support your Bullshit claim.
Of note is that you do not ask that of the other poster. Find your way to sarcasm my partisanshithead friend.
I dont need anything from him it is PUBLIC knowledge that the Dems support antififa. They have said so publicly on TV the radio and in Congress and you ilk have been defensing them as well.
You're a liar.
What led the Reps to support Nazis?
Provide ACTUAL evidence any such thing happened? You know links and actual statements that support your Bullshit claim.
Of note is that you do not ask that of the other poster. Find your way to sarcasm my partisanshithead friend.
I dont need anything from him it is PUBLIC knowledge that the Dems support antififa. They have said so publicly on TV the radio and in Congress and you ilk have been defensing them as well.
I think you're fake military, also. You have zero honor.
You're either for or against the KKK, neonazis and white supremacists.
It's so obvious every Trump whore identifies with their racist brothers.
What led the Reps to support Nazis?
Provide ACTUAL evidence any such thing happened? You know links and actual statements that support your Bullshit claim.
Of note is that you do not ask that of the other poster. Find your way to sarcasm my partisanshithead friend.
I dont need anything from him it is PUBLIC knowledge that the Dems support antififa. They have said so publicly on TV the radio and in Congress and you ilk have been defensing them as well.
You're a liar.
CNN spoke at their rally, attacked Trump supporters...CNN is NOT Pro- 'Conservative / Republican'...
Democrats created the KKK who were basically neo-nazis, white supremacists, descrdent wanna-bes of Hitler's socialist Nazis.
Who do today's KKK, neo-nazis, and White supremacists vote for? Democrats or Republicans?