What kind of President would allow 9.1% inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've owned 3 houses in my life.

Where did the money go? Hookers and blow?
Rent boys rip you off?

Soon I'll be coming into a lot of money, and I'll buy a whole estate with 50+ acres.

And then your hot girlfriend from......Canada, yeah, that's the ticket, will move in.

And your refusal to condemn the ripoff landlords buying properties and raising rents 200%, tells me you're one of them.

Nope. No desire to deal with low class whiners like you.

Disinterested, objective people are unlikely to say what you say.

Lots of real conservatives would say what I say to a whiney baby like you.
1. Got tired of paying for AC repair, refrigerator, termites, window screens. As renters, we let the help take care of those things, at no charge.

2. She's from Mexico, and VERY hot.

3. You're one of them... 0r might as well be.

4. Not hardly, especially if they've been forced to move twice in 3 years. And most blue states have laws banning rent control - it's not a conservative thing.
We’re in recession now?

Damn, it’s the best recession ever!
1. Got tired of paying for AC repair, refrigerator, termites, window screens. As renters, we let the help take care of those things, at no charge.

2. She's from Mexico, and VERY hot.

3. You're one of them... 0r might as well be.

4. Not hardly, especially if they've been forced to move twice in 3 years. And most blue states have laws banning rent control - it's not a conservative thing.

You don't have to tell me you fucked up.
Hey, I've got $83 million coming, but I'm gonna whine like a little bitch about my rent going up.

It's a little big for a t-shirt, but I think you've got a winner there.
I KNOW I've got a winner. Maybe I'll hire you to landscape my 60 acres. Or drive my 62 ft yacht.

And stop bashing the public's right to speak and protest. If it bothers you so much, move to Venezuela.

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