What kind of compromise do you think could get through the senate?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Let's say we give Obama and Reid Their
1.6 trillion dollar tax for people making more than 250k per year.
Wall street reform
A law requiring all corporations bailed out to repay it back within 5 years
A few other things like money to rebuild bridges, streets and modernize our energy grid.

We republicans get
-All welfare scale back to 2005 levels
-Welfare reform requiring some form of education or advancement towards a job to be on it.
-The Bush tax cuts remain in place for the middle class making 50-250k per year.
-SSI reform
-Strengthening the standards to get a house loan. Must be able to afford it.
-A high tariff on all Chinese goods.

and what ever else we really need to break out of this economic mess!
Screw the utilities, they make enough to do their own capital improvements. And screw Maobama unitll he lays out a specific plan for substantial real cuts and not just reductions to proposed increases, he gets no increase in revenue.
Let's say we give Obama and Reid Their
1.6 trillion dollar tax for people making more than 250k per year.
Wall street reform
A law requiring all corporations bailed out to repay it back within 5 years
A few other things like money to rebuild bridges, streets and modernize our energy grid.

We republicans get
-All welfare scale back to 2005 levels
-Welfare reform requiring some form of education or advancement towards a job to be on it.
-The Bush tax cuts remain in place for the middle class making 50-250k per year.
-SSI reform
-Strengthening the standards to get a house loan. Must be able to afford it.
-A high tariff on all Chinese goods.

and what ever else we really need to break out of this economic mess!

I assume the kind of compromise that won't only benefit the extremely wealthy would be a start.
Let's say we give Obama and Reid Their
1.6 trillion dollar tax for people making more than 250k per year.
Wall street reform
A law requiring all corporations bailed out to repay it back within 5 years
A few other things like money to rebuild bridges, streets and modernize our energy grid.

We republicans get
-All welfare scale back to 2005 levels
-Welfare reform requiring some form of education or advancement towards a job to be on it.
-The Bush tax cuts remain in place for the middle class making 50-250k per year.
-SSI reform
-Strengthening the standards to get a house loan. Must be able to afford it.
-A high tariff on all Chinese goods.

and what ever else we really need to break out of this economic mess!

I assume the kind of compromise that won't only benefit the extremely wealthy would be a start.

This wouldn't benefit the extremely wealthy as their taxes would go up(1.6 trillion dollars) and wall street would be reformed. The big corporations that took bail-outs would be forced to pay back.
Screw the utilities, they make enough to do their own capital improvements. And screw Maobama unitll he lays out a specific plan for substantial real cuts and not just reductions to proposed increases, he gets no increase in revenue.

Obama holds the cards, sadly. Still I wouldn't give him the votes in the house without some skin of the free shitters on the line.
Obama should agree to some cuts. Then the real conversation can begin. You've got to throw republicans some kind of bone, otherwise the dems are at fault. Obama's original strategy was of compromise. He should go back to it.

Slash military spending, but still allow it to be extended. That is the GOP's bone.
Screw the utilities, they make enough to do their own capital improvements. And screw Maobama unitll he lays out a specific plan for substantial real cuts and not just reductions to proposed increases, he gets no increase in revenue.

Obama holds the cards, sadly. Still I wouldn't give him the votes in the house without some skin of the free shitters on the line.

You seem to fail to understand that any bill raising revenue is required to originate in the house, so who holds the cards?
Screw the utilities, they make enough to do their own capital improvements. And screw Maobama unitll he lays out a specific plan for substantial real cuts and not just reductions to proposed increases, he gets no increase in revenue.

Obama holds the cards, sadly. Still I wouldn't give him the votes in the house without some skin of the free shitters on the line.

You seem to fail to understand that any bill raising revenue is required to originate in the house, so who holds the cards?

The dems. The Bush tax cuts for the rich are set to expire. The GOP would have to pass a bill and the senate to accept for the president sign, otherwise everyone has their tax rates restored to the Clinton plan. The GOP are far at the bottom of the totem pole.
Obama should agree to some cuts. Then the real conversation can begin. You've got to throw republicans some kind of bone, otherwise the dems are at fault. Obama's original strategy was of compromise. He should go back to it.

Slash military spending, but still allow it to be extended. That is the GOP's bone.

I wouldn't weaken our military with Russia and China building up their military. We may find ourselves needing it. On the other hand I'd pull troops out of the middle east and slash fat. Pulling our troops home and closing bases will allow us to cut a little bit. What needs to be the focus are the RICH and the FREE SHITTERS. The military really isn't the problem and in fact makes a lot of jobs.

I'd charge things from Operational(middle east) to R@D and development to stay ahead of our enemies. Keeping jobs is the goal.
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Obama should agree to some cuts. Then the real conversation can begin. You've got to throw republicans some kind of bone, otherwise the dems are at fault. Obama's original strategy was of compromise. He should go back to it.

Slash military spending, but still allow it to be extended. That is the GOP's bone.

The military really isn't the problem and in fact makes a lot of jobs.

Yes, it is. The military needs HUGE cuts.

Slash military spending, but still allow it to be extended. That is the GOP's bone.

The military really isn't the problem and in fact makes a lot of jobs.

Yes, it is. The military needs HUGE cuts.


There's also a lot of jobs that would be cut. The worse area's we could cut are the military and technology. Giving the free shitters everything is going to turn this country into a failed state.
We need to spend more on real jobs and less to the free shitters.
Technology R@D
Construction of our infrastructure
Modernize energy grid

But we must stop the growth of the free shitters and work on getting them educated. YES, if it doesn't destroy jobs let's tax the fucking rich!
Obama holds the cards, sadly. Still I wouldn't give him the votes in the house without some skin of the free shitters on the line.

You seem to fail to understand that any bill raising revenue is required to originate in the house, so who holds the cards?

The dems. The Bush tax cuts for the rich are set to expire. The GOP would have to pass a bill and the senate to accept for the president sign, otherwise everyone has their tax rates restored to the Clinton plan. The GOP are far at the bottom of the totem pole.

The current rates belong to your dear leader, he signed them into existance and you might want to remember that without the bottom of a totem the rest has no place to stand. So let them all expire if Maobama is more interested in punishing success than doing the right thing, he's been offered other ways to increase revenue but he seems to be stuck on his ideology.
President Obama is offering up $1.6 trillion in revenue increases and $2.4 trillion in spending cuts. So he's already giving up 60% of what the Republicans want, which is more than fair when fairness should actually mean 50-50.

Taxes are going up on the wealthiest 2%. That argument is over. The President's side won it when they won the election carrying every battleground state to victory but one.

The Senate has already passed the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts on 98% of everybody else including small businesses. Every day the House obfuscates on dealing with this as a direct fact of the election outcome is another day wasted for them.

If John Boehner and Mitch McConnell don't want to see sequester cuts biting a chunk out of the defense budget, they'll do what's good for them now instead of carrying on with their dog and pony show.

Some form of the Dream Act appears like it's going to pass and it looks like there are enough Republicans who actually want to cut into the Hispanic vote instead of continuing to tow a line where the GOP is unfriendly to every demographic apart from old white farts.

There ought to be a good $500 billion in corporate welfare cuts made over 10 years, but I think the U.S. government on both sides is too chickenshit to do it. Shame, because big oil and pharma and other multi-nationals don't deserve and don't need the help.

On Social Security, benefits should be significantly cut for people like Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Mitt Romney, and other 1%'ers who don't need them. America's too chickenshit to do that, too.

A true liberal President would walk into the negotiation wanting to repeal the Reagan Tax Cuts on the wealthy, letting taxes on the top 1% go from 35% to 50%. And THEN settle for a compromise where taxes on those folks are 42.5% with incentives and credits only if you invest in job growth in America. Teabagger dingbat know-nothings should be so lucky that this President is a true centrist with a center-right philosophy in the overall when it comes to this stuff instead of being a red-blooded liberal.

I imagine the retirement age will go to 67, which is stupid. How the hell do you ask a career waitress to hold off 2 more years? Or a lifelong construction guy? People with real physical jobs will be penalized by this if it passes.

I imagine the President will scale back unemployment benefits from the 99-weeker people, and it's probably the time to do it with more and more people entering the workforce, even if it's not as fast as we'd like.

There ought to be transaction fees on the Wall Street types for having the privilege of gambling the country's wealth. I fear America is too chickenshit to do that, too.

A liberal President would go into the negotiations calling for a doubling of the capital gains tax from 15% to 30% because folks who only make their money from money should at least pay a tax rate that is comparable to that of a plumber or a secretary. And THEN the liberal President should accept a rate hike of between 5-7%. Again, the Republicans should be so lucky that this President is more of a center-right guy on this stuff than Bill Clinton was (he raised capital gains by over 25% for a few years and then brought it back down).

A bunch of loopholes should close on offshoring the country's wealth and actually being incentivized to do so. I imagine there will be consensus on some of those items on the menu.

There you have it. For some good reading on this stuff, find the Progressive Caucus proposals. It's the best overall deficit reduction stuff coupled with investment and tax reforms around that benefit the most Americans while hurting the least. I say that from a business standpoint, not a political one.
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