What killed Obama's "Occupy" Movement?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
They had the full support of the White House, Pelosi and the LMSM, they had tons of positive press coverage, but somewhere it all went terribly wrong.

What happened?

Did Bloomberg remind Obama how mush of the NYC Economy is dependent on "Wall Street"

Did their Neo-Marxist rantings cause the media to stop covering them? (nah, that can't be it)

Did their vicious anti-Semitic ranting cause the media to turn away?

What happened?

Where did it go off the tracks?
A number of things, drugs, violence, the fact that the occupiers themselves set up classes within the group, and the most damaging, the unending demands for more free stuff. It's hard to take a movement seriously when the are mewling for free condoms.

That, and shitting in the streets sort of turned everyone off.
I didn't know it was Obama's to begin with. I thought it was about ending Banker Occupation of the Economy and Federal Subsidy to Wall Street via the Privately Owned Federal Reserve.

I was all for it until it got co-opted by other movements like Marxism, and the Anti-Capitalists, Anarchists and so forth.
did they go home i dont see much attention by the lame stream media to cover these, what did Pelosi and the Dems call them, true americans? No wait I think Pelosi said that of illegal immigrants?

Anyway why the low coverage of these patriotic people?
They had the full support of the White House, Pelosi and the LMSM, they had tons of positive press coverage, but somewhere it all went terribly wrong.

What happened?

Did Bloomberg remind Obama how mush of the NYC Economy is dependent on "Wall Street"

Did their Neo-Marxist rantings cause the media to stop covering them? (nah, that can't be it)

Did their vicious anti-Semitic ranting cause the media to turn away?

What happened?

Where did it go off the tracks?

Did you happen to catch the gathering yesterday in Philly?

Click on the link below...there is a video in the link. I watched it for awhile...for OWS? It was SOSDD.

‘F–KING NAZI PIGS!’: Take a Peek Inside Occupy’s ‘National Gathering’ in Philadelphia

On the movement’s website, the event is described:
From June 30th to July 4th, the Occupy movement will convene the Occupy National Gathering in the vicinity of Philadelphia’s Independence Mall for a week of direct actions, movement building and the creation of a vision for a democratic future. The National Gathering will kick off with a massive march with Healthcare-Now! in solidarity with their fight for the right to health. On July 5th we will conclude by joining Guitarmy for a 99 mile march from Philadelphia to Wall Street in Lower Manhattan. [Emphasis added]
They are marching for health! As if good health can be given to them. A redistribution of health, where the healthy will have to give up some of their good health to the diseased.

Only the liberal mind could come up with that one.
Dems generally support all protests....Repubs generally despise all protests.
Dems call squatting and destruction of property "protest"....Repubs and TP types generally protest one day then get back to their lives the next.

thats because most of us have jobs to get back to. when u have no job u can sit somewhere and protest all day.

U are correct in ur assessment.
Dems generally support all protests....Repubs generally despise all protests.

Funny I don't remember the left embracing the Tea Party protests. In fact I remember them demeaning and marginalizing them.

I dont know what's funnier; calling the tea party assembly a protest...or believing that protests have corporate sponsors
Pretty weak deflection from the epic slovenliness and unruliness of socialist "protesters".
Funny I don't remember the left embracing the Tea Party protests. In fact I remember them demeaning and marginalizing them.

I dont know what's funnier; calling the tea party assembly a protest...or believing that protests have corporate sponsors
Pretty weak deflection from the epic slovenliness and unruliness of socialist "protesters".

You quoted me then didnt address what I said. Pretty weak deflection indeed

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