What Jesus Would Say If He Were a Synod Father


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
He too would grant divorce “for hardness of heart.” As in the time of Moses. This is how the monk Innocenzo Gargano reinterprets the words of Jesus on marriage. New developments in the discussion,

...But now Fr. Gargano is returning to the field with a new essay, replying to the critics and further developing his exegesis of the words of Jesus on marriage and divorce.

One of the cornerstones of his interpretation is the supposed proximity of Jesus to one strain of Judaism at the time, that of the “moderate Essenes,” who simultaneously took their inspiration from two laws: the stable, eternal one “written in the stars,” predating Abraham and Noah, and the more lenient one of Moses, which instead addressed concrete man and his “hardness of heart.”

On the basis of this background and the statement of Jesus: “I have not come to abolish the law [of Moses] but to fulfill it,” Fr. Gargano writes that he has “come to the conclusion that Jesus did not intend to abolish the repudiation permitted by Moses and even indicated the possibility of using it to reach the objective intended by the Father from the beginning of the creation of man and woman.”

The new essay by Fr. Gargano is written in the form of a letter to the curator of this website. And an extract from it is reproduced below.
What Jesus Would Say If He Were a Synod Father

It's a very interesting read.
Not being Catholic, I don't put much stock in their doctrine or dogma. But the first question I'd ask is, "Why would Christ revert back to the Law of Moses when He Himself put us under a new and better covenant?"

The non jews ie the goyim were never under the law or asked to follow the law, it was given to Jews only not you goyim

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