What is your opinion on Mr Putin?

Putin is a corrupt, authoritarian leader and murderer.
Be very careful how you make the similarities.

I'm very sorry, but how authoritatian leader can be corrupt? People either solve power for money, either buy, but doing it simultaneously?

Tell me who or give me an example of a leader that are authoritarian------ that is not corrupt.

Was Napoleon corrupted?

From 17th century? That far------- how did you know if he is corrupted or not?
Give me something else.

Napoleon was born at 18th century and acting in 19th too. There are a lot of documents, devoted to French revolution and its heroes, including Napoleon.

Wanna else? Ok. Stalin :)

A dictators or rulers like Stalin cannot be proven corrupt or not because they rule the country------ so it's hard to proved without check and balance. But Communism and dictatorship are probably that most corrupt form of government.
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I'm very sorry, but how authoritatian leader can be corrupt? People either solve power for money, either buy, but doing it simultaneously?

Tell me who or give me an example of a leader that are authoritarian------ that is not corrupt.

Was Napoleon corrupted?

From 17th century? That far------- how did you know if he is corrupted or not?
Give me something else.

Napoleon was born at 18th century and acting in 19th too. There are a lot of documents, devoted to French revolution and its heroes, including Napoleon.

Wanna else? Ok. Stalin :)

A dictators or rulers like Stalin cannot be proven corrupt or not because they rule the country------ so it's hard to proved without check and balance.
Communism is p

You can do it after their death. Stalin had nothing...

What is corruption? Corruption is using power of authority to reach targets, non-coordinated with targets of authority. True dictator DEFINES targets for authority. So, he cannot be corrupted. It's a simple logic, like 2+2, and it's a small step to reduce media zombifying and having own opinion.

P.S. I've read definition of corruption in wiki... In according with it EVERY politician is corrupted, just because he has a salary. But if every politician is corrupted, why do we have to use this term in general?
Tell me who or give me an example of a leader that are authoritarian------ that is not corrupt.

Was Napoleon corrupted?

From 17th century? That far------- how did you know if he is corrupted or not?
Give me something else.

Napoleon was born at 18th century and acting in 19th too. There are a lot of documents, devoted to French revolution and its heroes, including Napoleon.

Wanna else? Ok. Stalin :)

A dictators or rulers like Stalin cannot be proven corrupt or not because they rule the country------ so it's hard to proved without check and balance.
Communism is p

1. You can do it after their death. Stalin had nothing...

2. What is corruption? Corruption is using power of authority to reach targets, non-coordinated with targets of authority. True dictator DEFINES targets for authority. So, he cannot be corrupted. It's a simple logic, like 2+2, and it's a small step to reduce media zombifying and having own opinion.

3. P.S. I've read definition of corruption in wiki... In according with it EVERY politician is corrupted, just because he has a salary. But if every politician is corrupted, why do we have to use this term in general?

I pressed send prematurely so I redid my post.

1. Communism is no better than Hitler dictatorship.
2 & 3. A good example are Abacha, Duvalier, Marcos, Suharto, Seko, ------ Putin ---------- Etc Etc Etc
Only honest answers, please. And of course, any comparison with Mr Trump is welcome.

Let me reverse the scenario.
What is there to like and love about Putin?

He has not done any kind of contribution to humanity. He has not shown anything to stop the corruption within his government, Russians are suffering, food prices continue to soar, massive brain drain, populations declining at alarming rate, neighboring countries are nervous from Putin in invasions etc etc etc.

On the side------- white slavery or human trafficking of Russian and Ukrainian women are very high commodities in Asian market but mostly Ukrainian women here in US.

Listen the declarations of european nazi of any sorts, Baltic nazi, Ukrainian nazi and so on... and see, Russians in mass are still alive. "Sufferings", "corruption", "dictatorship" - it's a bla-bla-bla for teenagers. World society don't give to Russia any other variants except fight for survival with leader or without leader. So, what would your choice in my place?

You should blame the leader of your country.

It's a strange thing. Putin - "a dictator" - don't talk me, what to do... You, a representative of "free society" in every message write me "you should", "you must"... Absolutely don't know, what is really happening here, at opposite side of planet. What's strange, I'm voting for freedom from Putin, instead of yours "freedom" where I must to do what you want and to think what you want...

Also ask your neighboring countries why they are so nervous

Asking. Belorussia not so nervious. Kazahstan - not. China - offcourse not. Even North Korea nervious of Trump, not of Putin... So what?

of Putin invasions

Lies. Show me Russian tanks in Baltic countries, or at Ukraine... :) Do you really hidden ultra-communist, justifying the all crimes, performed by Communism?

that beg west for more protections.

They beg wet for more money to upkeep their corruption ultra-nazi regimes... Money of your taxpayers.

I'm not aware of European, Ukrainian or Baltic Nazi. Can you provide me a link?

Probably, you're not aware of them, hiddenly hoping, this guys should decrease "non-white" population of this world...

So back to my original question. What is Putin or Russia's contribution to humanity? Aside from bombing civilians in Aleppo,Syria.

Bombing civilians - a serious crime. Do you have PROOFS, there were a civilians? Especially after murdering a baby in front of camera by actors, falsificated "chemical attack of Assad against civilians"?

White Helmets Video: Swedish Doctors for Human Rights Denounce Medical Malpractice and ‘Misuse’ of Children for Propaganda Aims

You have multi quotes so I have to sent my rebuttal this way.

As far as I know I have a freedom of speech, press, religion, gathering, assembly etc etc. In Russia you get arrested just by expressing your freedom of speech against corruption. You also get arrested or round up just by being a gay.

North Korea better be nervous. But Putin neighbors (with S) are scared from Putin invasions.
Lies? So why are Putin neighbors asking for protections from the west? Why are they stepping away from Putin sides? ------------- It will be like I'm calling the police for protection because I'm scared of my neighbor Putin. US has lots and lots of friends-------- Putin has Iran, Syria, China and some few countries. Are you sure there are no Russian tanks in Ukraine?

Proof of Putin thug killing civilians? They should charge Putin and Assad of war crimes.
Russia/Syria: War Crimes in Month of Bombing Aleppo
As far as the chemical attacks ------- We blamed this on Assad.

So back to my original question----- What is Putin contributions to humanity?
Putin is a corrupt, authoritarian leader and murderer.
Be very careful how you make the similarities.

I'm very sorry, but how authoritatian leader can be corrupt? People either solve power for money, either buy, but doing it simultaneously?

Tell me who or give me an example of a leader that are authoritarian------ that is not corrupt.

Was Napoleon corrupted?

From 17th century? That far------- how did you know if he is corrupted or not?
Give me something else.

Napoleon was born at 18th century and acting in 19th too. There are a lot of documents, devoted to French revolution and its heroes, including Napoleon.

Wanna else? Ok. Stalin :)

Napoleon 17th century----------- My error I was thinking of Georg Niebuhr.
You have multi quotes so I have to sent my rebuttal this way.

As far as I know I have a freedom of speech, press, religion, gathering, assembly etc etc. In Russia you get arrested just by expressing your freedom of speech against corruption. You also get arrested or round up just by being a gay.
Let me answer as a person living in Russia.
I have absolute freedom to speak whatever I think about anything. Those who don't like Putin and his policy a free to speak about it...in kitchen talks, in mass media anywhere.
Press. We have numerous media resources freely showing their disagreement to Putin. We have here free of payment foreign tv-channels (if you wish I may make a photo of my tv screen to prove my words)
Assembly or meeting are not forbidden but if talking about mass meetings it should be approved by local authorities beforehand. That rule take place in almost every country in the world.
Religion. Absolute freedom. We have here a lot of muslims, buddists and non-orthodox christians have their own churches as well - there is catholic one not far from my home.
Arrests for taking part in meetings happen only when one violates the law: either meeting was not allowed or there were some criminal violations against police, other people or some property.
Gays are not forbidden and not being arrested. But propaganda of homosexuality among children is forbidden. As for me I would catch homosexuals and place them into special clinics - them is a disease, affront of human nature and religion values.

So, all those statements you posted about Russia is absolute lie. If you don't believe me I can even invite you to visit me and to see the real picture yourself.
North Korea better be nervous. But Putin neighbors (with S) are scared from Putin invasions.
Lies? So why are Putin neighbors asking for protections from the west? Why are they stepping away from Putin sides? ------------- It will be like I'm calling the police for protection because I'm scared of my neighbor Putin. US has lots and lots of friends-------- Putin has Iran, Syria, China and some few countries. Are you sure there are no Russian tanks in Ukraine?
Putin neighbors...do you mean TriBaltics? All they do is looking for a piece of meat from their master and to get it they loudly cry about Russian threat. NATO was created against the USSR. USSR is over for 25 years but NATO still exists. There were many words about it from Europe. But the USA needs NATO do they have to show a picture that NATO is necessary.
NATO works for globalist's benefit. They occupy a country set loyal government and take control over territory. But recently the only thing they bring is chaos and deaths - Middle East, Ukraine...
What kind of friends does the USA have? They are controlled by the USA and depend from them. USA has more than 800 military bases abroad- that is the reason of such a quantity of your friends.
Russia has only 2. How do you think how many friends would Russia have if we had 100 bases? 200? 800?

As for Ukraine.
I escaped from Ukraine in 2014. I left my business and house there.
Eastern Ukraine was the territory where old Russian tanks kept, those from Eastern Europe. Huge number of them.
Have anyone seen modern tanks in Ukraine? No! Just old T-72, 30-50 years old.
USA can see every inch by satellite why cannot they show Russian army in Ukraine?
Thanks god Russia helps Ukraine by military consultants and many Russian volunteers came to Ukraine. Because Ukrainians exist just 100 years, in fact they are Russians and almost every family in Ukraine has relatives in Russia.
Proof of Putin thug killing civilians? They should charge Putin and Assad of war crimes.
Russia/Syria: War Crimes in Month of Bombing Aleppo
As far as the chemical attacks ------- We blamed this on Assad.

Why shouldn't they charge USA and NATO authorities of war crimes?
ISIS was created by CIA. Rebels supported by USA ate heart of Syrian officer, beheaded 10-years old boy...want to see that video?
Why were so many hysterical articles about Aleppo and almost nothing about Mosul? The only difference is that Aleppo was freed by Syria & Russia while Mosul is freed by Iraq & NATO.
It shows how western propaganda works!
It also proves that in Aleppo West wanted to protect someone fighting on terrorists' side.

Chemicals in Syria? Wait...wasn't it USA who had to eliminate all Assad's chemical weapons in 2013?
Ok. There are many questions about was there chemical attack or not - video posted by WhiteHelmets have a lot of mistakes proving that it was fake (no gloves and masks, wrong treatments, etc)

Western lie about Syria is based on 2 sources: WhiteHelmets who are considered to be terrorists and 1-person organization placed in London SOHR.

So, try to understand who is war crimes?
Those who create war and chaos or those who are widely blamed in mass media?
So back to my original question----- What is Putin contributions to humanity?
In short:
He made Russia wealthy country and is going on building of industry, infrastructure here.
He stopped criminal in Russia.
He stopped war in Chechnya, he prevented war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, he saved piece for people in Crimea.
He stopped dangerous domination of the USA in Middle East which may lead to settling of Shariat law in every Arabic country as they ally Saudi and Qatar wish.
For me personally he saved my life, my wife's and 2 my sons.

Would it be enough for you on my place?
Ha! He had nothing himself. Was very ascetic. Ruling the country and building the industry was everything he was interested in. All his relatives were poor.
Stalin and corruption are opposite poles.

Are you sure comrade?
As for Stalin, yes, i am absolutely sure!

He came to the power in 1924.
USSR by that moment was:
Ruined agreecultural country burnt by civil war all over its territory. No specialists in any spheres- some were killed, some ran abroad some were afraid to show their education and knowledge. No industry at all. No science.
All the world is enemy.
By 1941 most of the population is educated well enough. At least 90% could read and count which allowed them to work at factories. Schools and universities all over the country. Scientists and engineers- some are new educated some came back to Russia. Army is strong enough.
He won Germany in ww2 and freed Europe. While fighting industry was moved from western to eastern and central parts of the USSR - more than 3000 miles.
After the war country is bombed and burnt totally. No help from anywhere but the USA threatens, starting Cold War, invading in Korea who asks for help. China ruined by Japanese askes for help and gets it as well.
By 1953 the USSR is built industry is at top world level, science, education is ok. Space, nuclear achievements etc.

I do confess there were a lot of things I cannot agree to. But I greatly doubt it was possible to get all those achievements without such a strict way of ruling the country.

Stalin was not angel but he was not pure evil as Khrushchev's propaganda said. And Khrushchev himself was far from being so clear.
Stalin and corruption are opposite poles.

The most funny thing I ever heard :). Stalin's stooges were robbing the country from dusk to dawn. You couldn't buy anything in shops so corruption was the center of the system.
Simply think of period when Stalin was ruling. It's 1924-1953.
And try to check the history (a subject you know nothing about) how did the USSR look at that time.
Compare descriptions of the country in 1924 and in 1940; in 1945 and in 1953.
Create a list of achievements of the USSR from 1924 till 1953.
And even the most stupid moron will realize and will have to confess that Stalin was a great leader who had done a lot for the USSR.

Of course it doesn't mean that I justify his crimes. But that were crimes not more or less than those by any leaders of that time in other countries.
Was Napoleon corrupted?

From 17th century? That far------- how did you know if he is corrupted or not?
Give me something else.

Napoleon was born at 18th century and acting in 19th too. There are a lot of documents, devoted to French revolution and its heroes, including Napoleon.

Wanna else? Ok. Stalin :)

A dictators or rulers like Stalin cannot be proven corrupt or not because they rule the country------ so it's hard to proved without check and balance.
Communism is p

1. You can do it after their death. Stalin had nothing...

2. What is corruption? Corruption is using power of authority to reach targets, non-coordinated with targets of authority. True dictator DEFINES targets for authority. So, he cannot be corrupted. It's a simple logic, like 2+2, and it's a small step to reduce media zombifying and having own opinion.

3. P.S. I've read definition of corruption in wiki... In according with it EVERY politician is corrupted, just because he has a salary. But if every politician is corrupted, why do we have to use this term in general?

I pressed send prematurely so I redid my post.

1. Communism is no better than Hitler dictatorship.

You didn't touch both. Hitler's invasion murdered some of my relatives. Communism not.

Welfare state, so good for you - is just an answer for Communism. Without it, you could have capitalism in Jack London style and much more furious.

Do you know, why your propaganda dislike communism? Because it MORE EFFECTIVE economically. Look at China and Vietnam and compare dynamics with US economics...
We know what Republicans think of Putin.

They love him.
They admire him.
They want our leaders to be like him.
What is Putin contributions to humanity?
For me personally he saved my life, my wife's and 2 my sons.
You appear to have an interesting story! Previously, you mentioned that you escaped from Ukraine in 2014 and left your business and house there.
Where was that, in eastern Ukraine?

Why did you need to escape?
How did Putin save your family's lives?

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