What is with Obama and his Logo on EVERTHING?...

He did not add his logo to the Great Seal. A seal modeled on the Great Seal was designed to give a more formal look during certain events. At no point has he proposed changing the Great Seal.

Also, he didn't add his logo to images of the Supreme Court. The phrase "equal justice under law" is engraved on the building, but it's origins are much deeper.

The use of a logo doesn't speak to anything other than the archaic state of most political advertising. Frankly, most campaign literature looks like it could have been made in 1950. Obama's promotional team took a look at modern advertising and branding and developed something. Other candidates are starting to get in on the act too. McCain's graphics were also a big improvement over what we've seen before, but it didn't get much attention because of how much better Obama's where. Looking at the two governor's race this year, both of the Democratic candidates do much better on this design aspect.

Creigh Deeds for Governor | Creating Opportunity in Every Corner of Virginia
McDonnell for Governor | Home

As I told a friend of mine last week, them marketing for Deeds could just as easily be the design for ads for a dairy company.

The design quality is much lower on both sides in New Jersey
Jon Corzine: Working to keep New Jersey working. Help Re-Elect Governor Jon Corzine this November!
Chris Christie for New Jersey Governor
Because he has:

Narcissistic personality disorder

Although most individuals have some narcissistic traits, high levels of narcissism can manifest themselves as a pathological form as narcissistic personality disorder, whereby the patient overestimates his or her abilities and has an excessive need for admiration and affirmation.

Narcissism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or you could actually list the criteria from the DSM IV and illustrate the five hits necessary for diagnosing NPD.

The hallmark of a NPD is a complete lack of empathy. That certainly sounds like someone who wants to extend healthcare to every American.

But hey, playing amature psychologist/psychiatrist is fun, isn't it?

If you are pulling this off the "psychologist" who made up his own diagnoses that Obama has a "malignant narcissistic personally disorder" or some bullshit like that, you should be aware that he's been completely discredited (and he doesn't have a license to practise. That's what happens when you get your Ph.D. form a diploma mill).
Yes, because clearly, putting your logo on personal materials is the same thing as changing the seals of state...

This is a radical concept, but since we live in a consumer driven society, perhaps candidates realize the utility of "logos".

Of course, "W" was above such nonsense.
Yes, because clearly, putting your logo on personal materials is the same thing as changing the seals of state...

This is a radical concept, but since we live in a consumer driven society, perhaps candidates realize the utility of "logos".

Of course, "W" was above such nonsense.
Of course he was...instead he used images of 9/11 as campaign ads.
Looking toward the future, every campaign will have a logo. It's one of those things that once invented, everyone else will copy.
Yes, because clearly, putting your logo on personal materials is the same thing as changing the seals of state...

This is a radical concept, but since we live in a consumer driven society, perhaps candidates realize the utility of "logos".

Of course, "W" was above such nonsense.

Show me some "W" Examples by the (43) Adminstration that Compare to what I have Presented...


Obama uses his "O" like Hitler used the Swastika...

Simple Observation... To Deny it is to be a Lying Hack or a Blind Person.



Hmmmm, maybe it is just "Morning in America". :eusa_whistle:

Good Lord, you couldn't be More NOT with this Discussion...



It was a lame assed topic yesterday and surprise, surprise, it's still a lame assed topic today. Here's a newsflash for you, it will be a lame assed topic tomorrow.

Analysis: Obama takes 'morning in America' mantle - CNN.com

Obama must have asked himself, "what would Reagan do?"
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What's with the (3) Stars?...


I'd have to see links to these logos in action instead of links to a right wing website that hosts anti-Obama items.

Another fail by mal...

Yes, I'd like to see where the administration is using "O" on all the traditional logos too. There are hundreds of Obama items you can purchase, but hey, that's what capitalism is all about, right Mal? Huh? Huh?

Even the Recovery.gov website, which is all HIS, doesn't have an "O" in its logo, unless you consider the circle containing four graphics as something sinister.
Hitler Knew all about that...

Barry puts his "O" on EVERYTHING from the Supreme Court to Bastardization of the Great Seal...

Just as Hitler did.



Yes, because clearly, putting your logo on personal materials is the same thing as changing the seals of state...

He has Added his Logo to Images of the Supreme Court and the Great Seal... I have Shown them on this Thread...

Are you being an Ass, or did you Fail to Read the Thread?...

Did he do "Officially"?... Of course NOT... That's NOT the Point...

It Speaks to who he is that he's the First President that is Represented by a Symbol that he then Uses to Adjust National Symbols with.



Still waiting for proof that HE put the "O" on those things, and not some wholesaler.

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