What is this "alt-right" thingie the left has Dreamt up?


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Every time the dems get their butts kicked, or someone disagrees with them, they come up with new term.

Where do they dream this crap up? So demmies, let's have the FACTUAL, TRUE definition of what this new term you've coined means...

... what is "ALT-RIGHT?"
Every time the dems get their butts kicked, or someone disagrees with them, they come up with new term.

Where do they dream this crap up? So demmies, let's have the FACTUAL, TRUE definition of what this new term you've coined means...

... what is "ALT-RIGHT?"

If you don't believe in open borders, the gay agenda and love your country they consider you alt-right. Well I guess that's what I am.
Too lazy to burn the half a calorie it takes to use google?

Here you go, ya dim bulb.

Too lazy to burn the half a calorie it takes to use google?

Here you go, ya dim bulb.

WTF is that? That doesn't tell me anything.

You can't define it in your own words?

lol, it's perhaps the most prominent alt-right website online, headed by Andrew Anglin. Go ahead, click around....read some of the articles. Educate yourself and stop expecting everyone to spoonfeed you, you lazy fuck.
Too lazy to burn the half a calorie it takes to use google?

Here you go, ya dim bulb.

WTF is that? That doesn't tell me anything.

You can't define it in your own words?

lol, it's perhaps the most prominent alt-right website online. Go ahead, click around....read some of the articles. Educate yourself and stop expecting everyone to spoonfeed you, you lazy fuck.
So you can't define it in your words... got it.


This whole alt-right name game crap is just more leftard BS.
Too lazy to burn the half a calorie it takes to use google?

Here you go, ya dim bulb.

WTF is that? That doesn't tell me anything.

You can't define it in your own words?

lol, it's perhaps the most prominent alt-right website online, headed by Andrew Anglin. Go ahead, click around....read some of the articles. Educate yourself and stop expecting everyone to spoonfeed you, you lazy fuck.
Here is the alt-left website....we're sure your well versed in it being a democrat and all.....

Too lazy to burn the half a calorie it takes to use google?

Here you go, ya dim bulb.

WTF is that? That doesn't tell me anything.

You can't define it in your own words?

Dear 007 how about the Reactionary Right.
We know there is the Reactionary Left.
Well this is their equal and opposite karmic twin.

The Tea Party used to be targeted but that is a specific group, so there has
to be a more GENERAL label that covers a broader sector of people
who aren't actually affiliated with Tea Party or GOP.

It's like it used to be called the Religious Right, which is focused on Christians specifically,
but now it's broader more GENERAL political opposition to leftwing socialistic agenda.
Too lazy to burn the half a calorie it takes to use google?

Here you go, ya dim bulb.

WTF is that? That doesn't tell me anything.

You can't define it in your own words?

lol, it's perhaps the most prominent alt-right website online. Go ahead, click around....read some of the articles. Educate yourself and stop expecting everyone to spoonfeed you, you lazy fuck.
So you can't define it in your words... got it.


This whole alt-right name game crap is just more leftard BS.
See post #6...:lol:
Too lazy to burn the half a calorie it takes to use google?

Here you go, ya dim bulb.

WTF is that? That doesn't tell me anything.

You can't define it in your own words?

lol, it's perhaps the most prominent alt-right website online. Go ahead, click around....read some of the articles. Educate yourself and stop expecting everyone to spoonfeed you, you lazy fuck.
So you can't define it in your words... got it.


This whole alt-right name game crap is just more leftard BS.

lol, ok? It's code for "white supremacists." Basically, it's a group of tech savvy white racists. There are several prominent "leaders" of the moment. In addition to Andrew Anglin, there's also Richard Spencer, who was recently banned on twitter for violating their TOS.
Too lazy to burn the half a calorie it takes to use google?

Here you go, ya dim bulb.

WTF is that? That doesn't tell me anything.

You can't define it in your own words?

Dear 007 how about the Reactionary Right.
We know there is the Reactionary Left.
Well this is their equal and opposite karmic twin.

The Tea Party used to be targeted but that is a specific group, so there has
to be a more GENERAL label that covers a broader sector of people
who aren't actually affiliated with Tea Party or GOP.

It's like it used to be called the Religious Right, which is focused on Christians specifically,
but now it's broader more GENERAL political opposition to leftwing socialistic agenda.
If the TEA party is a group, can you link us to its leader?
Too lazy to burn the half a calorie it takes to use google?

Here you go, ya dim bulb.

WTF is that? That doesn't tell me anything.

You can't define it in your own words?

lol, it's perhaps the most prominent alt-right website online. Go ahead, click around....read some of the articles. Educate yourself and stop expecting everyone to spoonfeed you, you lazy fuck.
So you can't define it in your words... got it.


This whole alt-right name game crap is just more leftard BS.

lol, ok? It's code for "white supremacists." Basically, it's a group of tech savvy white racists. There are several prominent "leaders" of the moment. In addition to Andrew Anglin, there's also Richard Spencer, who was recently banned on twitter for violating their TOS.
Well, Twitter is a pretty fascist alt-left origanization....so....
Too lazy to burn the half a calorie it takes to use google?

Here you go, ya dim bulb.

WTF is that? That doesn't tell me anything.

You can't define it in your own words?

Dear 007 how about the Reactionary Right.
We know there is the Reactionary Left.
Well this is their equal and opposite karmic twin.

The Tea Party used to be targeted but that is a specific group, so there has
to be a more GENERAL label that covers a broader sector of people
who aren't actually affiliated with Tea Party or GOP.

It's like it used to be called the Religious Right, which is focused on Christians specifically,
but now it's broader more GENERAL political opposition to leftwing socialistic agenda.
I see... so alt-right is just the left's new term for REPUBLICANS.
Too lazy to burn the half a calorie it takes to use google?

Here you go, ya dim bulb.

WTF is that? That doesn't tell me anything.

You can't define it in your own words?

Dear 007 how about the Reactionary Right.
We know there is the Reactionary Left.
Well this is their equal and opposite karmic twin.

The Tea Party used to be targeted but that is a specific group, so there has
to be a more GENERAL label that covers a broader sector of people
who aren't actually affiliated with Tea Party or GOP.

It's like it used to be called the Religious Right, which is focused on Christians specifically,
but now it's broader more GENERAL political opposition to leftwing socialistic agenda.
I see... so alt-right is just the left's new term for REPUBLICANS.

Actually no. It's not. They are VERY different from Republicans.

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