What is the problem with allowing Gay Marriages?

Hi Tink:

What is the problem with allowing Gay Marriages?

Seems to me that biggest outcry against it is that marriage is sacred to the religion.

Not hardly!!!! Those of you on the wrong side of this debate are being destroyed and for a myriad of VERY GOOD REASONS. Gay Marriage (sick) is an abomination to YOUR CREATOR and “those who practice such things are WORTHY . . . OF . . . DEATH.” Romans 1:32. The USA is currently divided over this issue, because this once-great country is ‘also’ WORTHY . . . OF . . . DEATH and ‘many’ (Matt. 7:13-14) are on the wide-and-paved road to utter destruction.

O.K. But what does religion really have to do with it? If the country allows gays to marry, I don't see where that right would be forced upon Churches or Synoagues, or Musk (sp) to perform the ceremony.

Since Tink cannot see the differences between ‘right’ (man + woman = holy union) and dead wrong (man + man = abomination), then this constant theme about ‘allowing gay marriage’ keeps raising its ugly head amid your confusion. Since you are obviously LOST and have no clue at all, then allow me to draw you a map:

Man was created in the ‘triune’ image of God (Gen. 1:26-28) who communicates with men through His Three Witnesses from Revelation 1:8 (pic). God’s Three Witnesses are ‘God To Come’ (spirit witness = Lion), ‘God Who Is’ (blood witness = Eagle) and ‘God Who Was’ (water witness/helper = Bull) for which the “Son of God” (Christ = F+S+HS = pic) has the same triune image (Col. 1:15) of the Invisible God. This Adamic Creation was formed in the same exact triune image (pic) like man himself has a spirit (spirit witness), soul (blood witness) and physical body/helper (water witness = pic). The Tabernacle of Moses and the Temple (pic) also have the same exact ‘triune’ image of God, His Word, This Creation, Man himself and all the mystery sets you see in these two charts (here and here).

This ‘triune’ image just happens to be the very same pattern of the “Human Family” (diagram) that “Gay Marriage” (sick) seeks to corrupt and destroy by its very existence in this universe. Trying to join ‘two spirit witnesses together’ is an ABOMINATION to God, His Word, This Creation and every particle of matter groaning in anticipation of putting on the glory of the children of God (Rom. 8:21). Joining two spirit witnesses (like the Father, the heavens, men, etc.) ‘or’ two water witnesses (like the Holy Spirit, the earth, woman, etc.) together equals DEATH 100 percent of the time from the perspective of YOUR CREATOR. Period!!!! The reason we see this abomination cropping up among many depraved souls is because ‘you are gods’ (Ps. 82:6, Jn 10:34) and you have already been condemned by God in His Infinite Realm (far left) where your ‘foolish heart was darkened’ (Rom. 1:21*) in the first place. You have already ‘exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures' (Rom. 1:23*), so that God Himself turned you over in the lusts of your hearts to impurity, so that your bodies would be dishonored among you. Romans 1:24*. You would join together what God Himself has put asunder, because all of these things have been done before (Ecc. 1:9-11) and these ‘desolations are determined’ (Dan. 9:26). I say, "Bring all the abominable homosexuals out of the closet, so you can parade your ‘indecent acts’ (Rom. 1:27*) before God, His Living Word, our children and grandchildren, and the assembly of God’s Mighty Angels, because God’s wrath and condemnation shall be upon you forever and ever and ever in the ‘lake of fire’ (Rev. 21:8) where all of you belong."

No! No! and NOOOO!!! A true homosexual has NEVER BEEN BORN (my topic). What you have is heterosexual males and females ‘choosing’ to change their ‘sexual orientation’ AND trying to gain ‘special rights’ granted to NOBODY by our Creator!!! All of these professing ‘gay folks’ have exactly one heterosexual father and exactly one heterosexual mother like their father and mother and theirs, so on and so forth from the very beginning. The fact that these depraved souls want to commit indecent acts with those of the ‘same sex’ has NOTHING to do with marriage and NOTHING to do with procreation, and NOTHING to do with the Lord our God. Period. The next thing we know, then people want to marry their dogs, cats and monkeys . . .

The fact that Tink has no understanding of our Creator, or His Living Word, or this Creation is a completely different topic from God-fearing Christians signing up to give homosexuals the right to marry members of the same sex!! Let me make this simple: "Those who practice such things are WORTHY OF DEATH" (Rom. 1:32) and those among you siding with these Abominations against the Creator are worthy of the same death. Period.

Do we not live in a country that seperates Church from state?

You live in a godless country doing everything to separate itself from THE CREATOR in the same way you carried on this way in God’s Infinite Realm ‘and’ in the battle between Michael the Archangel and the your father the Dragon in Heaven (Rev. 12:7-9 = diagram). Again, there are no homosexuals in the coming Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven, because the “Every morning I will destroy all the wicked from the land, So as to cut off from the city of the Lord all who do iniquity.” Ps. 101:8.

Can someone explain it to me?

Yes, and using diagrams, but you will continue down the same wide road (Matt. 7:13-14) no matter what anyone says . . . being ‘judged already’ (John 3:18).



You live in a Godless country. I live in a country that allows many folks to decide their own truths when it comes to God and live by them. Basically the same way God would want it. Considering God gave mankind ability to chose how they live their lives. If he hadn't intended for choices, you would have been created in the likes of a Animal that lives strictly by natural instinct and very little thought. Your creator isn't my creator.
The problem is that if God created them that way and it's ok then you have to justify ALL behaviors under the same principle. Are you ready to let pedophiles do as they please because God created them that way? How about murders? How about every behavior we have a law against? Are they ALL justifiable because God created them that way?

Actually - i don't believe they were born that way, the God created them that way. There was a new report that came out recently where scientists have been studying this. They reported that they found NO GENE that would attribute to people being born gay. That means...it happened later in their life that they CHOSE this lifestyle. If they were born this way, then many of the gay people would have a common gene pointing to this. So sorry...don't tell me God made them this way.

It's not my argument, so you can refocus your rebuttal at the Libs.

sorry if i sounded like i was attacking you, i wasn't really. It was actually directed at the Libs and others that seem to think anything goes, and keep saying that God made them that way....i'm so sick of hearing that! And now that i look back, i "quoted" the wrong person :)...sorry!
Sodomites are mentally ill

To allow them to marry is accepting their sickness as normal.

Homos should be rounded up and put in institutions for treatment.

I don't believe it to be a sickness, I truly believe they were born that way.

I noticed you called them sodomites, so you must be talking from a religious aspect, if you are... isn't God the creator? Didn't God create them as much as he did you? Are they Gods children? And if they are committing acts against God, shouldn't that judgement that they are be made by God and not mankind?

The problem is that if God created them that way and it's ok then you have to justify ALL behaviors under the same principle. Are you ready to let pedophiles do as they please because God created them that way? How about murders? How about every behavior we have a law against? Are they ALL justifiable because God created them that way?

You use a bad comparrison to what I stated. Homosexuality between two grown adults, differs tremendously from Pedophilia. As it is based on adult consent. And no one is being hurt in the process. Can you find another example to make your point?
Actually - i don't believe they were born that way, the God created them that way. There was a new report that came out recently where scientists have been studying this. They reported that they found NO GENE that would attribute to people being born gay. That means...it happened later in their life that they CHOSE this lifestyle. If they were born this way, then many of the gay people would have a common gene pointing to this. So sorry...don't tell me God made them this way.

It's not my argument, so you can refocus your rebuttal at the Libs.

sorry if i sounded like i was attacking you, i wasn't really. It was actually directed at the Libs and others that seem to think anything goes, and keep saying that God made them that way....i'm so sick of hearing that! And now that i look back, i "quoted" the wrong person :)...sorry!

So basically are you saying God isn't the creator of all? Just the hetrosexual folks?
It's not my argument, so you can refocus your rebuttal at the Libs.

sorry if i sounded like i was attacking you, i wasn't really. It was actually directed at the Libs and others that seem to think anything goes, and keep saying that God made them that way....i'm so sick of hearing that! And now that i look back, i "quoted" the wrong person :)...sorry!

So basically are you saying God isn't the creator of all? Just the hetrosexual folks?

No, i never said that. God created ALL of us, everything, and he created us in his image. I'm saying there is no such thing as a gene that makes a person gay. Everyone is born a man or a woman as God planned. It's that man or woman that makes their own decisions, decides how their lives will be lived. That's what God gave us all - the right to our own decisions. We don't always make the right ones!
sorry if i sounded like i was attacking you, i wasn't really. It was actually directed at the Libs and others that seem to think anything goes, and keep saying that God made them that way....i'm so sick of hearing that! And now that i look back, i "quoted" the wrong person :)...sorry!

So basically are you saying God isn't the creator of all? Just the hetrosexual folks?

No, i never said that. God created ALL of us, everything, and he created us in his image. I'm saying there is no such thing as a gene that makes a person gay. Everyone is born a man or a woman as God planned. It's that man or woman that makes their own decisions, decides how their lives will be lived. That's what God gave us all - the right to our own decisions. We don't always make the right ones!

This is where I don't understand your reasoning on choice. Why would someone chose a life a ridicule, persecution and biased perceptions against them? Homosexuals have been around for ages, and for ages they have been persecuted for being so. How you can honestly think anyone freely choses a life like that is hard for me to understand. Wouldn't it just be easier for them to do it "your way" and play what you believe to be normal?
Homosexuality is a vile and filthy abomination.Romans 1:26-32.Every nation that recognizes homosexuality as innocent secondary lifestyle will be doomed for Hell.Gays are perverts who described as natural brute beasts.Marriage is the institution joined by God between one man and one woman for a lifetime till death they part.God doesn't join fags in matrimony,because they are abomination before His Presence.Gay marriage must be on prohibition for life,period.
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Homosexuality is a vile and filthy abomination.Romans 1:26-32.Every nation that recognizes homosexuality as innocent secondary lifestyle will be doomed for Hell.Gays are perverts who described as natural brute beasts.Marriage is the institution joined by God between one man and one woman for a lifetime till death they part.God doesn't join fags in matrimony,because they are abomination before His Presence.Gay marriage must be on prohibition for life,period.

So you base your opinion strictly on religion. You have yet to answer how homosexual marriage will effect you personally.
sorry if i sounded like i was attacking you, i wasn't really. It was actually directed at the Libs and others that seem to think anything goes, and keep saying that God made them that way....i'm so sick of hearing that! And now that i look back, i "quoted" the wrong person :)...sorry!

So basically are you saying God isn't the creator of all? Just the hetrosexual folks?

No, i never said that. God created ALL of us, everything, and he created us in his image. I'm saying there is no such thing as a gene that makes a person gay. Everyone is born a man or a woman as God planned. It's that man or woman that makes their own decisions, decides how their lives will be lived. That's what God gave us all - the right to our own decisions. We don't always make the right ones!

Perhaps it isn't genetic, but a spiritual force that drives it? What if your god made their spirits that way or perhaps put their spirits in opposing bodies to test your tolerance?
Homosexuality is a vile and filthy abomination.Romans 1:26-32.Every nation that recognizes homosexuality as innocent secondary lifestyle will be doomed for Hell.Gays are perverts who described as natural brute beasts.Marriage is the institution joined by God between one man and one woman for a lifetime till death they part.God doesn't join fags in matrimony,because they are abomination before His Presence.Gay marriage must be on prohibition for life,period.

So you base your opinion strictly on religion. You have yet to answer how homosexual marriage will effect you personally.
You folks are not aware of dangerous gay agenda especially with pasage of same-sex marriage recognition.It is kids adoption by fag couples and pushing their brainwash at elementary schools down our kids throats.Massachussets is a perfect tragic example.The elementary schools throughout this state forced the kids to learn a psychotic fairy tale about two fag kings of tale kingdoms who fell in love and got married.Poor parents sued those schools,but court judge denied their petitions.Think it over.
Homosexuality is a vile and filthy abomination.Romans 1:26-32.Every nation that recognizes homosexuality as innocent secondary lifestyle will be doomed for Hell.Gays are perverts who described as natural brute beasts.Marriage is the institution joined by God between one man and one woman for a lifetime till death they part.God doesn't join fags in matrimony,because they are abomination before His Presence.Gay marriage must be on prohibition for life,period.

Hell. Is that where Santa Claus lives? :cuckoo:

It is vile to give your wife oral. Roman 69.

Jesus never said anything about gays. Imagine that. But he did warn about other sins, that you do. You're going to "hell".
Homosexuality is a vile and filthy abomination.Romans 1:26-32.Every nation that recognizes homosexuality as innocent secondary lifestyle will be doomed for Hell.Gays are perverts who described as natural brute beasts.Marriage is the institution joined by God between one man and one woman for a lifetime till death they part.God doesn't join fags in matrimony,because they are abomination before His Presence.Gay marriage must be on prohibition for life,period.

Hell. Is that where Santa Claus lives? :cuckoo:

It is vile to give your wife oral. Roman 69.

Jesus never said anything about gays. Imagine that. But he did warn about other sins, that you do. You're going to "hell".
Jesus gave commandments through His servant Apostle Paul in Romans 1:26-32,also Paul warned us in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 about adulterers,homosexuals,whores,greedy,criminals,and drunks.
The "only" thing i have against gays is their lifestyle. Yes, it is because i have faith in God and He's the one that matters. But, as regular everyday people, as co-workers, friends, i don't have anything else against them. I have friends that are gay, they know how i feel. But i don't condemn them for it. In God's eye's a sin is a sin, and i am also sinful in some ways in my life. All of us are. God looks at people being gay the same way he looks at me for smoking, or drinking, or a murderer or rapist. It doesn't matter what kind of sin you do, it's still a sin. There is absolutely nobody in this world that hasn't or isn't sinful in some way.
As for gays being "married"...no i don't believe they should be. Marriage is defined in the Bible as between a man and woman. It's been this way forever. I don't believe this should be changed to accomodate another group of people. After that, the real sicko's out there that want to do it with their animals are going to try to get that approved too. where will it stop then?
Ya, i'm rambling. I'm trying to describe why i feel the way i do. I'm not here to argue with people or to change anyones mind. God loves them just as much as he loves all of us. But He doesn't always like the things we do! :) God Bless!
Homosexuality is a vile and filthy abomination.Romans 1:26-32.Every nation that recognizes homosexuality as innocent secondary lifestyle will be doomed for Hell.Gays are perverts who described as natural brute beasts.Marriage is the institution joined by God between one man and one woman for a lifetime till death they part.God doesn't join fags in matrimony,because they are abomination before His Presence.Gay marriage must be on prohibition for life,period.

So you base your opinion strictly on religion. You have yet to answer how homosexual marriage will effect you personally.
You folks are not aware of dangerous gay agenda especially with pasage of same-sex marriage recognition.It is kids adoption by fag couples and pushing their brainwash at elementary schools down our kids throats.Massachussets is a perfect tragic example.The elementary schools throughout this state forced the kids to learn a psychotic fairy tale about two fag kings of tale kingdoms who fell in love and got married.Poor parents sued those schools,but court judge denied their petitions.Think it over.

How about the dangerous hertrosexual agenda? How many children suffer at the abuse of hetrosexual parents verses homosexual ones? Can't even compare considering the abuse statistics, and the amount of homosexuals that are allowed to adopt. So don't give me save the kids argument here, since most of the kids suffer from hetrosexual parents then homo ones. Personally, I would have hoped those five kids that were put into foster care with a hetrosexual couple, that starved them, beat them and left them in cages the size used for dogs for days and night (that left two 14 year old twins weighing 80 lbs each)(, would have had a chance at a loving home with "two Fags". You worried about the kids, then best you worry about the vagina/penis folks that destroy them more then the penis on penis, or vagina on vagina folks do.
sorry if i sounded like i was attacking you, i wasn't really. It was actually directed at the Libs and others that seem to think anything goes, and keep saying that God made them that way....i'm so sick of hearing that! And now that i look back, i "quoted" the wrong person :)...sorry!

So basically are you saying God isn't the creator of all? Just the hetrosexual folks?

No, i never said that. God created ALL of us, everything, and he created us in his image. I'm saying there is no such thing as a gene that makes a person gay. Everyone is born a man or a woman as God planned. It's that man or woman that makes their own decisions, decides how their lives will be lived. That's what God gave us all - the right to our own decisions. We don't always make the right ones!

You're right.......there is no SINGLE gene that makes a person gay, just like there is no single gene that determines your race. It's a combination of several, and scientists have proven that they exist, and if they come together in a certain way, well......just like there are afro-Americans with green eyes and straight hair, well.....there are also gay people who are that way because of the combinations of their genes.

Try again.

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